;; Ekee's charsheet ;; ;; [yandros:96/05/11-03:32:28-EST] Ekee Ud'Raan Female Half Elf Psioncist 3 / Thief 1 Neutral Good Brown Hair, Green eyes Age: 19 Height: 5' 10" Weight: 101 lbs Infravision 60ft Str:11, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 20, Wis 19, Cha 13 HP: 20 PSP: 59 AC: 7 (dex) MAC: -1 Thaco: 19 MThaco: 15 Weapon Prof: Dagger, Singing Sticks Nonweapon : Mental Armor x2 , Bargain-17, Contact 19, Dancing 17, Disguise 12, Fast Talking 13, Info Gathering 20, Crystal Focus 18, Orienteering 19, Rejuvination 18, Singing 13, Survival 20, Elven (S), Trade Tounge (S), Common/Human (SRW), Read/Write Common/Human Saves: PPD 13 RSW 15 PP 12 BW 16 Spell 15 Modifiers: Wisdom Bonus +4, Dexterity Bonus +3, Enc/Chm Spell +2 Thief Abilities (modified for no armor): PP:50 OL:20 FRT:05 MS:35 HS:35 DN:25 CW:70 RL:0 FD:17 Br:-5 EB:25 Backstab x2, Scroll Use as Thief Psionic Abilities: (MAC -1, Mthaco 15, PSP 59) Animal Affinity (Wyvern), Metamorphosis, Alter Features, Cell Adjustment, Chameleon Power, Heightened Senses, Reduction, Dimension Walk, Phase Psi Attacks: Ego Whip, Id Insinuation Psi Defense: Mind Blank, Intellect Fortress Cystal Focus on Phase => +1 to checks w/phase Special Equipment/Equipment of Note: Map, Disguise Kit, Scroll Case, Massage Oils, Hollow Heel Boots