What's New?
May 8, 2002--Made Emily Hanna page.
April 22, 2002--Added Gondoliers photos to several pages.
March 18, 2002--Realized that several of my language pages were terribly out-of-date and made a stab at sort of updating some of them...
March 6, 2002--Updated the index and my bio.
December 4, 2000--Tried my hand at a French version of my webpage. Also
changed around some stuff on my Friends page, and added a pictures page.
November 28, 2000--Played around with altavista's babblefish, seeing what it did with my index page in both German and French. To test, I also back-translated both of these... Decide for yourself.
I plan to translate my webpages in to German... I had already started a year or two ago... Didn't get far.
November 23, 2000--Made a webpage with some pictures from Thanksgiving.
June 26, 2000--Adding more to Random Thoughts.
June 25, 2000--Added more to Random Thoughts and split the file into two files, with new entries here.
May 26, 2000--Started adding to Random
Thoughts again.
May 5, 2000--Cleaned up English
page and started new "Quick Info" page.
April 10, 2000--Updated the friends page, as well as my musicals and crew.
February 7, 2000--Added my schedule.
February 4, 2000--Updated information on crew and my urop.
August 12, 1999--Split up friends
and family
July 18, 1999--Added more artwork.
Added a travel page.
Updated my interests page.
July 16, 1999--Added links to artwork on my art page, added a
Linked to this page from my science page,
as well.
Added page of my various backgrounds
July 6, 1999--Added some of my artwork.
June 24, 1999--Added a page on ethics and morality, and updated information on my philosophy page.
Also brought over old evolution book list.
March 19, 1999--Finally started writing up my trip to Finland in summer 1998.
December 12, 1998--updated some of my personal
info as well as adding a new music page.
July 15, 1998--finally moved all science pages
to MIT
July 15, 1998--added that "personal"
stuff my mom's been bugging me about.
June 10, 1998--added more links to education
February 28, 1998--Moved several more pages to MIT.
February 24, 1998--Finally moved pages to MIT.
January 8, 1998--Updated several language
January 8, 1998--changed format of "about me"
page and updated information.
January 8, 1998--added education page.
January 8, 1998--added music page.
August 13, 1997--put original content on philosophy
August 13, 1997--added universe picture
to astronomy page.
August 13, 1997--added freethought webring
July 10, 1997-- changed geocities banner
April 21, 1997--added geocities banner main
March 21, 1997--added "What's New" page.
March 19, 1997--changed background on main
March 14, 1997--added Life,
the Universe, and Everything, and Art
and Music.
Spring 1996--moved pages to geocities.
Fall 1995--began first webpage.
Write me!
July 15, 1998