Welcome to Joe Foley's Webpage


The place where information goes to die..

Table of Contents

What is this?

This is Joe Foley's webpage. It is a page that acts as a bitbucket of links and information that I find useful and others may also find useful. It also contains some useful information about me. For instance, my email address is f o l e y at m i t dot e d u with the spaces removed and the at and dot translated. I also started a Web Log at http://log.objid.net/crazy-iceland/ to write about my experiences in the very unique place of Iceland.


These days I'm an assistant professor at Reykjavik University. I use Axiomatic Design in a lot of my work, you can learn more about it at here

If you're looking for my qualifications, you can pick from a MechE-focused resume, or a CS/EE-focused resume. If you're interested in my resume with all the bells and whistles, it can be found here. (Yes, it is written in LaTeX).

I also have a CV which can be found here.

I used to be a Senior Mechanical Engineer/Research Scientist in Research at iRobot in the Government/Industrial division, mostly working on the DARPA ChemBots project. I loved my job, but decided to try something living somewhere new. If you're wondering why I chose Iceland, you should look more closely at Iceland. If you are looking for my previous Master's and Doctoral work, follow this link to get to my old work webpage.


Useful links for Iceland travelers.


Interesting video/media, sometimes with me in it

Comics and Humor

The other big reason to use the int0rnet and the web specifically is good old Comics.


Things That I currently do for fun:

Things that I used to do:

More Activities...





Fun Stuff and Timewasters



Martial Arts

Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA)


Backup Software and High Availability Systems


Useful Things (many by me)


Disturbing Things

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