"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
~John Lennon, "Beautiful Boy"
Someone once told me that this quote should actually be attributed to someone else, but I failed to remember who that was. Thus, Lennon gets credit here.
"It's a sin to kill a mockingbird... because all they do is sing and bring joy to the world."
~Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird, quite possibly my all time favorite book... I think I may have misquoted it slightly, but my copy is lost.
"It's supposed to be hard, if it wasn't hard, everyone would do it."
~"Jimmy Dugan" (Tom Hanks), A League of Their Own... he's talking about baseball, but I've found that it applies to most things that are really worth doing.
"Everyone thinks they have good taste and a sense of humor, but they can't possibly all have good taste."
~"Marie" (Carrie Fisher), When Harry Met Sally... Along with A League of Their Own, this is one of those movies people don't like to watch with me, because I have a tendency to recite the lines with the actors.
"Nothing spoils the taste of peanut butter like unrequited love."
~Charlie Brown, aka Charles Schultz... It sounds ridiculous, but it's really true; unrequited love sucks.
"I have a higher and greater standard of principles. Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won't."
~Mark Twain... Then again, I've been told I'm a terrible liar, so maybe this quote isn't as apt as I would like it to be.
"The truth will set you free... but first it will piss you off."
~Unknown, but most often true... and that pisses me off.
"Every two out rally starts with two outs."
~Mike Harder... some wisdom from the 2001 World Series.
"Don't play leapfrog with a unicorn."
~Unknown, but my dad has it hanging on the wall of his office
"And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."
~I Corinthians 13:13... yet another thing hanging in my dad's office
"Only two things separate men and women: childbirth and the ability to pee standing up."
~Erin Rhode... I came up with this one during The Great Toilet Wars of the summer of 1999... It's now written underneath the lid of one of our toilets at lake, along with a polite reminder not to leave the seat up. Why can't men just learn to put the seat down?!
"No good deed goes unpunished."
~Frank De Steno, my boss... while I don't actually endorse this statement, he asked that I put it up
"Be all that you can be... but avoid the army."
~Frank De Steno... some of Frank's advice that I do endorse.
"Keep your head in the sky,
Your heart in your socks,
And don't forget to sort the wash!"
~Russell Rhode (Yes, he's my father)
My dad used to sign yearbooks with this mini-poem and still puts it on graduation cards and the like.
Alice In Wonderland Quotes Lewis Carroll was so brilliant (and these quotes are so long) that they get their own page
Go back to where you once belonged
Photo credit: The background photo, a shot of some farm land in northern Minnesota, was taken by my sister, Anne.