The Taming of the Shrew
1 Lucentio: 2Huntsman: 2Servingman
*2 Tranio: Messenger
@: Lord#3 Baptista: (1)Servingman: Petruchio
*4 Gremio: Sly
§5 Katharine: Hostess
‡: Grumio§: Player+6 Hortensio: 1Huntsman: 3Servingman
+7 Bianca: Page: Biondello
* Petruchio: 2Servingman9
+ Player: Biondello: 3Servingman‡10
§ Sly: Grumio#11‡ Hostess: 3Servingman
# Grumio: Lord13
@ MessengerII-III
1 Bianca: Biondello
+2 Katharine (Act II): Katharine (Act III)
#3 Baptista: Lucentio
*4 Gremio: Messenger=Servant
§5 Petruchio (Act II); Petruchio (Act III)
@: Servant§6 Tranio: Grumio
§7 Hortensio
* Lucentio9
+ Biondello10
§ Grumio: Servant‡: Messenger‡11
‡ Messenger=Servant12
# Katharine (Act III)13@ Petruchio (Act III)
1 Lucentio: Grumio
#: 4Servant=Joseph§: Pedant*2 Curtis: Tranio: 1Servant=Nicholas
3 Petruchio
4 Katharine (Act IV): Katharine (Act V)
@5 Hortensio: 2Servant=Nathaniel: Vincentio
§: Gremio+6 Biondello: 3Servant=Philip: Widow
+: Tailor*: Bianca*7 Baptista: Peter; Haberdasher
* Bianca: Tailor: Pedant‡9
+ Gremio: Widow:10
§ Vincentio: 4Servant=Joseph11
‡ Haberdasher: Pedant12
# Grumio13
@ Katharine (Act V)