N Scale Model Railroad

N Scale Model Railroad

N scale is 1/160 of full size, standard US track gauge scales down to 9mm.

I'd have more info here, but I'm just starting to find links. MIT's Tech Model Railroad Club (TMRC) is finally online. I've also found these other links:

I'm playing with a 68HC11 based controller from Coactive Systems <coactive@netcom.com> which seems nicely configured, they've also got a port of GCC for it (!) which I'll probably use. I may end up doing PCM control, and putting some sensors in place to show the position of the car on the web...

As part of the Cygnus Holiday Web Page, my N-scale model railroad set was on the net. It's a fun hack, you could even vote to control the train! It's offline for the season though, at least until I have a chance to set it up at home; you can still see a movie of it there.
