CTAN lion

Introduction to LaTeX

LaTeX is the gold standard for document preparation in academia. In this two-hour, single-session IAP event we saw how easy it is to make professional-looking papers and résumés; got you typesetting math like a pro; and finished by examining Beamer, a powerful LaTeX package for creating slideshow presentations.

Date and time: Wednesday, January 18, 2011, 5–7 pm
Wednesday, January 25, 2011, 5–7 pm
(essentially identical content was presented at each session)
Location: 1-115 (room has Athena workstations for in-class practice)
Prerequisites: none; registration was not required
Contact: Benjamin Barenblat, sipb-iap-latex@mit.edu

Course materials

Course materials from the January 18 class are now available for download. All materials are dual licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license and the GNU Free Documentation License.

Presentation: PDF
LaTeX source: bzipped tarball, zip archive
Sample document: LaTeX source: bzipped tarball, zip archive

Useful resources

References I discussed during the presentation include: