Interests, Hobbies, and Activities

What I like to do.
Art -- I like drawing and painting, and I have some of my work up on the web now.
Languages -- I
have a hobby of trying to learn languages in my spare time. On top
of my more formal training in German,
and Arabic
(Plus some Spanish--which will lead to my first best seller "All the Spanish
I Need to Know I Learned on Sesame Street"), through the years, I've picked
up little bits of Italian, Hungarian, Latin,
Greek, Chinese,
Cantonese, Basque, Telegu, and several others I can't quite remember.
Last summer I learned some Finnish, which I was moderately
conversant in before I went to Finland last summer ('99).
I know I do other stuff, but I haven't come up with a good "hobby" label
for most of them yet. As I come up with good labels for things, I'll
add them to this list.
Music -- I
play the string bass and the piano--the former more seriously than the
latter. I was first chair bass in my high school orchestra. I consider myself pretty good. I now have a page devoted to my various musical activities.
Crew -- My
freshman year at MIT I joined the crew
team. Crew is one
of those things that grows on you. In my very first race, I rowed in
the 5th novice boat. In the second race, the 4th, that spring, I was
in the 3rd novice boat, then my first two years of varsity I rowed in
the 2nd boat, also known as JV. This year, I rowed in the first
varsity boat for the Head of the Charles.
started out with this UROP my freshman year working on a speech error
database. Now I'm working on prosodic
used to be the secretary of this group--MIT Atheists, Agnostics, and
Humanists (the name pretty well sums up my religious oppinions),
and you can read about the stuff we do on the web page.
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February 4, 2000
write me