Structure Location
(* Location -- error reporting for mosmllex and mosmlyac *)
(* Based on src/compiler/location from the Caml Light 0.6 distribution *)
datatype Location = (* Source file positions *)
Loc of int (* Position of the first character *)
* int (* Position of the character following the last one *)
val errLocation : string * BasicIO.instream * Lexing.lexbuf -> Location
-> unit
val errMsg : string * BasicIO.instream * Lexing.lexbuf -> Location
-> string -> 'a
val errPrompt : string -> unit;
val nilLocation : Location
val getCurrentLocation : unit -> Location
val mkLoc : 'a -> Location * 'a
val xLR : Location * 'a -> Location
val xL : Location * 'a -> int
val xR : Location * 'a -> int
val xxLR : Location * 'a -> Location * 'b -> Location
val xxRL : Location * 'a -> Location * 'b -> Location
These functions support error reporting in lexers and parsers
generated with mosmllex and mosmlyac. The directory
mosml/examples/lexyacc/ contains an example of their use.
[errLocation (file, stream, lexbuf) loc] prints the part of the lexer
input which is indicated by location loc.
If file <> "" then it is assumed to be the name of the file from
which the lexer reads, the stream is assumed to be an open input
stream associated with this file, and lexbuf is the lexer buffer
used to read from the stream. Under MS DOS (and presumably
Windows, OS/2, and MacOS), the stream must have been opened in
binary mode (with Nonstdio.open_in_bin), or else the positioning in
the file will be wrong (due to the translation of CRLF into
newline in text files).
If file = "" then the lexer is assumed to read from some source
other than a stream, and the lexbuf (rather than the instream) is
used to obtain the location indicated, if possible. In this case
the stream is immaterial; it will not be used.
[errMsg (file, stream, lexbuf) loc msg] calls errLocation to print
the indicated part of the lexer input, then prints the error
message msg and raises exception Fail.
[errPrompt msg] prints "! ", the string msg, and a newline on
standard output.
[nilLocation] is the undefined location.
[getCurrentLocation ()] can be called within the semantic action
part of a grammar rule (only) and returns the location of the
string matching the left-hand side of the rule.
[mkLoc a] can be called within the semantic action part of a
grammar rule (only), and returns a pair (loc, a) of the current
location and the value a. This is typically used to decorate
abstract syntax tree nodes with location information, for use in
subsequent error reports.
[xLR loc_a] returns the location of the decorated value loc_a.
[xL loc_a] returns the left end position of loc_a.
[xR loc_a] returns the right end position of loc_a.
[xxLR loc_a loc_b] returns the location extending from the left end
of loc_a to the right end of loc_b.
[xxRL loc_a loc_b] returns the location extending from the right end
of loc_a to the left end of loc_b.
Moscow ML 2.00