Ken Friis Larsen, 2000 Note about the PM prototype --------------------------- * Getting started. Compile the source with the command mosmlc -toplevel Parsercomb-sig.sml Parsercomb.sml PMBasic.sml\ PMCompile.sml ArgParse-sig.sml ArgParse.sml\ mosmlpm.sml -o mosmlpm Now from the toplevel invoke the function PMCompile.compile "" (app load ["Mosml", "PMCompile"]; FileSys.chDir "/home/kfl/programming/ml/mlkit.mosml/kit/src"; PMCompile.compile ""; ["-o moskit "] "";) * Everything managed by pm is compiled with the command mosmlc -c -toplevel context1 ... contextM file1 ... fileN where file1 to fileN are .sml files and context1 to contextM are .ui files. (This is the general case in compileBodyOpt, in compileBody N=1. I thought compileBodyOpt would gain some speed but that does not seem to be the case) * PMCompile.compilePM returns the context obtained from a pmfile data structure. * All filenames are transformed to be fullpath'ed * 5/5 - 2000: Changes made to the kit so as it can be compiled with mosml 1.99 + Made a file. The only thing in there now is the Word32 hack. + Added Compiler/ + Used in Compiler/ + Changed to use Compiler/ and Compiler/Backend/X86/ExecutionX86.sml + Changes from Martin in basislib/Initial.sml + Changed val garbage_collection = ref true to val garbage_collection = ref false in src/Common/Flags.sml + Changed `status' to `~1' on line 128 in Manager/ManagerObjects.sml + Renamed Edlib/List.sml Edlib/edList.sml and Edlib/ListPair.sml Edlib/edListPair.sml + Renamed Parsing/Topdec.grm.sig to Parsing/Topdec.grm-sig.sml (also in Common/ + Renamed Common/BasicIO.sml Common/commonBasicIO.sml + Corrected a sharing spec bug (not decteded by sml/nj) in Compiler/Backend/X86/CodeGenX86.sml Many of these errors can be boiled down to: + We need a way to rename a compilation unit * After I have implemented the findFiles functions, I realize that the Right Way to handle the pm files is to build a graph representation from them. This will also make it easy to check that the pm files don't contains cycles (we just check that the graph is a DAG). * Locals might be handled wrong when things are linked, because compilation unit renaming is not supported. * 3/4- 2000: Smarter recompilation implemented. Broke compileBodyOpt doing this, but who cares. BUG: .pm files are not considered in the uptodate check. * 4/5 - 2000: Even smarter recompilation scheme implemented thanks to Martin. Now .ui is checked for equality. TODO ( - : not implemented, + : implemented, * : droped ) - Implement compilation unit renaming when mosmlc supports it - Figure out how to handle .sig files - Reimplement using graph data structure + Implement smart recompilation. That is, don't recompile if the context and the .u? files are up to date. (This might also be easier, if we had a graph. But on the other hand Holmake seems to do fine without one) - Make everything robust wrt missing files, syntax errors in pm files, etc. - Testing, testing, testing. Lots of test done in the interactive environment, and the kit seems to be a good test case but still it would be nice with some systematic test files so as we can track when and how we break pm.