Solaris 2 notes


  1. Compiling WorkMan for Solaris 2
    1. Using gcc
  2. Using the volume manager
    1. Avoiding the volume manager
    2. CD Extra and/or Multimedia CD-ROMs
  3. Getting sound via the SPARCstation audio output

Compiling WorkMan for Solaris 2

WorkMan should compile without modification on Solaris 2.x, provided you make sure the three relevant lines indicated in the Makefile are uncommented. The LIBLOC line is necessary to get it to run properly in conjunction with the volume manager (vold) found in Solaris 2.2 and later.

If you're using the SPARCworks compilers from Sun, make sure your search path is set so that "/opt/SUNWspro/bin" (or whatever directory the compilers are in) is searched before "/usr/ucb". Otherwise you'll be using a different set of libraries and include files, and WorkMan won't compile properly.

If you get a message like "language optional software package not installed," your machine probably does not have SPARCworks, and you should talk to your system administrator about getting gcc.

Using gcc

You should be able to compile WorkMan using gcc. Just uncomment the "CC=gcc" line in the Makefile and comment out (or remove) "CC=cc".

Gcc version 2.6.0 is known to compile WorkMan on Solaris 2.4 without any special handholding; older versions of Solaris and/or gcc apparently have some trouble with the include files in /usr/openwin/include. If you get compiler errors about OpenWindows include files, you should probably run the "fixincludes" utility that comes with gcc, giving it the correct command line arguments so it fixes /usr/openwin/include.

Using the volume manager

If you're running the volume manager -- you probably are -- you can get it to start WorkMan when you insert a music CD. Assuming you've installed WorkMan in /usr/openwin/bin, add the following line to /etc/rmmount.conf, before the action_filemgr line:

action cdrom /usr/openwin/bin/workman

You should already have "" -- it comes with Solaris. With that line in place, a WorkMan window should appear on your screen when you insert a CD.

Note that the volume manager doesn't know whether you're running a window system, so if you put in a music CD when you're not running OpenWindows (or there's one in the drive when the system boots up) you'll have to eject it with the "eject" command and reinsert it to get the WorkMan window to appear.

Also, WorkMan will be running as root or as nobody, not as you, since the volume manager runs without regard to who happens to be logged in on the console. As a result, you'll probably want to edit your .Xdefaults file and add the "workman.db.shared" and "workman.db.personal" resources to tell WorkMan where to find its database files. For example, if /users/jane is your home directory, you'd probably add:

workman.db.shared: /users/jane/.workmandb
workman.db.personal: /users/jane/.workmanrc

Then run "xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xdefaults" to load the new settings into your X server. You should only have to run that command once; .Xdefaults is read automatically when you start the window system.

If you do use the volume manager to start WorkMan, you may find you have to run "xhost hostname" (where hostname is the name of your machine) to give root-owned processes the right to connect to your X server.

You'll also find that setting environment variables has no effect on WorkMan when it's started by the volume manager, even if you set them before you start the window system. To see why, realize that environment variables are inherited by new processes from their parents. The volume manager is started at system boot time, before you've logged in; it's what runs WorkMan, so WorkMan only gets whatever variables were set when vold was started. Setting variables in your .cshrc, or manually in a window, does not magically cause them to be set in preexisting processes or those processes' children.

Avoiding the volume manager

If all that sounds too confusing and you'd like to avoid the volume manager altogether, you can start WorkMan by hand as long as you do it after you've inserted a CD. Read on if it doesn't work on special CDs.

CD Extra and/or Multimedia CD-ROMs

Using Solaris 2 (up to 2.7 aka Solaris 7), you probably won't be able to play audio CDs that contain data as well. I couldn't check all circumstances, but it seems that the Solaris drivers try everything to get the data visible making the audio tracks inacessible. Sorry.

However, I may be proved wrong. If there's anybody out there who can, please notify me by e-mail.

Getting audio output from the workstation

(Note: This section only applies to the SPARCstation 5, and possibly the 20. On other machines, hook up a cable from the CD player's headphone jack to the computer's microphone input.)

Version 1.3 of WorkMan adds code to control the audio hardware on the SS5. It only works if there is a physical connection inside the machine between the CD player's internal audio output and the internal audio input on the workstation. Instructions for making that connection are included with the CD-ROM drive; don't ask me.

The code was added by <>, who has this to say:

I'm sure there will be problems with it, as people use hardware configurations I didn't imagine. I'll be happy to try to deal with them.

The use of audiocontrol, audiotool, gaintool, or the like in conjunction with this is highly recommended. Upon initialization, it switches the codec input to the internal CD player, and turns the monitor gain up to full (necessary). Thereafter, anytime WorkMan begins a play operation, it checks the state of the codec and enforces the following conditions:

channels: 2
encoding: linear
precision: 16 bits
sample rate: 44100
monitor gain: max
input port: internal cd player

It does NOT "own" /dev/audio, nor does it check state other than when beginning a "play". This allows other processes to do things with the audio system. Please note that most other things will leave the chip in a relatively pathetic state (8-bit ulaw mono at 8000 samples/sec); pausing and resuming will correct this.

This all comes about because the headphone jack on the CD drawer sounds awful (lots of processor noise; apparently, Sun doesn't believe in shielding). The headphone jack out the back sounds MUCH better, but one has to go through the audio chip to get there.

Please send mail directly to him if you have problems with this aspect of WorkMan.

To the install page
Last update: 02 Jun 1995