Let's see... What to say here that doesn't sound lame, but allows searchers
to find this page....
I was born in 1966 in
In September of 1999, I took the plunge and returned to school. I am currently
a Graduate Student in Biomedical Engineering at Wayne State University. If all
goes as planned, I will receive my Ph.D. in May of 2002. As graduation day is rapidly approaching, I
am earnestly searching for a faculty position.
If you have a position available, check out my CV.
Prior to becoming a graduate student, I was employed by Alcoa
Fujikura LTD, a Tier 1 automotive supplier. Before AFL, I was employed by
American Yazaki, yet another Tier 1 automotive
supplier. Although, I have every intention of completing my Ph.D. and remaining
in academia feel free to look at my resume, on the off
chance that you have an opportunity that will change my mind.
I am also an aspiring author, I have three completed
short stories, as well as another short and a novel in progress. For summaries,
excerpts and information about purchasing copies and/or rights click here.
Also, I am interested in hearing from other MIT alums, and graduates of Oscoda
High School.
I have some friends that I have lost touch with that I would sincerely love to
hear from, they are: Jamie Baier, Sharon Truex, Chung-U Kim, Young-Hey Kim, Cheryl Peterson, Tammy
Boatwright, Casey Curtis, and Melissa Curtis (more names will appear as time
goes on, I have decided to tackle this a little at a time.)
I have a few of friends that were recently found (i.e. they used to be in the
above paragraph). Thank you to everyone that helped to find Charlene Leslie,
Don MacVittie, Felicia Washington and Sandy Hanson.
Last updated: Sunday, January 27, 2002