David Policar 1995
Testosterone and estrogen,
sperm and ova, joined within
the womb of she I so well know,
gave birth to me, and now I grow.
Nerve ganglia grew myelin,
and so did faster thoughts begin.
New ideas they soon enveloped
as bone and meat and nerves developed.
Now day begins and magnets shake,
cochlea vibrate; I awake.
To move I feel a growing urge
as serotonin levels surge.
Epinephrine, acetylcholine,
turn on my muscular machine
that burns cellular ATP
within the protoplasmic me
So levels of testosterone
can rage within me when I'm grown,
and diploidy and haploidy
produce another not-quite-me.
Genes reproduced, my task is passed
and I can be myself at last.
But those who claim to know me well
say I'm naught but an empty shell.