Harris JE. Tight Fit of the SIR Dynamic Epidemic Model to Daily Cases of COVID-19 Reported During the 2021-2022 Omicron Surge in New York City: A Novel Approach.
Accepted August 10, 2024 in Statistical Methods in Medical Research.
Preprint at MedRxiv 2023.03.13.23287177.
Harris JE. Population-Based Model of the Fraction of Incidental COVID-19 Hospitalizations During the Omicron Wave in the United States.
Accepted April 11, 2023 in COVID.
Preprint at
MedRxiv 2022.01.22.22269700.
Harris JE. Concentric Regulatory Zones Failed to Halt Surging COVID-19: Brooklyn 2020.
Accepted November 11, 2022 in Frontiers of Public Health.
Preprint at
MedRxiv 2021.11.18.21266493.
Harris JE. Mobility was a Significant Determinant of Reported COVID-19 Incidence During the Omicron Surge in the Most Populous U.S. Counties.
Accepted August 2, 2022 in BMC Infectious Diseases.
Preprint at
medRxiv 2022.03.16.22272523.
Harris JE. Timely Epidemic Monitoring in the Presence of Reporting Delays: Anticipating the COVID-19 Surge in New York City, September 2020.
Accepted April 20, 2022 in BMC Public Health.
Preprint at
medRxiv 2020.08.02.20159418.
Harris JE. The Repeated Setbacks of HIV Vaccine Development Laid the Groundwork for SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines.
Accepted March 20, 2022 in Health Policy and Technology.
Preprint posted as National Bureau of Economic Research WP28587.
Harris JE. Geospatial Analysis of a COVID-19 Outbreak at the University of Wisconsin – Madison: Potential Role of a Cluster of Local Bars
Accepted March 8, 2022 in Epidemiology & Infection.
Preprint posted as
National Bureau of Economic Research WP28132.
Harris JE. Critical Role of the Subways in the Initial Spread of SARS-CoV-2 in New York City
Accepted November 29, 2021 in Frontiers of Public Health.
Preprint at medRxiv 2021.07.03.21259973.
Earlier version at National Bureau of Economic Research WP27021.
Harris JE. COVID-19 Incidence and Hospitalization During the Delta Surge Were Inversely Related to Vaccination Coverage Among the Most Populous U.S. Counties
Accepted November 11, 2021 in Health Policy and Technology.
Preprint at MedRxiv 2021.08.177.21262195.
Harris JE. Los Angeles County SARS-CoV-2 Epidemic: Critical Role of Multi-generational Intra-household Transmission.
Journal of Bioeconomics 23: 55-83, March 5, 2021.
PubMed Central PMC7934992
Galárraga O, Harris JE. Effect of an Abrupt Change in Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy on
Adolescent Birth Rates in Ecuador, 2008–2017. National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 26044, July 2019. Economics and Human Biology 2021; 41 (May): 100976
PubMed Central PMC8068587
Pomar L, Contier A, Harris JE, Favre G, Nielsen-Saines K, Baud D. Potential Consequences of Sars-Cov-2 Pandemic on Birth Rates and Subsequent Demographics. Investigations in Gynecology Research & Womens Health 3(5) IGRWH. 000574, December 2, 2020.
Harris JE. Data From the COVID-19 Epidemic in Florida Suggest That Younger Cohorts Have Been Transmitting Their Infections to Less Socially Mobile Older Adults. Review of Economics of the Household 2020; 18: 1019-1037. ePub 22-Aug-2020.
PubMed Central PMC7443153
Harris JE. COVID-19, Bar Crowding, and the Wisconsin Supreme Court: A non-linear tale of two counties. Research in International Business and Finance 2020; 101310. ePub 25-Jul-2020.
Harris JE, Ares G, Gerstenblüth M, Machin L, Triunfo P. Impact of plain packaging of cigarettes on the risk perception of Uruguayan smokers: an experimental study. Tobacco Control 2018; 27(5):513-518. Epub 8-Sep-2017.
Nazzal C, Harris JE. Lower incidence of myocardial infarction after smoke-
free legislation enforcement in Chile.
Bulletin of
the World Health Organization 2017; 95: 674-682.
Harris JE, López-Valcárcel BG, Ortún V, Barber P.
Allocation of Residency Training Positions in Spain: Contextual Effects on Specialty Preferences.
Health Economics 2017; 26(3): 371-386. Epub 2016 Feb 16.
Triunfo P, Harris JE, Balsa A. Evaluación de la campaña anti-tabaco de Uruguay: Balance de 10 años y desafíos. Evaluation of Uruguay's antismoking campaign: progress and challenges after ten years. Pan American Journal of Public Health 2016; 40(4):256-62.
Harris JE, Balsa AI, Triunfo P. Tobacco control campaign in Uruguay: Impact on smoking cessation
during pregnancy and birth weight.
Journal of Health Economics 2015; 42:186-196.
López-Valcárcel BG, Ortún V, Barber P, Harris JE. Importantes diferencias entre Facultades de Medicina. Implicaciones para la Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria. Atención Primaria 2014(3):140-6.
López-Valcárcel BG, Ortún V, Barber P, Harris JE, García B. Ranking Spain's Medical Schools by their performance in the national residency examination. Revista Clínica Española 2013 (Dec); 213(9):428-34.
Harris JE, López-Valcárcel BG, Ortún V, Barber P. Specialty choice in times of economic crisis: a cross-sectional survey of Spanish medical students.
BMJ Open 2013; 3:e002051.
Abascal W, Esteves E, Goja B, González Mora F, Lorenzo A, Sica A, Triunfo P, Harris JE. Tobacco control campaign in Uruguay: a population-based trend analysis. Lancet 2012; 380(9853): 1575-1582.
Harris JE. Why We Don't Have an AIDS Vaccine, and How We Can Develop One. Health Affairs 2009; 28(6):1642-54.
Sosa-Rubí S, Galárraga O, Harris JE. Heterogeneous Impact of the "Seguro Popular" Program on the Utilization of Obstetrical Services in Mexico, 2001-2006:
A Multinomial Probit Model with a Discrete Endogenous Variable. Journal of Health Economics 2009; 28: 20-34.
Harris JE, López-Valcárcel BG. Asymmetric peer effects in the analysis of cigarette smoking among young people in the United States, 1992-1999. Journal of Health Economics, 2008; 27: 249-264.
Harris JE. Incomplete Compensation Does Not Imply Reduced Harm: Yields of 40 Smoke Toxicants per Milligram Nicotine in Regular Filter versus Low Tar Cigarettes in the 1999 Massachusetts Benchmark Study. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2004 (October); 6: 797-807.
Harris JE, Thun MJ, Mondul AM, Calle EE. Cigarette Tar Yields in Relation to Mortality from Lung Cancer in the Cancer Prevention Study II Prospective Cohort, 1982-8. British Medical Journal 2004 (10 Jan); 328: 72-76.
Harris JE. Smoke Yields of Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamines in Relation to FTC Tar Level and Cigarette Manufacturer: Analysis of the Massachusetts Benchmark Study. Public Health Reports 2001 (July-Aug); 116: 336-343.
Biener L, Harris JE, Hamilton W. Impact of the Massachusetts Tobacco Control Programme: Population Based Trend Analysis. British Medical Journal 2000 (5 Aug); 321: 351-354.
Harris JE, Chan SW. The Continuum of Addiction: Cigarette Smoking in Relation to Price Among Americans Aged 15-29. Health Economics Letters 1998; 2:3-12. Reprinted in Health Economics, 1999; 8: 81-86.
Harris JE. American Cigarette Manufacturers' Ability to Pay Damages: Overview and a Rough Calculation. Tobacco Control 1996; 5: 292-294.
Harris JE, Connolly GN, Brooks D, et al. Cigarette Smoking Before and After an Excise-Tax Increase and Anti-Smoking Campaign - Massachusetts, 1990-1996. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 1996; 45: 966-70.
Harris JE. Cigarette Smoke Components and Disease: Cigarette Smoke is Far More Than a Triad of 'Tar,' Nicotine, and Carbon Monoxide. NCI Smoking and Tobacco Control Monographs 1996; 7 (Chapt. 5): 59-75.
Harris JE. Reporting Delays and the Incidence of AIDS.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 1990; 85: 915-24.
Harris JE. Improved Short-Term Survival of AIDS Patients Initially Diagnosed with Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia, 1984 through 1987. Journal of the American Medical Association 1990; 263: 397-402.
Harris JE. "Trends in Smoking-Attributable Mortality," Chapter 3 in: Reducing the Health Consequences of Smoking, 25 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1989): 117-169.
Harris JE. The 1983 Increase in the Federal Excise Tax on Cigarettes. Tax Policy and the Economy 1987; 1: 87-111.
Harris JE. How Many Doctors are Enough? Health Affairs 1986; 5:73-83.
Harris JE. Cigarette Smoking Among Successive Birth Cohorts of Men and Women in the United States During 1900-80. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1983; 71: 473-79.
DuMouchel WH, Harris JE. Bayes Methods for Combining the Results of Cancer Studies in Humans and Other Species Journal of the American Statistical Association 1983; 78: 293-308,
with Rejoinder 313-15.
Harris JE. Increasing the Federal Excise Tax on Cigarettes. Journal of Health Economics 1982; 1: 117-20.
Harris JE. Potential Risk of Lung Cancer from Diesel Engine Emissions
(Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1981): 78 pages.
Harris JE. Taxing Tar and Nicotine, American Economic Review 1980; 70: 300-11.
Harris JE. Cigarette Smoking in the United States, 1950-1978, in Smoking and Health, A Report of the Surgeon General (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1979): A1-A29.
Harris JE. Pricing Rules for Hospitals. Bell Journal of Economics 1979; 10: 224-43.
Harris JE. The Internal Organization of Hospitals: Some Economic Implications. Bell Journal of Economics 1977; 8: 467-82.
Williamson O, Wachter M, Harris JE, Understanding the Employment Relation: The Analysis of Idiosyncratic Exchange. Bell Journal of Economics 1975; 6: 250-78.
Flood the Shelves with Broccoli
LinkedIn, posted 5-Jan-2024.
Harris JE. An AI-Enhanced Electronic Health Record Could Boost Primary Care Productivity.
JAMA, 7-Aug-2023.
Harris JE, Gerstenblüth M, Triunfo P.
Tabaquismo: ¿políticas públicas basadas en evidencia?
La Diaria, 9-Sep-2022.
Harris JE. The Demise of Roe Threatens the Privacy of a Woman’s Entire Reproductive Health Record.
Jurist, 9-Aug-2022.
Harris JE. Judicial Folly: The Mask Mandate as Wordplay.
Milken Institute Review, 30-Apr-2022.
Harris JE. In mask mandate case, judge ruled on wordplay, not public health.
Stat News - First Opinion, 22-Apr-2022.
Gostin LO, Harris JE, Reiss DR.
The Supreme Court must uphold Biden’s vaccine mandates – and fast.
Washington Post, 29-Dec-2021.
Harris JE. The Fifth Circuit Court got the science wrong on vaccine mandates.
Stat News - First Opinion, 2-Dec-2021.
Harris JE. Vaccines remain the way out: They prevent severe disease.
City Journal, 24-Aug-2021.
Mulligan K, Harris JE. More employers should mandate COVID-19 vaccines for workers — for the health of their business
Market Watch, 21-Jul-2021
Mulligan K, Harris JE. COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates for School and Work Are Sound Public Policy
USC Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics, 7-Jul-2021
Success Through Failure:
HIV Research’s Role in COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Brattle Group, 30-Jun-2021.
De cómo los fracasos con la vacuna para HIV prepararon los éxitos de la del COVID-19
Universidad de Costa Rica, 30-Jun-2021.
The Future of mRNA Vaccines.
WNYC, 23-Jun-2021.
What has the pandemic revealed about the U.S. healthcare system? What needs to change?
Seven MIT scholars see lessons and opportunities for U.S. healthcare.
Andrew Zaleski. The doctor will Zoom you now.
Technology Review 23-Feb-2021.
Harris JE, Brodine WJ.
Low-Income Californians and Their Community Health Centers Need Telephone Health Care Parity to Beat COVID-19 and Maintain Health Equity.
Written Testimony for the California State Assembly Committee on Health. 16-Feb-2021.
Harris JE. Community health centers can help stamp out Covid-19.
Stat News - First Opinion, 3-Feb-2021.
Kelly Meyerhofer. Bars were hotspots in UW-Madison’s COVID-19 outbreaks, MIT professor's study finds.
Wisconsin State Journal, 3-Dec-2020.
🔗 Sophie Carson. Trips from dorms to bars played critical role in UW-Madison's COVID-19 outbreak, study finds in analysis of cellphone data. Milwaukee Sentinel-Journal 3-Dec-2020.
González López-Valcárcel B, Harris JE. El futuro de los sistemas nacionales de salud después del impacto de la COVID 19. Séptimo diálogo del ciclo Un mundo en combustión. Fundació Ernest Lluch, 26-Nov-2020.
Harris JE. Los primeros días de la epidemia de COVID-19 en la ciudad de Nueva York: Fusión de los datos de epidemiología, virología, y movilidad social.
Escola de Salut Pública de Menorca, Llazaret de Maó, 23-Sep-2020.
Harris JE. Reopening Under COVID-19: What to Watch For (Reapertura del COVID-19: Qué deberíamos vigilar?) Universidad de Montevideo, Ciclos de Seminarios de Economía 11-Jun-2020.
Harris JE, Werning I, Pathak P, Rose N. Economic Impact of COVID-19 -- MIT Panel Discussion. MIT Department of Economics 9-Jun-2020.
Harris JE. What Spread Coronavirus in New York City? The Subways. Commentary 13-May-2020.
Harris JE, Why the subways are a prime suspect: Scientific evidence that NYC public transit spread the coronavirus. New York Daily News 19-Apr-2020.
3 Questions: Jeffrey Harris on the evolution of health care during the Covid-19 pandemic. MIT News 8-Apr-2020.
Nuevos casos de coronavirus fuera de China: ¿Sabemos la magnitud del impacto? Entrevista con Xavier Serbiá. CNN Español 21-Feb-2020.
Revelar precios de servicios médicos, ¿protege a los pacientes o es una estrategia política? Entrevista con Rafael Romo. CNN Español 6-Dec-2019.
Medicinas en EE.UU., ¿por qué tan caras y difíciles de regular? Entrevista con José Manuel Rodríguez. CNN Español 18-Jul-2019.
Harris JE, Gerstenblüth M, Triunfo P. The cigarette smoker as two-self economic man. VOX CEPR Policy Portal, 28-Oct-2018.
Amazon incursiona en la venta de medicamentos por correo Entrevista con Xavier Serbiá. CNN Español 4-Jul-2018. 🔈
Harris JE. The Doctor-Patient Relation: Shared Decision Making or Negotiation? (La Relación Médico-Paciente: ¿Decisiones Compartidas o Negociadas?) Plenary Session. 38th Congress of the Spanish Health Economics Association. Las Palmas 22-Jun-2018. 🔈
¿Tiene sentido la nueva política de medicamentos que impulsa Donald Trump? Entrevista con Ione Molinares. CNN Español 11-May-2018. 🔈
La orden de Trump: ¿Quiénes son los ganadores y perdedores? Entrevista con Guillermo Arduino. CNN Español 12-Oct-2017. 🔈
Siebert F. Ataques cardíacos cayeron cerca de un 8 por ciento en Chile tras ley que prohibió fumar en espacios públicos. Noticias, Universidad de Chile 27-Sep-2017.
González Isla C. Infartos bajan casi 8% al año tras implementación de Ley de Tabaco. La Tercera 27-Sep-2017.
Zúñiga Miranda V. Importante disminución de ataques cardíacos en Chile. Noticias de la Escuela de Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile 25-Sep-2017.
Licencia familiar: ¿Paga el gobierno o la empresa? Entrevista con Xavier Serbiá. CNN Español 13-Jul-2017. 🔈
Plan republicano para la ley de salud: ¿cuáles son los beneficios? Entrevista con Mario González y Juan Carlos Rodado. CNN Español 23-Jun-2017. 🔈
¿Se acerca el fin del Obamacare? Entrevista con Rafael Romo. CNN Español 11-May-2017. 🔈
¿Qué hay detrás de la propuesta de salud de Trump que la hace tan controversial? Entrevista con Rafael Romo. CNN Español 24-Mar-2017. 🔈
Los números de la propuesta del TrumpCare, Entrevista con Xavier Serbiá. CNN Español 16-Mar-2017. 🔈
La política antitabaco de Uruguay es "pionera en América y el mundo." Agencia EFE 4 Dec 2016.
Castillo F. Un estudio local concluye que el empaquetado neutro de los cigarrillos aumenta la sensación de riesgo en los fumadores. Búsqueda 31-Nov-2016.
Harris JE. Affordable Care Act. Foro Regional. Salud Universal: Una Inversión Indispensable para el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible. Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Washington DC. 7 Dec 2015. 🔈 📎
Harris JE. Balance de 10 Años y Desafíos. Jornada sobre los 10 años de la firma del Convenio Marco de la OMS para el Control de Tabaco. Montevideo UY. 24 Nov 2015. 📎
Entrevista con el Dr. Jeffrey Harris sobre las Medidas Anti Tabaco de Uruguay. Montevideo Portal (Uruguay) 24 Nov 2015.
Gold M. EEUU trabajó 50 años para bajar el tabaquismo como lo hizo Uruguay. El Observador (Uruguay) 24 Nov 2015.
Hernández M. Bajó más del 13% el consumo de tabaco en los mayores de 15 años La República (Uruguay) 24 Nov 2015.
Harris JE. Tobacco Control Policy in the Developing World: Lessons from Uruguay. Social Policy Lab: A Systemic Approach. Cambridge MA. 15 May 2015. 🔗 📹
Harris JE. Tabaquismo: impacto y coste-efectividad de las intervenciones. III Foro Enfermedad Vascular Aterosclerótica. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 15 Oct 2014. 📎
Harris JE. Crise e direitos sociais: as experiências dos EUA e da Europa. ABRES 2014 - XI Encontro Nacional de Economia da Saúde & VI Encontro Latino Americano de Economia da Saúde. São Paulo, Brasil. 25 Sep 2014. 🔗
Harris JE. ObamaCare: From the Eye of the Storm. XVII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada, Gran Canaria, 5 Jun 2014. 📹
How to Make People Quit Smoking: A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast. 3 Apr 2014.
Harris JE. Campaña anti-tabaco en Uruguay: Impacto en la decisión de dejar de fumar durante el embarazo y en el peso al nacer. Seminario de Microeconomía Aplicada, Instituto de Economía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 26 Mar 2014.
Hernández M. Jeffrey Harris destacó las medidas adoptadas por el país desde 2005 a la fecha: "Tienen una política antitabaco muy buena, es un ejemplo a seguir." La República (Uruguay) 15 Aug 2013.
Presidencia de la República. Taller de Cooperación Sur-Sur: Expertos internacionales destacan política antitabaco de Uruguay. Torre Ejecutiva, Montevideo, 14 Aug 2013.
Harris JE. Resultados de la Política de Combate contra el Tabaco: Estudios de Caso. Taller de Cooperación Sur-Sur. Torre Ejecutiva. Montevideo, Uruguay 14 Aug 2013.
Harris JE. Podcast interview with Roberto Darrigrandi and Eduardo Martínez, Radio Agricultura, El Faro Empresarial, Santiago, Chile, 11 Jul 2013.
Harris JE. Las controversias sobre mamografía: ¿Relevantes a la situación actual en Chile? Conferencia, Fondación Educación Popular en Salud (EPES). Comuna El Bosque, Chile, 10 Jul 2013.
Harris JE. Eficiencia versus Equidad en el Sistema de Asignación de las Especialidades Médicas en España: Una Estrategia de Simulación Basada en un Modelo de Elección Discreta. Seminario de Microeconomía Aplicada, Instituto de Economía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 10 Jul 2013.
Jeffrey Harris del MIT expondrá en Chile, EducAméricas, 10 Jul 2013.
Harris JE. Evaluación del impacto de la campaña anti-tabaco en Uruguay: Implicancias para la nueva ley anti-tabaco en Chile. Conferencia, Escuela de Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 9 Jul 2013.
Conferencia "Impacto de la ley anti-tabaco en Uruguay y sus implicancias para Chile", Salud en la Semana, Escuela de Salud Pública, 9 Jul 2013.
Herrera T. Científico de MIT: "Políticas anti-tabaco en Chile sí funcionarán." Hoy x Hoy (Chile) 2013 (9-Jul); 10.
Chile Libre de Tabaco Nescafé, 1 Jul 2013.
Harris JE. Care anywhere - the enabling power of technology. Bending the Cost Curve: Global Best Practices. Madrid 29 May 2013.
Harris JE. The Science of Tobacco Control. Governance of Tobacco in the 21st Century: Strengthening National and International Policy for Global Health and Development. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 26 Feb 2013.
Harris JE. Reforma Sanitaria en Estados Unidos. V Congreso de Economía de la Salud de América Latina y el Caribe, Montevideo, Uruguay, 16 Nov 2012.
Harris JE. Impacto de la Campaña Anti-Tabaco en Uruguay: Un Análisis de Tendencias a Nivel Nacional. V Congreso de Economía de la Salud de América Latina y el Caribe, Montevideo, Uruguay, 16 Nov 2012.
Harris JE. La contribución del estudio de tabaco a la disciplina de economía de la salud. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Canarias, Tenerife, January 27, 2012.
Harris JE. La contribución del estudio de tabaco a la disciplina de economía. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, January 19, 2012.
Harris JE. ¿Por qué no tenemos una vacuna contra el VIH? La ciencia versus la economía. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay, 6 Dec 2011.
Harris JE. La mamografía rutinaria en mujeres de 40 a 49 años: La ciencia versus la política. Facultad de Medicina, Hospital Pereira Rossell, Montevideo, Uruguay, 5 Dec 2011.
Harris JE. La Campaña Contra el Tabaquismo: Parte I ¿Como se evalúa el impacto? Fondo Nacional de Recursos, Montevideo, Uruguay, 30 Nov 2011.
Harris JE. La contribución del estudio de tabaco a la disciplina de la econom´a de la salud. Fondo Nacional de Recursos, Montevideo, Uruguay, 28 Nov 2011.
Harris JE. Ciencia y política sanitaria: La decisión de no recomendar la mamografía rutinaria en mujeres de 40 a 49 años. Agència d'Informació, Avaluació i Qualitat en Salut, Barcelona, 25 Nov 2010.
Harris JE. La decisión del U.S. Preventive Services Task Force en noviembre 2009 de no recomendar la mamografía rutinaria para las mujeres de 40 a 49 años: El papel de la ciencia en la política sanitaria de los EE.UU. Centro Superior de Investigación en Salud Pública, Valencia, 5 Nov 2010.
Harris JE. Diffusion and Percolation: How COVID-19 Spread Through Populations.
Accepted February 17, 2025 in Populations, Volume 1, Number 1.
Chen K, Wilson-Barthes M, Harris JE, Galárraga O. Incentivizing COVID-19 Vaccination among Racial/Ethnic Minority Adults in the United States: $209 per Dose Could Convince the Hesitant.
Accepted January 4, 2023 in Health Economics Review.
Gerstenblüth M, Harris JE, Triunfo P. Addiction and Rational Choice: Evidence from an Eye Tracking Experiment with Cigarette Packages. Revised April 19, 2022.
MedRxiv 2022.07.07.22277382, posted July 9, 2022.
Earlier version at National Bureau of Economic Research WP24974.
Harris JE. COVID-19 Case Mortality Rates Continue to Decline in Florida.
medRxiv 2020.08.03.20167338 , Posted August 4, 2020.
Harris JE. Reopening Under COVID-19: What to Watch For. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 27166, Updated May 12, 2020.
Harris JE. The Coronavirus Epidemic Curve is Already Flattening in New York City. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 26917, Updated April 1, 2020.