Rei's Home Page Links
A long, random list of places to go:
(Note: Many of these links have not been updated since the mid-1990's, so
they probably won't work :)
Local stuff:
MIT Anime Club. They're getting some cool links to other Anime
See Nick's brain.
nocturne's guide to making transparent color GIFs! Zsig randomizer info.
I can't resist. Jeff Bigler's
list of viola
jokes. (Yes, I played the violin).
Alums! Keep up with current
events at MIT --- The Tech
(MIT's student newspaper). Read Shakespeare while you're there.
Useful publishing info for the WWW.
Derek's home
page has pointers to PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) info. Plus, MIT PGP and PGPfone.
Go through this MIT AI Lab
question parser (START)
to get to Jay Keyser's new poem.
Not MIT, but close enough. Boston
skyline, updated every minute, at Openmarket. WGBH's Nova. Quality TV from Boston.
Monty's OggSquish audio
storage format.
The wide, webbed world:
Docs on spirituality and the
"psychic" realm: Ben's excellent Spirituality, a
treasure trove of insights. Other spirituality and discernment
resources: Discernment &
The Spiritual Path. Discernment. The Contenders' (extreme)
discernment. I don't agree with a lot of the previous, but some of it
has to be said and isn't said anywhere else.
For all outside anime/manga links, please go to my anime page.
Project Delphis, fascinating
dolphin research. Dr. John C. Lilly passed away Sept. 30, 2001.
American Rescue Team
International. National
Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR). Nat'l Disaster Search Dog
Foundation. United Animal Nation
and Emergency Animal Rescue Service -- rescuing animals during
disasters. The dog who rescues cats.
Mass. Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals. Springfield's animal bios.
Why do people forget that a pet is a huuuuge commitment? Foster Parrots (parrot rescue
in MA). Breed rescue
listing. Sheltie
rescue (here are some collie
rescue stories), some
great sheltie stories, rescue links, sheltie info with some
interesting trivia links, sheltie
registry, and Sheltie Pacesetter
mag. Working Dogs. Great doggie
info. On
Shiloh shepherds. GSD Rescue.
A designer
with a Greyhound. Animal Rescue League of
Boston. Sleddog
rescue. Medical
faqs for dogs.
cows. Chickens, chicken links,
info, chicken
"arks", chicken advice
(under articles)!, and Poultry Planet, Ideal Poultry, Chicken Encyclopedia, and really small
chickens. Poultry
diseases. Herding dogs and ducks. Small
sheep. Cabbage
Hill Farm preserving endangered farm breeds and promoting
aquaponics. A nifty little
farm, and interesting sheep
info. Life
on a farm a couple generations back, and Larkfarm, which is very wired (farm
run by computer geek family).... Unusually cool mice site. Cool recipe site - even has an automatic portion size adjustor.
The more fantasy I read, the more
I like Tolkien.
resources for artists. StyxNet, DDY official (?), DDY fan site, The Grand
Illusion, Styxworld's discography,'s better
discography and Chuck.
I'm a Geek (vs
3!). You may be one, too. (Vers.
2, Vers.
1.) What
(MBTI) Type are you? (I'm an INTJ (+F, +P))
FAQs (when you're stuck in those games)
Old "new" stuff: NCSA's suggested Starting
Points for Internet Exploration. "What's Hot and
What's New with NCSA Mosaic has ended (1993-1996).
Search with EisGalaxy. And EINet Galaxy is cool, too. Can't forget Yahoo, either.
More searches: The Infoseek Search Service. Because
they insisted. Altavista. Other search places.
Resources Meta-Index at NCSA. Plus a WWW Catalog at a university in Geneva.
Henry Houh's list: Commercial Sites on the Web has moved here. Internic Directory
News online. GNN. CNN.
Pathfinder (Time, Life,
Money, etc). Boston
Glob. USA Today.
Paleontology at
Berkeley and their subway to
other museum-style servers.
Japan info. Mainichi Shinbun in English. Kimono info. Japan
Infoweb. Japanese American Citizens
League. List of travel info. Excellent
Japanese-English dictionary... which has been down (try this site
instead.). Another great Japanese/English dictionary. Shodouka. Dictionary
list. Japanese article on the CP Car on the Dome. Aerospace
Dictionary; math
resource and math
resource listing. Basic
physics review.
Short, silly (alas slow)
animations at Kyushu
Institute of Design. Snazzy commercial ones: Click3X.
The Planet Earth Home Page.
Speaking of Earth, LL
Bean's Parksearch is cool. CNN's Environment page.
Intros to the Web. A WWW
Guide, and the Beginner's
guide to HTML. HTML Quick Reference. HTML Code Tutorial site.
Mandelbrot! Nice graphics at U of Tennessee.
Cool weather images. Intellicast weather.
Spelunkers! Check out caving stuff at Yale.
Neat astronomy pictures at the Space Telescope Science Institute.
Defense Technical Information
Web. The military isn't as fun as it used to be. But if you're
bored and have the money, try flying jets (as in MiGs) in
Moscow. Cool chain
mail (as in, armor) page. Infinite Energy site. Unusual museums.
"Welcome to Barbados", Escaping Hades, RAINN, Telling, self-defense tips.
Perl Archive. Yay! Perl Man Page. Perl
writer Randal Schwartz's situation. The Perl Journal. This is !Perl: Tcl.
Fish! WetWebMedia has great FAQs!! FINS. How to take care of freshwater
angelfish (cichlids) in case of accidental breeding. (Like
happened to me....) Betta behavior.
Unusually informative
commercial fish site... nice! Shrimp at Robyn's and shrimp at the Krib (which I do remember being around from years back). Live food cultures and brine shrimp direct....
Birds! International
Aviculturists Society has highly useful documents describing rare
diseases. Bird FAQ,
a bird page and an aviary! Dr.
Pepperberg and Alex, the parrot who might be able to read someday.
Dutch Parrot Refuge. The extremely rare
Kakapo parrot. (Non sequitur: how homing pigeons might find
Books! and Brothers Grimm
stories (here
too) ... fairy tale essay...
The Online Books Page
or Home
page for rgs. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Booker T. Washington's
autobio. Sinclair's nation-changing The Jungle. Read some classics while waiting for your compile to
crash. Some Interactive Fiction links.
Play Hitchhiker's
Guide to the Galaxy here. Play those old Scott Adams games.
Just Adventure. Or, be
silly and find a MUD or two or three (wow). gprog.
gmuds. Windows version of
emacs. Crafts magazine ... Shogakukan and ugoku ehon.
Alife and reallife: Play with Corelife (Tierra
variant) and more
Tierra, Alife
page, Life and more life links, Avida, neural
nets and artificial
life (FAQ with neat
info and all sorts of anonymous ftp addresses). Real critters, Fungi Perfecti, Mycosource Inc., Mushroompeople,
Web MD (go under "consumer"), MedHelp's library (for
when critters get the better of you). National Library of Medicine. More
medical database stuff.. Self-help resource. Medicine reference (look for the monographs
directory). Don't
taste odd canned foods (Food
Safety site). Food
Preservation FAQ - extensive! Rec.Food.Preserving FAQ part 2, Food Substitutes. Alternative
medicine info (also here at same
site). This page has
links to various States' doctor info databases. Rabies info at the CDC and their q and a. 100 top hospitals, Hospital Ratings, US
News' top hospitals. EMDR.
Science News is a great
magazine. Genetic Music, music based on, say, protein. DNA extraction with household goods
Typing Injury Archive. For an alternate to icky keyboards/mice,
try Datahands! MouseTool eliminates mouse-clicking! Pedal extenders for short people in cars. TTSSH.
Wells Fargo Bank includes the (true)
Adventures of Wells Fargo: tales from the Old West. Speaking of money... check out FinanCenter for their useful web services.
The old British monetary system explained.
Netrights: Keep up to date with
your changing rights on the Internet with the EFF's Alerts. What's up with the "Communications Decency Act"?
(Leahy's cool!). Speaking
of rights: 10
Big Myths about Copyright Explained. Copyright
resources. Factnet. Copyright basics.
You can make a difference. Non-Profit
Organizations, Nonprofit Resources
Catalogue, and the Internet
NonProfit Center. I like this list! Money's
charity search. Worth's
list of 100 best US charities. BBB Wise Giving Alliance. Find a local
non-profit. Save the
Children and World
Vision. Covenant
House. Boston area Saturday/Sunday's Bread. You can start at home, with your family. A
resource for those depressed or manic/depressives: "In the Arms of
Madness". Accomplishments and
Plants Database and plants by mail FAQ
catalog list and Cyndi's
list too. The Trellis
- gardening links. Gardenweb. Farmer's Almanac. Mass. Agriculture. Organic.... Organic rose
care. Speaking of roses, Nor'east is now a
California company owned store (wah!); mini mania.
More plants: Forum
about building a contained terrarium world, Black Jungle terrarium
store (they sell frogs too) and their links and sample, California Carnivores
carnivorous plants,, on lichens, carnivorous plant
help, (New England
Carnivorous Plant Society), builds
indoor green spaces, and Eco-Sphere glass-enclosed life
and the giant Biosphere 2 (research
Greenpeace has been in the news
lately. Read about the first Rainbow
Warrior ship and its sinking in '85. Nature poetry and
music at the BBC.
US Postal Service and Federal
Express. Find out postal rates and track packages. Or, find
out how to get there yourself (doesn't do 1-ways, tho). Northwest Airlines. for books, and CDnow for music. Rate the web businesses here.
Alpha, shareware
text-editing for the Mac. Unrelated: Squaresoft hints, for when
you're stuck in their games. Completely irrelevant: The fall of
the animated show The Real Ghostbusters (the '86 season was
Online stuff. Bandwidth
Conservation Society: how to make images faster. On animated
optimization. Any
browser campaign and their site viewer
features! Web-safe colors.
Practical matters. Consumer,
reviewing the reviewers. Boston
Better Business Bureau might just save someone a lot of time and
money. Elbows'
Tradespeople includes Rusty. MA home improvement
stuff. MA soil
testing ... Boston area dirt tends to be dangerously loaded with
lead! Mass web site,
with links to licensing info and other services. Hazardous
Waste & Toxic Use Reduction for a Boston suburb, and Mercury Solutions
... fluorescent light bulbs and HID bulbs can be hazardous, so recycle
them properly. How things work
questions and answers.
Stories of courage. No Fear. Plus, the
Brown project that asked women about their WWII experiences. Sympathy, and some more stories.
The famous Dread Gazebo story
Comments/suggestions about anything in this
homepage? Email me at rei -at- Really! (Or, you can even
use a comment
on! Deo.