What is this? |
This is Joe Foley's webpage. It is a page that acts as a bitbucket of links and information that I find useful and others may also find useful. It also contains some useful information about me. For instance, my email address is f o l e y at m i t dot e d u with the spaces removed and the at and dot translated. I also started a Web Log at http://log.objid.net/crazy-iceland/ to write about my experiences in the very unique place of Iceland.
Work |
These days I'm an assistant professor at Reykjavik University. I use Axiomatic Design in a lot of my work, you can learn more about it at here
If you're looking for my qualifications, you can pick from a MechE-focused resume, or a CS/EE-focused resume. If you're interested in my resume with all the bells and whistles, it can be found here. (Yes, it is written in LaTeX).
I also have a CV which can be found here. I used to be a Senior Mechanical Engineer/Research Scientist in Research at iRobot in the Government/Industrial division, mostly working on the DARPA ChemBots project. I loved my job, but decided to try something living somewhere new. If you're wondering why I chose Iceland, you should look more closely at Iceland. If you are looking for my previous Master's and Doctoral work, follow this link to get to my old work webpage.Iceland |
Useful links for Iceland travelers.
Media |
Interesting video/media, sometimes with me in it
Comics and Humor |
The other big reason to use the int0rnet and the web specifically is good old Comics.
Activities |
Classes |
Guns |
Guns |
Friends |
Fun Stuff and Timewasters |
Food |
Languages |
Martial Arts |
Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA) |
Security |
Backup Software and High Availability Systems |
Financial |
Useful Things (many by me) |
Prototyping |
Disturbing Things |