*sample* Resume for Mark Eichin

Mark W. Eichin

P.O. Box 9171
Cambridge, MA 02139
Home: 0-700-M-EICHIN
Work: +1-617-494-1068


A position working on large scale software engineering projects using cutting edge methods with cutting edge people.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (9/84-12/88)
Courses include Signals and Systems, Computation Structures, Software Engineering, Introduction to Linguistics, Linear Algebra, Bioelectronic Project Lab, Automata Computability and Complexity, Computer Systems Engineering, Probabilistic Systems, German Language.
S.B. Thesis "A Digital Logic Simulator"
Awarded S.B. in Computer Science and Engineering -- 2/89


CygnusSupport (Cambridge, MA)
Member of Technical Staff (8/91-present)
Developed Kerberos version 4 (as supplied by MIT Project Athena) into a commercially supportable product. Worked cooperatively with MIT on version 5 public release.
Primary technical contact for over 30 customer sites.
Developed expertise in cross compilation environments, embedded systems, remote debugging, configuration and maintenance of large releases, automated testing.
Hewlett-Packard/Apollo Computer Systems (Chelmsford, MA)
Software Engineer 3/90-8/91
Participated in design and implementation of Aurora, a C++ tool set for a proprietary high level distributed object model. Enhanced the Apollo Network Computing System RPC to support higher level objects.
U.S. Department of Defense (Ft. Meade, MD)
Computer Analyst 1/89-3/90
As a Computer Analyst, introduced X11 and Object Oriented programming to a software development team environment. Worked with Apollo 9.7 and 10.1 operating systems, C++, and DSEE, as well as Sun 3 and 4, SunOS 3.5 and 4.0, GNU software, and C++. Created portable software and maintained it under Sun and Apollo environments, and GPR, X11, and Sunview graphics systems.
Project Athena (Cambridge, MA)
Watchmaker (Student Systems Programmer) 6/87-12/88
Developed the Zephyr notice transport and delivery system for the Athena Workstation Environment, under X Window System versions 10 and 11. Ported software between IBM and Vax environments. Maintained MicroVax and VS2000 systems. Wrote UNIX system level programs in C and Vax assembler.
Foundation - Athena Writing Project Cambridge, MA
Head Programmer 1/86-6/88
Created a large text editing system for use under the X Window System, with full font control, multiple cross coupled window support. Worked with a Project Athena staff programmer and several other programmers; was responsible for much of the original low and high level design and coding.
Student Information Processing Board Cambridge, MA
Member, Core Staff 1/87-present
Built programming and managing experience on MULTICS and a Vax 11/750 Unix, as well as consulting skill. More recently, administrated AFS, helped port the Athena environment to Linux, and helped run a WWW server.
The SIPB is a group of MIT students who are interested in using computers and helping others to use them. The SIPB provides computer accounts, consulting, and programing help, as well as general information on computer services available at MIT.
MIT EECS Department Cambridge, MA
6.001 Lab TA 9/85-12/85
Tutored students in a 50 person lab for the MIT course Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Used Scheme, UCSD p-System on HP ``Chipmunk'' computers. Diagnosed system bugs and student programming problems.
The Tech Cambridge, MA
Night Editor 1/85-2/87
Produced The Tech, the MIT semi-weekly newspaper. Was final authority for printed copy, responsible for scheduling, staff, and system maintenance on a per-issue basis. Did graphic design for advertisements.
DOKAD Incorporated New Milford, CT
Senior Software Engineer 5/83-12/85
Head programmer for a small startup company, responsible for product design and development, programming, field service. Also involved in selecting staff. Programmed in assembler and machine language on the 8080, Z80, and 8086, under CP/M-80 and TurboDOS. Ported TurboDOS to the Radio Shack Model 4 series computers.


"With Microscope and Tweezers --- an analysis of the Internet Worm"
(CACM 6/89, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 5/1/89, coauthored with Jon Rochlis, MIT Telecommunications.)
Security Issues in Embedded Networking
(presented at Embedded Systems Conference, 10/93, 4/94)
The Zephyr Notification Service.
Proceedings of the Winter 1988 USENIX Technical Conference, February, 1988, pp. 213-220.


Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Using video and course material from the MIT course (6.001), lectured and tutored DoD employees in an intensive 2 week session. (8/89)
Security Issues in Embedded Networking
Lectured professionals at the 1993 Embedded Systems Conference and the 1994 Embedded Systems Conference-East on small-scale application of networks security techniques.