I am a computer systems engineer at Plasma Science and Fusion Center My duties at work include maintenance and system management of clusters of VAX computers at the Alcator CMOD project, backup of Macs and PCs, and user support for Macintosh and PC users on our project.
In my spare time I turn into a historian and publisher. My interests encompass Russian and Soviet history, politics, Marxism, economics. I have established a Marxist historical publishing center called Iskra Research which is dedicated to publishing Marxist works in the Russian language.
If you are interested in my political views and writings on historical, economic and social subjects, please browse the Political essays section on that page.
Every January for the past few years I have organized an IAP lecture series from the standpoint of revolutionary Marxism and touching on various subjects: restoration of capitalism in the former USSR; economic crisis in the developed capitalist countries; reactionary social trends; recolonization of the backward countries and revival of colonialism. Please see the IAP lectures page for abstracts of the upcoming and of past series of lectures.