Jonathan Birge

Ultrafast Optics MATLAB Toolbox

MATLAB toolbox for the computation and optimization of dispersion and its impact on short pulses. This may eventually grow to include a GUI for ultrafast mirror design and mode-locked laser simulation. E-mail me if this is something you'd like to see. A few of the core algorithms are included below for reference.

Computation of Group Delay Dispersion

Efficient Computation of Dispersion from Multilayer Structures
Reprint of an Applied Optics paper describing, in detail, the method used in the files below.

Computes the dispersion using exact analytic methods.

Computes dispersion quickly using approximate analytic methods,
assuming only two materials.

Optimized C MEX code to compute approximate GDD.

Computation of Group Delay Gradients

These files are based on the methods above, and efficiently compute
gradients of group delay, for use in optimizations of ultrafast filters.
(Note: this section of the code is still under construction.)

Optimized C MEX code to compute GD gradients.

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Page last edited: February 23, 2020
Copyright 2023 by Jonathan R. Birge. All rights reserved.
Page generated: 5:52:26, February 23, 2025