Problem Set 5: Antichess
6.170 Handout 24; Handed out on March 15, 1994; Due on various dates: see below
Note: This document has been amended.
Your final project is to design, build and test a program that plays
antichess. You will work in teams of three or four. All
members of a team will get the same grade, except in unusual
circumstances. If your group is experiencing internal problems, see
your TA immediately.
Section 2 of this handout describes the deliverables that are
Section 3 gives the requirements specification including a description
of the antichess game and some interfaces.
Section 4 gives some use some useful suggestions.
What To Hand In
The due dates for the various deliverables are:
April 5th Initial Design Document
April 14th Progress Report
April 20th,21st Oral Presentation
May 5th Final Report -- due at 4:30 pm
May 9th Demonstration
May 11th Optional Tournament
Design Document, Due April 5th
Your first task is to write a design document, the foundation on which
your project will build. It should have the following sections. (The
numbers in parentheses are suggested lengths; don't exceed them
without good reason.)
- Revised requirements specification (2 pages)
To begin your design, you need to carefully examine the requirements
specification given to you by your customer (the 6.170 staff). As
is typical of customer requirements, the specification is incomplete
and may contain inconsistencies or ambiguities. You need to debug
the requirements specification, resolving any ambiguities or
inconsistencies and filling in missing details. (In particular, you
need to define a user interface for the program!) The resulting
revised specification should make clear to your customer what you
think the completed program should do.
- Module dependency diagram (1 page)
Use a module dependency diagram to introduce the overall structure of
your program. Include just the major modules for clarity.
- Schedule (1/2 page)
Perhaps most crucial to the success of your project is the plan by
which you will complete it on time. The project schedule should
describe what each member of the team will do. It should have a
list of milestones and an equitable division of labor. (A milestone
says what you expect to be done by some date, such as a tested
module or a working feature--an achievement that is objective, easy
to evaluate and significant.) You can choose how to divide tasks
between team members; you could appoint a tester, a documenter and a
coder, for instance, or you could allocate modules to team members.
include concrete goals that you will achieve by the final due date.
How well you meet these goals will affect your grade on later stages
of the project, so don't be overly ambitious. On the other hand,
plan to make good progress so that you can finish the project on
- Design overview and rationale (1 page)
Describe the major modules and explain why they were chosen
(e.g. for ease of implementation, validation and/or maintenance).
Describe any important design decisions that cannot be isolated to a
single type or operation, including decisions to reject
Think about any changes that the customer may later require. Argue
about the extensibility of your design--how easily new
features can be added. Your design should be simple and
well-structured, so that it will be easy to make modifications and
additions. Count On Our Demanding Several Such Changes.
- Partial module specifications (10 pages)
Describe the modules of your program by giving specifications for
them. Specifications of abstract types should include an overview
and specifications for the important operations.
Progress Report, Due April 14th
Your next deliverable is a progress report which describes any changes
to the initial design and shows some tested, working code. You should
include the sections of your design document with any changes in your
design, work schedule, or assignment of responsibilities clearly
In addition, include the following sections:
- Implementation Overview (5 pages)
For each cluster give the rep (and, if unusual, a reason for choosing
it), an abstraction function and a rep invariant. Give algorithms for
operations for which an implementation does not immediately spring to
mind. Mention any particular problems you anticipate.
- Validation Strategy (1 page)
Describe how you intend to find and remove bugs from your program.
It's up to you to decide how to make your program as bug-free as
possible; you'll need to use several techniques such as compile-time
checks, run-time assertions, reasoning about your code, testing, etc.
You might want to use different techniques at different stages in the
development, or on different modules.
- Code
About a quarter of the code should be written and tested by the end of
the design phase. The purpose of early coding is to catch errors in
the design, so try to code the modules that seem hardest or whose
specs are unclear.
- Evidence Of Validation
Show test runs, bug reports, etc. Tests should not be run in the
debugger, but from a specially prepared file.
Oral Presentations, On April 20th And 21st
This is another progress report, but this time presented orally to
your TA. It should have similar content to your first progress
report, with emphasis on your design and implementation strategy. All
team members need not speak, but all should attend. Your team will be
graded on the quality of the presentation, and you'll get suggestions
on how to proceed in finishing your project.
Final Report, Due May 5th
Submit a final report describing your design and implementation, in
the same format as the progress report. Note the revisions you have
The final report is due by 4:30 pm. Because of end of term
constraints, late assignments will not be accepted; hand in what you
Demonstrations, On May 9th
Demonstrate your working program for your TA. This is also your
opportunity to respond to criticisms of your final report.
Tournament, On May 11th
Each team may submit a program to participate in a single elimination
antichess tournament. The tournament is optional, and will not affect
your grade in any way. All students are welcome to attend and
participate in the festivities. A nominal prize will be given to the
winner. Additional information will be provided in a later handout.
Requirements Specification
The Game: Antichess
Antichess is a variant of chess in which the goal is to get rid of
one's pieces. Here we describe how antichess is different from chess;
the rules for chess are listed in Appendix A.
Player A wins the game against player B if:
- all pieces of A except for the king are taken, or
- player B checkmates player A.
The moves in Antichess differ from those in chess in that a player is
forced to take the opponent's piece whenever that is possible.
That is, if it is A's turn to move, and a piece of A is attacking a
piece of B, then A must take that piece. If A can take several
pieces of B, then A is free to choose the piece to take.
The king is special in that the foremost obligation of each player is
to move the king out of a check. This overrides the rule to take the
opponent's piece. However, if it is possible for a player to remove
the king from check as well take a piece of the opponent, then the
player must do so.
As an example, suppose player A's king is under check from B's queen.
Further, suppose A has two choices to move away from the check: move
the king away or take B's queen. In this case, A must take B's
In short, each move of player A must observe the following:
- If A's king is under check, move it out of check.
- If A can take one of B's pieces, then it must (unless disallowed
by the previous rule).
For simplicity, some special moves in chess have been changed as
follows in our version of antichess:
- A pawn cannot move by two squares at the beginning.
- Castling is not allowed.
- En passant capture is not allowed.
- When a pawn moves to the last row on the opposing side, it turns into
a queen. (In normal chess, such a pawn can be turned into any piece of
the player's choice.)
We shall play antichess with time restrictions, as is often the case
in chess games. Each player is allocated a fixed amount of time to
make all the moves in, say, 5 minutes. To this effect, there is a
clock for each player that is set to 5 minutes at the start of the
game. If it is player A's turn to move, A's clock will count down
until the move is made. While it is B's turn to move, A's clock is
suspended. If a player's clock runs down to zero while the game is in
progress, the player loses. This ensures that the game is over in
less than 10 minutes, because by then at least one of the clocks would
have run down to zero.
The Player/Referee Interface
The program is divided into two distinct parts: the machine player and
the referee. The referee is responsible for maintaining the human
interface: drawing the screen and reading keyboard and mouse input.
It is also responsible for setting up the board, informing the players
when it is their turn, fetching moves from the players, and keeping
time. Your referee will allow a human to play against a machine
player. The human will play white, and the computer will play black.
The machine player will play the game against the user. It will
receive updates on the state of the game from the referee, and choose
a move on its turn. We will provide you with CLU abstractions
defining the interface between referees and machine players. This
interface will allow different machine players to be mixed and matched
easily. At the end of the term, we will have a tournament in which
the machine players implemented by students will play each other using
a referee provided by us.
User Interface
Your referee will be responsible for drawing an up-to-date board. We
have provided you with the {\tt window} abstraction to create an
X-based interface. The abstraction is listed in
/mit/6.170/ps5/src/window.spc. It allows the user to draw
items like rectangles, buttons, and bitmaps on a window, and reports
events like button-press, type-ins, and mouse-clicks.
Your referee should also keep up-to-date displays of the following
information (the format and layout of this information is up to you):
- Player names, and the colors they are playing (black or white)
- Whose move it is next
- Time remaining on each player's clock. The time should be updated
at the end of each move (we do not expect you to update the time
during the moves.)
- Any other status information.
Your referee should accept typed input. This will allow the human
player to specify the move. The human player may type in a move of
the form: Column1Row1-Column2Row2 (e.g. a1-b2). The columns are
numbered 'a' to 'h' from left to right. The rows are numbered 1 to 8
from bottom to top.
Feel free to provide the user with other methods of entering moves,
such as using the mouse.
In addition to moves, the referee must accept a number of commands for
controlling the configuration and play of the game. Your design team
must choose and document the method by which the user can input
commands. For example, the slash (/) could bring up a list
of possible commands, and the user could then type the first letter of
the desired command. Other possible interfaces might make use of the
The commands recognized by antichess are:
- Set the name of the current players. (Each player's name is printed
with their score and remaining time.)
- Set the amount of time that a specified player has.
- Save the current game into a file whose filename is specified by the
user. The game continues after being saved. The format of the file is
given in the Game File Format section.
- Replace the current game with the game saved in a file specified by
the user.
- Terminate current game and start a new one.
- Terminate current game and exit program.
The machine player should play more skillfully at a higher level than
at a lower one. Apart from this requirement, your program will not be
graded on the absolute level of the skill exhibited by your machine player.
You should employ heuristics in your program to make it intelligent, but do
not get bogged down in this process.
Game File Format
The figure below describes how antichess saves games into files.
The fields in the file are:
- <next-turn-color> indicates which color moves next after the
board is loaded (B or W).
- <timeleft> is two numbers indicating the number of seconds
left on each player's clock (white player first).
- <board> describes the contents of each of the
squares on the board. The first <piece> in the first
<row> corresponds to square A1 on the display, and
the last <piece> in the last <row>
corresponds to square G7. An empty square is denoted by a hyphen,
black pieces by lower case characters, and white pieces by upper
case characters. (P/p = pawn, K/k= king, Q/q= queen, R/r= rook, B/b
= bishop N/n = knight)
<game-file> ::= <next-turn-color> newline
<timeleft> newline
<next-turn-color> ::= B | W
<timeleft> ::= <real> <real>
<board> ::= <row> <row> <row> <row> <row> <row> <row> <row>
<row> ::= <piece> <piece> <piece> <piece> <piece> <piece> <piece> <piece> newline
<piece> ::= - | P | p | K | k | N | n | R | r | Q | q | B | b
Figure. Game File Format
As an example, the following figure shows the load file for the
initial board configuration. Time left for each player is 5 minutes.
In conventional chess layout, the white pieces are in the bottom two
rows and black pieces in the top two.
300.0 300.0
Figure. Load File for Initial Configuration
The Player/Referee Interface Specification
We have provided the specifications for the interface between the
referee and the machine player. All of the interaction between the
referee and the machine player must use this interface. You may
not amend these specifications. If you have a problem with them, speak
to your TA.
This interface makes use of the standard string format for the board and a
move. The standard format for a board is the same as the load file
format. The standard format for a move is the five-character string
described in the "Moves" Section above, such as a1-g7.
Machine Player Interface
(Some text omitted because it wasn't given to us in .tex form. Grrr.)
% A machine player is a mutable data type reflecting the state and
% strategy of a player in a game of antichess.
options = null
machine_player = data type is create, get_name, set_options, reset, make_move
create = proc (opts: options) returns (machine_player)
% Effects: Returns a new machine player with the given options set.
get_name = proc (p: machine_player) returns (string)
% Effects: Returns a string name for the machine player.
reset = proc (p: machine_player, board: string, opts: options)
% Requires: board is a string representing a valid board.
% Modifies: p
% Effects: p is modified to reflect the new board and options (opts)
% preparatory to beginning a new game.
set_options = proc (p: machine_player, opts: options)
% Modifies: p
% Effects: Reconfigures p's options.
make_move = proc (p: machine_player, opponent_move: string,
timeleft: real, opponent_timeleft: real)
returns (string) signals (error(string))
% Requires: opponent_move is a string representing a valid move
% by the opponent.
% Modifies: p
% Effects: Returns the next move of p, given the opponent's move
% (opponent_move), the time left for p (timeleft), and
% the time left for the opponent (opponent_timeleft).
% (Note that p might take longer than timeleft, but then
% it stands to lose the game.)
end machine_player
Design Matters Most
A good design will save you a lot of time later; it's well known that
a small mistake made early in a project can become a big problem if
it's not caught until much later. Think of the design as the major
part of the project, and do it very carefully, trying to anticipate
problems that may arise. Then your actual implementation will be more
straightforward, and more fun.
Validation shouldn't be an afterthought; you may choose a design because
its implementation will be easier to test.
Don't Overdocument
Carefully worded amendments will save you the trouble of rewriting
portions of the design. The final report is not a museum piece, so
don't get carried away.
Don't include any redundant material. For example, there's no need to
explain the difference between black-box and glass-box testing; just
indicate which of your test cases fall in each category.
Incomplete documentation is better than no documentation at all. So
when you're writing your code, if a potential problem or subtlety occurs
to you, but you don't have time (or are unable) to formulate it
properly, then just add a draft of a comment and mark it as such.
Later, if you have time, you can go back and fix it.
Being rigorous is not the same as belaboring the obvious. You can assume
that your TA knows what a set or a stack is. There's no need to explain
something from scratch when you can use standard terms and notions.
Don't Reinvent The Wheel
Part of being a good software engineer is knowing what you don't have
to do. You'll find game playing algorithms in Winston and Horn's
Artificial Intelligence.
Use our window cluster to generate an X-based interface.
The object files and the library are in /mit/6.170/lib.
The specs are in /mit/6.170/ps5/src/window.spc.
Our implementation of this cluster is based on the wish shell and
the associated Tcl/Tk toolkit. We will try to ensure the availability of this
shell on different platforms.
Do not incorporate any other code in your project unless you clear
it with your TA. While borrowing code from others is usually good
software engineering practice, in this context it will be considered
Have Fun Being On A Team
Enjoy being part of a team. Run new ideas past your partners, and discuss
problems with them. A good way to find a bug is to ask someone else to
look at your code. If you're worried about finishing, start early!
Appendix A: Chess Rules
This section describes chess rules as given by F.I.D.E.
(F.I.D.E. is the international organization that conducts the
official World Chess Championship). Some of the rules that are not
relevant for this project have been removed/modified.
The Chessboard
The game of chess is played between two opponents by moving pieces on
a square board called a chessboard. The chessboard is composed
of 64 equal squares. The eight vertical line of squares are called
columns. The eight horizontal lines of squares are called
rows. The squares are colored black and white alternately. The
lines of squares of the same color, touching corner to corner, are
called diagonals. The chessboard is placed between the
players in such a way that the near corner to the right of each player
is white.
The Pieces
At the beginning of the game, one player has 16 white pieces, and the other
has 16 black pieces. These pieces are as follows:
A white king: K A black king: k
A white queen: Q A black queen: q
Two white rooks: R Two black rooks: r
Two white knights: N Two black knights: n
Two white bishops: B Two black bishops: b
Eight white pawns: P Eight black pawns: p
The initial position of the pieces on the chessboard is given below:
The layout of a chess board at the beginning of the game.
The Moves
A move is defined by the following rules:
- The player with the white pieces commences the game. The players
alternate in making one move at a time until the game is completed.
- A move is the transfer by a player of one of his pieces from one
square to another square, which is either vacant or occupied by an
opponent's piece.
- No piece except the knight may cross a square occupied by
another piece. That is, only the knight may leapfrog over another piece.
- A piece played to a square occupied by an opponent's piece
captures it as part of the same move. The captured piece is
removed immediately from the chessboard.
Various pieces move in different ways:
- The King The king moves to any adjoining square that is not
attacked by an opponent's piece.
- The Queen The queen moves to any square on the column, row, or
the two diagonals on which it stands (except as limited by Rule 3).
- The Rook The rook moves to any square (except as limited by rule
3 of Section \ref{move-def}) on the column or row on which it stands.
- The Bishop The bishop moves to any square (except as limited by
Rule 3) on the two diagonals on which it stands.
- The Knight The knight's move is composed of two different steps;
first, it makes one step of one single square along its row or column,
and then, still moving away from the square of departure, one step of
one single square on a diagonal. It does not matter if the square of
the first step is occupied.
- The Pawn The pawn may move only forward.
It advances one vacant square
along the column. When capturing, it advances one square along either
of the diagonals on which it stands. On reaching the last row, a pawn
must immediately be exchanged, as part of the same move, for (either)
a queen, a rook, a bishop, or a knight, of the same color as the
pawn, at the player's choice and without taking into account the other
pieces still remaining on the chessboard. This exchange of a pawn for
another piece is called promotion, and the effect of the
promoted piece is immediate and permanent.
The king is in check when the square it occupies is attacked by
one or more of the opponent's pieces; in this case, the latter is/are
said to be checking the king. A player may not make a move which
leaves his king on a square attacked by any of his opponent's pieces.
Check must be parried by the move immediately following. If any check
cannot be parried, the king is said to be checkmated or {\em
The Completed Game
- The game is won by the player who has checkmated his
opponent's king. This immediately ends the game.
- The game is drawn when the king of the player who has the move is
not in check, and this player cannot make any legal move. The player's
king is then said to be stalemated. This immediately ends the