Mt. Jefferson, White Mountains, NH, 2002-08-13 | 3 images | tree::Wild Flowers>Mt. Jefferson, White Mountains, NH, 2002-08-13 |
| | We went on a night hike to see the meteor shower. Unfortunately, it was hazy, and we saw only a few. I didn't take any wild flower pictures until after dawn on our way down, and I didn't get many shots, because some of the party was in a hurry to get back to the city in time for work.
| Bunchberry, Cornus canadensis
| Sm
| Common Name :
| Bunchberry
| Latin Name :
| Cornus canadensis
| Location :
| Near the trail head on Jefferson Notch road
| Date :
| 13/08/2002 05:59:44
| Event :
| Mt. Jefferson night hike
| |  | | 1072
| Sm
| Location :
| Near the trail head on Jefferson Notch road
| Date :
| 13/08/2002 06:09:25
| Event :
| Mt. Jefferson night hike
| |  | | Pearly everlasting, Anaphalis margaritacea
| Sm
| Description :
| I'm not certain of the identification here, but the everlastings seem to be the only things with such wooly leaves.
| Common Name :
| Pearly everlasting
| Latin Name :
| Anaphalis margaritacea
| Location :
| Ridge of the Caps trail
| Date :
| 13/08/2002 06:48:19
| Event :
| Mt. Jefferson night hike
| |  | |