I am the online parish clerk (OPC) for the Devon parish of Drewsteignton (as well as Ashton, Cheriton Bishop, Christow, Dunsford, Hennock, Holcombe Burnell, Sowton, and Trusham). This means I have volunteered to help fellow genealogists whose ancestors may have lived in Drewsteignton. I am not the official parish clerk appointed by the Drewsteignton Parish Council. For an explanation of the OPC scheme, see Devon Online Parish Clerks. If you are looking for the official parish clerk of Drewsteignton, the website of the Diocese of Exeter may help.
Please start by reading the Drewsteignton page at Genuki. Information already provided there will not be duplicated here.
In addition to general Drewsteignton-related genealogical advice, I can provide lookups in the following Drewsteignton parish registers:
I do not have copies of the bishop's transcripts. They exist for 1610, 1613, 1616, 1617, 1630, 1632, 1634, 1664, and some subsequent years.
I am happy to serve as a repositor of any Drewsteignton-related genealogical information that you would like to make available to others. I will be adding more information and resources to this page over time.
My email address is listed at the top and bottom of this page. I look forward to hearing from you and will try to help if I can.
My personal interest in Drewsteignton comes from my one-name study of the surname Sercombe. If you have any Sercombe information, from Drewsteignton or elsewhere, I would very much like to hear from you.
(Note: there are no entries 1563-1598, only a few 1618-1624, and only one 1643-1645.)
Allent Arnell Ascot Ascott - Ball Ballamye Bartlatte Battishil Battishill Beare Beere Bennett Berry Bickam Blancherd Blancherde Borage Bourne Bowdon Bradley Bremblecombe Bremblecome Bremelcombe Bremlecombe Brimblecomb Brinninge Brocke Browning Bruin Brunning Budbrooke Bugbrooke Burrell Byckeham - Caselighe Casley Clarke Cock Cocke Colridge Combe Connett Cowle Crosse Cunnett Cunnont Cunnott - Darke Dicker Diycar Doddington Donington Dowle Downe Drake Dycker Dyker - Eastabroke Eastabrook Eastbrooke Eastebrooke Elford Ellys Esboroke Estbrok Estbroke Estbrooke - Fey Feye Floud Floudde Fludd Fludde Fourde Frende Frynde Fuller Furse - Gastyn Gaye Germayn Gey Geye Gillarde Gillerd Glandfeild Glanfeild Glanfeilde Gorwyn Gosse Grendon Gribble Grible Gyllarde - Hall Halle Halles Hardye Harrice Harris Haywode Haywoode Heale Hedge Heywode Heywood Hill Hillman Hilman Hitch Hoare Hobs Hodge Hole Holeman Holman Hore Howe Hucchyn Hucchyne Hutchyn Hyll Hyllman Hylman - Keyllond Knapman Knight Knole Knowle Kyngdom - Lake Lambe Lane Langaman Lange Laskey Laskeye Lavender Lee Legg Legge Linscott Loges Logys Lowton Lucye Lusye Lympscotte Lymscott Lynscott Lythebridge - Marton Martyn Maye Mayer Mayger Mortimer Moyes Moyse Mudge - Nethercott Nethercotte Newcom Newcomb Newcombe - Oxenham Oxhenhame - Pansford Parker Paunsford Paunsforde Peryman Philips Philpe Phyllippe Pitts Pomeroye Ponceford Ponsford Ponsforde Ponsfourde Pounde Pownde Preiston Preston Priston Pryston Puddicombe Pulton Pym Pyttes Pytts - Randle Raulins Rawlins Reed Reeve Roger Rogers Rowe Rowell Rysedon - Searle Seaward Seward Sewarde Shackell Shapter Shilston Short Shorte Shutt Shutte Smale Small Smalridge Smalrudge Snell Spycerye Staback Stabacke Stephens Sto…g… Stoeman Stoneman Stonman Strangur Stygon Swanson Swanston - Tankin Tanner Tapper Tawe Tooker Tremblet Tremblett Tremblette Tremlet Tremlett Trype Tryppe Tyncomb Tyngcombe - Underhill Upton - Varder Vardor - Wadlande Wallen Wallin Wallyn Wanell Wannell Warde Wardell Warren Warring Warringe Weekes Whyte Wills Winslade Wonson Wonston Woodlighe Wootton Wykes Wykis Wyks - Yeo Yeowe Yolande Yoldon - Zeaward Zeward
Adams Arnell Avery Averye Aviry - Ball Battishill Beer Bellworthy Bellyry Belworthy Bere Bickam Bickham Bickley Bickume Bragg Bremblecomb Bremblecombe Bremblecome Brimblecombe Brimblecome Brocke Browning - Chapling Clark Clarke Cock Cocke Coke Coldridge Collihall Crocker Crosman Crossman Cummins - Deeker Densham Dicker Dynham - Easton Elson - Fay Fey Filpe Flood Floud French Frost Furse - Geallord Germon Gillard Glanfill Glanvill Gorring Gorvin Gray Grey - Harris Hatherly Heall Helle Herring Hill Hitherly Hole Holl Hollman Holman Hore - James - Kensall Kensholl Knapman - Lake Lane Langdon Laskey Lawne Lethbridge Lever Lincote Lowton Lussy - Medland Milfford Milford Mortimer - Newcomb Newcombe Newcome Newcume Norracott Nucome - Pansford Paunsford Peett Philpe Pinsent Pinson Pinsone Pitts Ponsford Puddicombe Pullton Pulton - Quenstance Quenttance Quint Quintance - Reade Rogeres Rogers Row Rundell - Seaward Shillson Shilston Shilstone Smale Smalrage Smalridge Smith Snell Squire Staman Stephenes Stoman Stoneman Stonman - Tapper Tayler Taylor Tremblett Tremlet Tremlett - Upton - Vallance Varder - Warder Weeke Weekes Weeks White Wykes Wyks - Yealland Yendecott
Adams Adder Afford Agate Airs Alford Allen Ares Arscott Ash Ashe Avery Averye Aysh - Back Balamy Ball Ballamy Battishill Bawden Beal Beare Beer Bellworthy Bennet Bennett Berry Bevins Bickford Blackaller Blanchford Blandford Blansford Blatchford Bolt Bonter Boon Bourn Bragg Braggs Bramblecomb Brayly Brembelcombe Bremblcomb Bremblecom Bremblecomb Bremblecombe Brimblecomb Brimblecombe Brimeridge Broadmead Brock Browning Buckinham Budbrook Bunter Buntsall Burn Burrage Burridge Bussall - Cale Can Cann Casely Champion Cheeseworth Cheesworth Churchill Cill Clark Clarke Cock Coldridge Coldrige Coles Collihall Conant Connett Coombe Coumbe Crocker Cross Crossman Crute Cumings Cumins Cummin Cumming Cummins Curtis Curtys - Davey Davies Daw Dayment Densam Densham Dent Dicker Dier Discomb Dodd Donn Donne Drake Drew Dunston Dymond Dymont Dyor - Earland Easton Edgcomb Edy Elliott Ellyott Elson Elston Elyott Emett Endacott Endicot Endicott - Farler Fay Fea Fee Fewens Fewins Flood Floud Fouracres Friend Fuins Furs Furse - Gale Gidley Gill Gillard Gist Glandfeild Glanfeild Glanvil Glanvill Glowers Gloyn Godard Goddard Gorvin Gorvyn Gorwin Gostwick Gostwyck Gostwyke Gould Grendon Gribble Griffin Gustcott - Hamett Harris Hatherley Hatherly Hatterley Headon Heale Heathman Hele Helyer Hender Hill Hillman Hines Hockaday Hodder Hodge Hole Holeman Hollman Holman Holmes Hoord Hore Howard Hunt Hurson Hurston - James Jervis - Kedger Kellaway Kensall Kenshole Kensole King Knowling - Lake Lambert Lane Langdon Langerman Langsford Langworthy Laskey Lasky Lea Lee Lewes Lewis Ley Lidger Lock Locke Lopez Lopus Loram Lorum Lowden Lowton Luis - Marrood Martin Maunder May Meardon Medland Merdon Midelton Milford Millford Milman Milton Moise Molland Moor Moore More Mortimer Mortimore Murch - Napman Nensent Newcomb Nicholls Nichols Nicolls Nicols Norracott Norris Norrise Norton Nosworthy Nucent - Oades Oads Oliver Orford Osborn - Palmer Par Parr Parrow Pasmore Passmore Paul Pearse Perkins Philp Pike Pitts Ponsford Portugal Potter Pound Preston Pulton - Quance Quint Quintance - Rayson Read Reeve Rendall Rendle Rennell Rew Rewes Rice Risden Risdon Roads Rodes Rogers Row Rowe Rowes Rows - Seaward Seward Shaddick Shapcott Shilston Short Simms Simonds Simons Sims Smale Smalridge Smith Snell Sobey Stabback Stankum Stear Steer Stephens Steward Stoneman Symes Symmondas Symmonds Symms Symons Syms - Tanner Taper Tapper Tavener Tavenor Taverner Tayler Thorn Timewell Tinckum Tincomb Tinkam Tinkcomb Tinkum Torrington Tounsend Townsend Townshend Tremblett Tremlett Trend Trewman Trood Truman Tucker Tuckett - Underhill Upton - Valance Vallance Venery Vernery Vesey Vicary Vigars Vincent Vinicomb Vinnicomb - Wallance Ward Warden Warren Webber Wedlake Weekes Weeks West Westlake White Willams William Williams Wills Wolacott Wonson Wood Woodleigh Woodley Wook Woollacott Woolling Wootton Wrefford - Yelland Yendecott - Zeaward
Agett Agget Aggett Aggott Arscott Ascot Ascott Auson Austin Avery Avory - Balamy Ball Ballamay Ballamy Bawden Bayley Beale Beer Bellamy Bennet Bennett Bently BlanchfordBlatchford Bolt Bond Boucher Bowden Bramblecombe Bremblecombe Brewear Brewer Breyley Britton Brock Browning Budbrook Bunter - Callaway Cann Coram Caseley Chidley Churchill Clark Claskey Clatery Clattery Clerk Conant Coss Crispin Crocker Croot Croote Cross Crute Cutcher - Dadd Dart Davy Dicker Diggory Dimond Discombe Dodd Downe Downey Drake Dunning - Easton Ellis Endacott Endicott - Fawden Finch Foaden Foard Ford Frost Furse Furze - Gidley Gill Gillard Godheard Gording Gorwin Gorwyn Gove Grendon Grindon Guscot Guscott Gustcot Gustcott - Hales Hall Hamling Hamlyn Harris Harvey Haydon Headon Heal Heale Hill Hills Hitchins Hole Holeman Holman Holmes Homes Hooper Howard Hursen Hurson Hurston Hutchel Hutchell Hutchings - James Jeffery Jervice Jervis Jervise Jirvis Jones - Kallaway Kelaway Kellaway Kenshall Kenshole Kensole Kimble King Kinsole Knapman - Lake Lamberd Lambert Lang Lee Lewis Lias Lidger Liger Loram Lott Lovis - Mallard Mardon Marks Martin Martyn Mathews Matthews Maunder May Middleton Milford Millman Milman Milton Molland Morch Morcomb Morcombe Morish Morris Morrish Mortimer Mudge Murch - Naraway Narraway Newton Norcott Northcott Norton Noseworthy - Oades Oads Olding Orsburn Osborn Osborne Oson Oston - Pain Paine Palmer Parr Parrott Parsons Passmoore Passmore Pawley Payne Pearce Peard Pedlar Pedler Pellar Peller Pengilley Pengilly Perey Philips Pike Pillar Piller Pitt Pittard Pitts Pleace Please Ponsford Popman Poseland Potter - Raddon Redaway Reeve Rendle Ridsleigh Risden Risdon Rison Roberts Rogers Rookes Rooks Rowe Ryson - Seaward Seward Sims Skinner Slocomb Slocombe Slocumbe Smale Smith Snell Soabey Soaper Sobey Soper Splat Stanbury Standbury Steer Steevens Stephens Stevens Stoneman Stooks Strong - Tancock Tapper Tavanor Taviner Tea Timewell Tinkham Torrington Townsend Townshend Tregoin Triggs Trood Tucker Tucket Tuckett Turner - Underhill - Vincent Vinicombe - Waldron Walling Ware Warmington Warren Warring Way Webber White Williams Wolland Wonacot Wonacott Wonnacott Woodley Woodly Wooland Woolard Wooling - Yeland Yelland
Agett Aggett Aggitt Allant Austin Avery - Ball Ballamy Bartlett Bawden Beer Bellamy Bevans Blackaller Blanchford Bolt Brayley Brely Bremblecombe Brewer Britton Brock Browning Brunton Burgess - Caldecott Cann Chapple Chubb Chudleigh Collacott Conybeare Coombe Cottle Counter Crees Creese Crocker Croot Croote Cross Crute Cullacot Cullacott - Dadd Dart Dishcombe Dolbear Dolbeer Drake Drew Dyer - Elliott Ellis - Fawden Fewins Finch Flood Ford Frost Furze - Geese Gibbons Godfrey Gorwyn Goss Gove Greenslade Gregory Grendon Gribble Grinslade - Hamlyn Harris Harvey Hatherleigh Hatherley Hawkins Haydon Hayward Heale Hele Heywood Hill Hitchings Hoare Holman Hooper Horved Howard Hurson Hurston Hurved Hutchill Hutchings Hutchins - James Jarvis Jervis Jordan - Kellaway Kenshole Knapman - Lake Lamacraft Lambert Lampey Lang Langmead Laskey Lendon Lewis Lintern Loram Lott - Manning Mardon Marks Martin Matthews May Middleton Middlewick Milford Milton Moore Morcom Morgan Moxey Moxhay Mudge Murch - Newton Nicholls Norden Norton Nosworthy Nott - Oades Olden Oldin Osborn Osborne - Palmer Pasmore Payne Pearce Peardon Pedlar Pellar Peller Perryman Petherick Pike Pillar Piller Pittard Ponsford Preston Pring - Reddaway Robbins Robins Rockey Rogers Rookes Rowe - Saffin Seward Skardon Skinner Slocombe Smith Snell Soper Stanbury Standbury Steelman Steer Stephens Stevens Stone Stoneman Strong - Tancock Tharp Tharpe Towell Townsend Townshend Tozer Tremlet Tremlett Trevenen Tucker Turner - Underhill - Vinicombe Voisey - Walling Ware Warmington Warren Webber Weeks Welland West Westaway Westlake Williams Woolland Woolling Wreyford - Yelland
Aggett Alford Arscott Ash Ashorne Ashplant Austin Avery - Baker Ball Ballamy Bamford Bawden Beer Berry Bevans Bevens Blackaller Blanchford Block Bolt Bramridge Brely Bremblecombe Bremridge Brewer Brimblecombe Brock Browning - Cann Carthew Caseley Casely Castle Chamberlain Chichester Ching Chown Chudleigh Chudley Clark Clarke Cockram Cole Coles Collins Connett Conybeare Coombs Cooper Cosway Cottle Counter - Dadd Dart Davey Dicker Dolbear Dolbeer Drake Drew Dunning - Edwards Ellis - Fawden Fawdon Finch Ford Frost - Geese Gerrish Giles Gill Gordan Gorwyn Goss Gove Grabble Greenslade Gregory Grendon Guest - Hamlyn Hancock Hannaford Harding Harris Harvey Hatherleigh Hayward Haywood Heale Hele Hellier Hellyer Heyward Hill Hoare Hole Holland Holman Holsgrove Hooper Horved Horvid Howard Hunt Hurson Hurveid Hutchings Hutchins - Ingerson - Jackson Jennings Jervis Johnson Jordan - Kenshole Knapman Knott - Lambert Lang Langdon Langmead Laskey Leach Leaman Lee Lendon Lentern Lewis Loram Lott - Manley Manning Mardon Marks Martin Matthews May Milford Moore Morcom Morcombe Mortimore Moxhay Mudge Myerson - Newcombe Nicholls Nickels Norden Northcott Northway Norton Nott - Oades Oads Olden Oldin Olding Osborne Oxford- Palk Palmer Paltridge Pardon Parker Partridge Pearce Pederick Peller Perryman Petherick Phey Phillips Pike Pillar Piller Pitts Ponsford Powlesland Puller Pyke Pym - Reddaway Robins Rodgers Rogers Rookes Rowe - Sandford Scott Seward Simms Slocombe Smale Smith Snell Sobey Soper Stanbury Stentaford Stephens Stevens Stone Stoneman Strong Syms - Tancock Taverner Thorn Townsend Townshend Tozer Trace Tremlet Tucker Turner - Underhill - Vanstone Vicary - Walker Walling Walter Ware Warmington Warren Watson Way Webber Weber Wedlake Weeks Westaway Westcott Westington White Williams Wilson Wonnacott Woollacott Woolland - Yelland
content last revised 23 Mar 2014