The SPAM Haiku Archive in the Media
Note: If you come across any articles that feature this
archive, please e-mail (
)me a
To journalists: If you publish a feature on this archive,
please notify me by e-mail (
) and send
a clipping to me at the above address. Copyright 1995 by John Nagamichi
Cho for the SHAM's haiku. For the others' haiku, all rights reserved
by the individual, attributed authors.
Articles Published Featuring the Archive
- Entertainment Weekly, July 21, 1995, p. 68.
- The Oregonian, August 2, 1995, "Living" section, front page.
- The San Juan Star, "Live from Arecibo: The Spam Haiku archive," September 20, 1995, "Cybertreks," p. 31.
- The Oregonian, October 4, 1995, "Living" section, front page.
- Word,"GIGO" section, SPAM-ku.
- Los Angeles Times, November 9, 1995, "Newsbites," p. H2.
- InformationWeek, November 13, 1995, p. 10.
- Computerworld, December 26, 1995/January 2, 1996, "'Net Stops," p. 27.
- New York Times Online, "Spamming Spam: The Dead-Meat Poets Society," February 15, 1996, in "Cybertimes" section. (This is a PostScript file.) GIF files of the article: page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. A GIF file of the front page.
- Vancouver Sun, "Hormel Luncheon Haiku," February 17, 1996.
- Chicago Tribune, "17-Syllable Art Places Meaty SPAM in Poetry's Web," March 7, 1996, Metro Chicago section, p. 1, Eric Zorn's column.
- The
Independent (London), "Japanese man...likes to write odes to...the joy of Spam," June 6, 1996, p. 3.
- Detroit Free Press, June 10, 1996, Section E.
- The Charlotte Observer, "Spam rhapsodies are the rage," June 11, 1996, Front page.
- The Honolulu Star-Bulletin, "'Spamku' celebrates product's virtues," June 12, 1996.
- Le Monde, "Les délices du SPAM célébrés par les haikus," June 28, 1996, p. XII.
- The Boston Herald, "Hackers find haiku Spam-tastic," July 8, 1996, Front page.
- The Wall Street Journal, "Poetic license on the
Internet," July 22, 1996, p. B1.
- Atlanta Journal and Constitution, "Haiku Craze Resurges
via Internet," July 24, 1996, p. 4E.
- Chicago Sun-Times, "It Could be Verse as Haiku Writers
Wax Poetic on Web," July 25, 1996, p. 29.
- Durham Herald-Sun, July 28, 1996, p. B1.
- Denver Post, "From SPAMku to
Lammku," July 29, 1996, p. B-7.
- Mangajin, "Special Edition: 'Spam-ku' on the Net," October 10, 1996, pp. 62-63.
- The Institute, "IEEE Members Laugh it up On-line," October 1996, p. 12.
- Colorado Daily, "Spam Volcano Blows, Gorgeous Sunsets," February 28-March 2, 1997, p. 15.
- Pasadena Star News, "Internet Companion," March 24, 1997, p. A15.
- The Los Angeles Times, "News Bites: Net Spam," June 11, 1997, p. H2.
- The Daily Gazette (Schenectady, NY), "From Spam to verse," June 25, 1997.
- U.S. News and World Report, "Saying it in 17 syllables," June 30, 1997.
- The Australian Magazine, "Tread softly because you tread on my haiku," pp. 28-31, date unknown.
- Internet Week, "Can the Spam? Better think it through," p. 31, March 30, 1998.
- Chicago Reader (and other alternative weeklies), The Straight Dope, "What is actually in Spam luncheon meat?," May 1-7, 1998.
- TWA Ambassador, "Oh tin of pink meat! Who says there's no such thing as American cuisine?", June 1998, pp. 33-35, 61.
- New York Times, "Gracious Concession on Internet 'Spam,'" August 17, 1998, p. D3.
- San Francisco Examiner, October 6, 1998.
- Los Angeles Times, October 7, 1998.
- Boston Phoenix, October 9, 1998, p. 11.
- Des Moines Register, "SPAM's adoring fans turn it into lilting lines before they scarf it," October 12, 1998.
- Orange
County Register, "Reflections," October 14, 1998, p. 80.
- Augusta Chronicle, "City Ham," October 14, 1998.
- Huntsville Times, "Small Bites," October 14, 1998.
- Naples
Daily News, October 14, 1998.
- Fairfax Journal, October 15, 1998.
- Salisbury Times, "Odes to SPAM," October 15, 1998.
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Poets get Their Fill of SPAM in Anthology Devoted to Meat," October 17, 1998, News section, p. 8.
- New York Daily News, October 19, 1998.
- The News & Observer, October 21, 1998.
- M.I.T. Tech Talk, October 21, 1998.
- Detroit News, October 22, 1998.
- Boston Globe, October 23, 1998.
- American Cynic, "Web Site of the Week," October 26, 1998.
- Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, "Food Fax," October 28, 1998.
- Star Tribune (Minneapolis), "Lovely Luncheon Loaf," November 4, 1998, p. 1T.
- Miami Herald, November 5, 1998.
- Arizona Republic, "Pig-Meat Poetry," November 5, 1998, p. 22.
- New York Times, November 12, 1998.
- The Ithaca Times, "15 Minutes," November 12-18, 1998, p. 19.
- The Gazette (Montreal), "City Ham," November 14, 1998, p. W7.
- Chicago Sun-Times, "The rhythms of SPAM: Collection of haikus makes most of meat," December 20, 1998, SHOW section, p. 21.
- Pacific Citizen, January 1999, Online Spam and Virtual Japanese Food.
- Star Tribune (Minneapolis), "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, Wonderful SPAM," January 16, 1999, p. 1E.
- The Express & Star, February 18, 1999.
- Stanford Magazine, March/April, 1999.
- Kansas City Star, "Food Fetishes and Other Culinary Obsessions," May 12, 1999, p. E1.
- Melrose Free Press, "SPAM-ku Spices Up Ancient Art
Form," March 2, 2000, p. 15.
- San
Francisco Chronicle, "Weird Fun: Bizarre, but That's why we
like it," March 7, 2000.
- Los
Angeles Times, "Cutting Edge: Click Here," May 4, 2000, p. C6.
Today, "Hot Sites," May 23, 2000.
- Port Arthur
News, "Grimes: Trying his hand at spam haikus," June 8, 2000,
p. 5.
- The Rafu Magazine, "The SPAM Chronicles," August 4,
2000, pp. 20-21.
- P.O.W.D., "Poetry Corner," July 2000, p. 18.
- South China Morning Post, "Dividing Lines," August 26,
2000, p. 5.
- Digital Credenza, "Internet Files--Need a Laugh?", September 3, 2000.
- Hanbeat,
"SPAM = Love, Korean Style," 2000.
"A Slice of Americana," February 26, 2001.
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,
"Haiku Casts Big Net," April 1, 2001, p. 1E.
- Arizona Republic, "Haiku
Finds Niche on Web," September 4, 2001.
- Associated
Press, "Haiku on the Web/continued ubiquity/plenty of
chuckles," Michael Hill, January 9, 2003.
- New York Post, "SPAM I am--Once Scorned, the Canned Meat is Starring on Broadway and on Your Plate," March 16, 2005.
- The Telegraph (Calcutta, India), "Keeping it Spam and Short," February 10, 2007.
In Books and on the Web
- Point Survey.
- Holznagel, R. F., The World Wide Web Top 1000, New Riders, Indianapolis, 560 pp., 1996, ISBN 1-56205-577-1.
- Geoffrey's Geek Guide.
- NetGuide Live.
- Wolff, M., Your Personal Net Guide, Wolff New Media, New York, 734 pp., 1996, ISBN 1-889670-07-3.
- Most Popular Web Sites, Lycos, Indianapolis, 1073 pp., 1997, ISBN 0-78970-1348-9.
- Internet Yellow Pages, New Riders, Indianapolis, 1150 pp., 1997.
- Fenton, E., and D. Pogue, The Weird Wide Web, IDG Books Worldwide, Foster City, 131 pp., 1997, ISBN 0-7645-4004-1.
- Wyman, C., Spam: A Biography, Harvest Books, 134 pp.,
1999, ISBN 0-1560-0477-1.
- San
Francisco Chronicle Best of the Web, 2000.
- Music
Dish, "the mp3 way: spam; spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam,
bacon," April 5, 2001.
- Sherry Chandler
Blog, "The Potted Meat Museum and Spam-ku," May 6, 2005.
- A Full Belly, "SPAM-ku!", July 21, 2005.
- King
Blog, "Spam-ku!" October 12, 2005.
- Minyanville, "Urban Legends: Spam Tastes Like Human Flesh!" August 2, 2009.
- No Idea What I'm Doing: A Daddy Blog, "My Trip to the SPAM Museum," March 30, 2014.
Return to the SPAM Haiku Archive Home Page.
Nagamichi Cho, SPAM Haiku Archive Master (SHAM)
Thanks to Tony Acevedo for scanning the clips.
SPAM is a registered trademark of Hormel Foods Corporation for luncheon meat. The Haiku Archive Master and the contributors to this website have no legal, commercial or financial involvement with Hormel Foods. Neither the information presented here, nor the manner in which it has been presented, has been sanctioned by Hormel Foods.