Workshop on Multiscale Materials Prediction:
Fundamentals and Industrial Applications
September 14 - 16, 1997, MIT
Supported by the Center for Materials Science and Engineering*, MIT,
the Institute of Theoretical Physics and the Materials Research
Laboratory at UC Santa Barbara, and ETH Zurich, with additional
support from the Industrial Liaison Program and the Materials
Processing Center, MIT.
*A National Science Foundation Materials Research Science and
Engineering Center (MRSEC)
Participants will assess current capabilities for addressing critical
problems in industrial materials technology through theory and
simulation across the length scales characteristic of
electronic-structure, atomistic, and microstructure modeling.
Workshop is the third in a coordinated series aimed at fostering
collaborations between universities and industry, with the
participation of government laboratories.
Plenary and two Invited Poster Sessions will be
held at the Cambridge Center Marriott Hotel, Kendall Square, Cambridge. A
block of rooms, under designation "MIT Multiscale Materials Prediction",
has been reserved at the Marriott for September 13-15 at $155 per night;
these will be released on August 24.
All sessions are held at the Cambridge Center Marriott
Square, Cambridge
September 14 (Sunday)
9 AM Opening Remarks
9:10 Session I: Methods and Applications (Chair:J. Joannopoulos)
M. Cohen (UC Berkeley) ,
"Predicting Properties of Materials"
K. Kremer (MPI-Mainz, Germany), "From Microscopic to Semi-Macroscopic Polymer
(Break, 10:30-11:00)
J. F. Harris (MSI, San Diego), "Some Issues in Industrial Materials Modeling"
G. Olson (Northwestern Univ), "Systems Design of Hierarchically-Structured
Materials: Advanced Steels"
(Lunch, 12:20-2:00)
2 PM Session II: Microstructures and Kinetics (Chair: G. Ceder)
O. Richmond (ALCOA), "On the Need for
Chemicomechanical Modeling and
Experiments in Alloy Development"
G. Martin (Saclay, France), "Modelling
Configurational Kinetics in Driven
C. Gandin (EPFL, Switzerland), "Modeling
Dendritic Structures by Means of
Cellular Automata"
Invited Posters (Presentations, 4:00, Viewing and Refreshments,
- see separate listing for titles and authors
September 15 (Monday)
9 AM Session III: Mechanical Behavior (Chair: A. Needleman)
J. R. Rice (Harvard Univ), "3D Elastodynamics of Cracking through Heterogeneous
Solids: Crack Front Waves and Growth of Fluctuations"
F. Abraham (IBM-Almaden), "Instability Dynamics in Rapid Fracture:
Studying Materials Failure Using Millions of Atoms"
(Break, 10:20-10:50)
L. Kubin (CNRS-ONERA, France), "Mesoscopic Simulations of Dislocations and
U. W. Suter (ETHZ, Switzerland), "Atomistic-Level Modeling of Mechanics of
Polymer Solids"
(Lunch 12:20-2:00)
2 PM Session IV: Interfacial Phenomena (Chair: F. Spaepen)
K. Binder (Univ Mainz, Germany), "Simulation of Interfaces between Coexisting
Phases in Materials"
D. Wolf (Argonne National Lab), "Interfacially Controlled Atomic Structure and
High-Temperature Behavior of Polycrystalline Microstructures"
A. Sutton (Oxford Univ), "Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Metallic
September 16 (Tuesday)
9 AM Session V: Special Materials (Chair: E. Kaxiras)
D. Vanderbilt (Rutgers Univ), "Ferroelectric Instabilities in Perovskites"
M. Boyce (MIT), "Microstructure and Mechanical Performance of Polymeric
Materials: Toughening Semi-Crystalline Polymers"
(Break, 10:20-10:50)
S. Suresh (MIT), "Coupled Effects in Layered Structures, Thin Films and
Piezoelectric Solids: Modeling and Experiments"
J. Joannopoulos (MIT), "Microphotonic Materials and Structure"
(Lunch, 12:10-1:40)
1:40 PM Session VI: Processing and Performance (Chair: R. A. Brown )
G. Gilmer (Lucent Tech), "Simulation of Silicon Device Processing Using
Atomistic Models"
K. Jensen (MIT), "Multiscale Simulations of Thin Film Growth - Linking Quantum
Chemistry, Monte Carlo and Finite Element Predictions of Semiconductor
Growth Processes"
Concluding Discussions (3:00-3:30)
Plenary talks are each 30 min, plus 10 min discussions. All sessions
will be in Salon III to the right of the escalator, upper level, and
Posters in the adjacent room, Salon IV. Registration will be outside
of Salons III/IV.
Workshop attendance will be limited to 130 participants. Registration
Fee: $150. All posters are invited. Interested contributor should
give title and brief abstraction on Registration Form. Further
information and update:
Local Organizing Committee: L. Anand, T. Arias, M. Bawendi, M. Boyce,
G. Ceder, J. Clark, G. Dresselhaus, K.Jensen, E. Kaxiras, G. Rutledge,
M. Spearing, J. R. Williams
External Advisory Committee: J. S. Langer (UCSB), A. K. Cheetham
(UCSB), U. W. Suter (ETH Zurich), J.C.Williams(GE Aircraft Engines)
Coordinators: R. A. Brown, J. Joannopoulos, S. Suresh, S. Yip (chair)
PS file
EPS file
- The design of cathode oxides for rechargeable Li batteries using the
first-principles pseudo potential method
G. Ceder, M.K. Aydinol and A. Van der Ven, Department of Materials
Science and Engineering, MIT
- Predicting effects of alloying on ductility of MoSi2 from first
U. V. Waghmare and E. Kaxiras, Department of Physics, Harvard Univ., V.
Bulatov, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, and M. S. Duesbery,
Fairfax Materials Research, Inc.
- Thermoelastic modeling of complex ceramics: A non-empirical DFT
A. V. G. Chizmeshya, G. H. Wolf, and W. T. Petuskey, Materials Research
Science and Engineering Center, Arizona State University
- First-principles study of a nanoscale friction using local orbitals in
adaptive real-space coordinates
G. S. Smith, N. A. Modine, U. Waghmare, E. Kaxiras, Department of
Physics, Harvard Univ.
- Test of Herring's scaling laws at the nanoscale
P. Zeng, P. C. Clapp and J. A. Rifkin, Center for Materials Simulation,
Institute of Materials Science, University of Connecticut
- Can micron-scale sintering and grain growth theories be applied at the
P. C. Clapp, P. Zeng, S. Zajac and J. A. Rifkin, Center for Materials
Simulation, Institute of Materials Science, University of
- Nanoporous semiconductors
A. Demkov, Predictive Engineering Laboratory, Motorola, Inc. and O.
Sankey, Department of Physics, Univ. of Arizona
- Initial stages of oxidation of silicon (001) surfaces: A case study in
managing multiple scales within the DFT
N. A. Modine, G. Zumbach, G. Smith, and E. Kaxiras, Department of
Physics, Harvard Univ.
- Modeling quantum effects in the Raman spectra of carbon nanotubes
E. Dresseelhaus, National Magnet Laboratory, MIT
- Models for low dimensional thermoelectricity
M. Dresselhaus, MIT
- Intrinsic crossover mechanism for thermal conduction in rare-gas
H. Kaburaki, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai
- Tight-binding simulation of the amorphous-crystal interface in silicon
N. Bernstein, E. Kaxiras, and M. Aziz, Division of Engineering and
Applied Science, Harvard Univ.
- Atomistic simulation of sigma3(111) grain boundary fracture in tungsten
containing various impurities
M. Grujicic and H. Zhao, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Clemson
Univ., and G. L. Krasko, U.S. Army Research Laboratory,
Aberdeen Proving Ground
- Environment-dependent interatomic potential for bulk silicon
M. Z. Bazant and E. Kaxiras, Harvard Univ., J. Justo, V. Bulatov and S.
Yip, MIT
- Atomistic simulation of materials using environment-dependent
tight-binding potentials
C. Z. Wang, Department of Physics, Iowa State Univ.
- Toughening of ceramic composites by transformation weakening of
W. Kriven, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Univ.
- On the role of length-scale in the prediction of failure of composite
structures: Assessment and needs
S. M. Spearing, P. A. Lagace, and H. L. N. McManus, Technology
Laboratory for Advanced Composites, Department of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, MIT
- Multiscale atomistic-continuum modeling of crack propagation in 2D
metallic plates
H. Rafir-Tabar, School of Mathematical Sciences, Univ. Greenwich, UK
- Study of the plasticity of silicon at a mesocopic scale by numerical 3D
A. Moulin, Laboratoire de Metallurgie Structurale, Univ. Paris Sud
- Application of the fast multipole method to micromechanics
G. Rodin, Department of Aerospace Eng and Eng. Mechanics, Univ. Texas
- Micromechanical modeling of the mechanical behavior of composites
S. Schmauder, Univ. Stuttgart
- Crystallography of dislocation kinks
V. V. Bulatov, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, J. F. Justo,
W. Cai, S. Yip, Department of Nuclear Engineering, MIT
- A mesoscopic approach to dislocation mobility and the mechanical
response in bcc single crystals
M. Tang, Physics Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Why L12 intermetallics are brittle and how to make them ductile?
J.-S. Wang, Div. Eng. and Applied Sciences, Harvard Univ.
- Quantitative measures of crack nucleation
S.-Y. Wu, Department of Physics, Louisville Univ.
- Molecular modeling of self-assembling peptide materials in biology and
S. Zhang, Department of Biology, MIT
- The size and shape of self-assembled micelles
P.H. Nelson, T.A. Hatton, G.C. Rutledge, Department of Chemical
Engineering, MIT
- Coupling continuum to molecular dynamics simulation: Reflecting
Particle Method, Field Estimator, and the Effective Particle Controller
J. Li, D. Liao, S. Yip, Department of Nuclear Engineering, MIT
- Title TBA
B. Bergstrom and M. C. Boyce, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
- Title TBA
R. Phillips, Engineering Division, Brown Univ.
- Time and strain dependence of the mechanical behavior of elastomers
J. S. Bergstrom, M. C. Boyce , Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
- Molecular dynamics simulation of boundary lubricated interfaces
S. Yim, N. Saka, N. Sonwalkar
, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
- Materials Processing Center (MPC) and Industry Collegium: The
industry and government link to materials research at MIT
L. C. Kimerling, G. B. Kenney,
C. Reif,
Materials Processing Center, MIT
- Lattice Monte Carlo simulations as link between ab-initio
calculations and macroscopic behavior of dopants and defects in silicon
Marius M. Bunea* and Scott T. Dunham**, *Physics Department and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering**, Boston University
Abraham, Farid
Senior Scientist, IBM Almaden research, <>
Allen, Samuel
Professor of Materials and Engineering, MIT, <>
Baca, Adra
Member of Tech. Staff/Materials Research, AMP, Inc.,
Binder, Kurt
Professor, University of Mainz, Germany, <>
Boyce, M.
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT,
Breedis, John
Materials Engineer,
AMP, Inc., <>
Cassenti, Brice
Senior Principal
Engineer, United Technologies Res. Ctr., <>
Chang, Jim C.I.
Director, Aerospace &
Mat Sci Directorate, AFOSR, Bolling AFB, DC, <>
Chizmeshya, Andrew
Scientist, Dept. of Physics, Arizona State University, <>
Cohen, Marvin
Professor of Physics, UC Berkeley,
Condat, Marc
Vice Manager, Chemical
Sciences Dept., Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,
Coronell, Dan
Section Manager,
Equipment Stimulating Group, <>
Demkov, Alex
Sr Staff Scientist, Predictive Eng. Lab., Motorola Inc.,
DePristo, Andrew E.
Dr., Interim Program Manager, Materials Science Div., DOE
Derby, James
R&D, Materials, EG&G, <>
Fitzsimmons, Timothy
Div. of Materials Sciences, US DOE,
Fossey, Stephen
Materials Res. Eng., US Army Natick RD&E Center,
Gandin, Charles André
Postdoctoral Fellow, Ecole Polytechnque Federale de Lausanne,
Gilmer, George
Member of Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories, <>
Grujicic, Mica
Prof., Mech. Eng., Clemson Univ.,
Harris, John F.
Research Director,
Molecular Simulations Inc., <>
Heaney, Michael B.
Sr. Staff Scientist, Raychem Corp.,
Jensen, Klavs
Professor of Chemical Engineering, MIT,
Joannopoulos, John
Professor of Physics, MIT,
Kaburaki, Hideo
Principal Researcher, Group Leader, Ctr for Promotio
n of
Computational Sci & Eng., Japan Atomic Energy Resear
ch Institute,
Kai, Zhang
Development Eng., Parker Hannifin.
Kniazzeh, Alfredo
Polaroid, Waltham,
Kohn, Robert V.
Professor, Courant Institute, New York University,
Kremer, Kurt
Director, Max-Planck Institute, Mainz,
Kriven, Waltraud (Trudy)
Professor, Mat Sci & Eng, U Illinois Urbana-Chanpaign,
Kubin, Ladislas
Research Director, CNRS-ONERA, France,
Lipton, Robert
Professor, Dept. of Material Sciences, Worcester Polytechnic
Inst., <>
Mailhiot, Christian
Division Leader, Physics Dept.,
Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.,
Martin, Georges
Research Director, CEN-Saclay, France,
Marx, Klaus
Robert Bosch GmbH,
Monette, Liza
Program Leader, Advanced Composite, Exxon R&E, Annan
dale, NJ, <>
Moulin, Antoine
Laboratoire de Metallurgie Structurale, Universite P
aris Sud,
Olson, Greg
Professor of Materials Science, Northwestern Univ.,
Rafii-Tabar, Hashem
Head of Res., Nano-Sci Simul Grp, Schl Math Sci, Uni
v Greenwich, UK,
Rice, James R.
Professor of Engineering Sciences, Harvard Univ.,
Richmond, Owen
Research Director, ALCOA Technical Center, <>
Rodgers, Brendan
Chief Engineer, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.,
Rodin, Gregory
Assoc. Prof., Aeorspace Eng. & Eng. Mechanics,
Univ. Texas at Austin,
Schmauder, Siegfried
Professor Dr. rer. nat.,
MPA Stuttgart, University of Stuttgart,
Suresh, Subra
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT,
Suter, Ulrich W.
Professor of Polymer Science, ETH Zurich,
Sutton, Adrian
Department of Materials, Oxford Univ.,
Tadmor, Ellad
Postdoc, Div. of Eng & Applied Sci, Harvard, Gordon
McKay Laboratory, <>
Tang, Meijie
Physicist, H-Div./P&ST, Livermore NL,
Tasaki, Ken
Chief Scientist, Mitsubishi Chemical America,
Tewary, Vinod
Physicist, Materials Reliability Div., NIST,
Thomas, Edwin
Professor, DMSE, MIT,
Vanderbilt, David
Professor pf Physics, Rutgers Univ.,
Visintainer, Jim
Dr., R&D Assoc., Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
Wang, Cai-Zhuang
Physicist, Iowa State U & DOE,
Wang Jian-Sheng
Research Scientist, Div. Eng. & Applied Science, Har
Williams, James C.
Wolf, Dieter
Senior Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory,
Wong, Channy
SMTS, Sandia National Lab,
Wu, Shi-Yu
Professor, Dept. of Physics, University of Louisville,
Zhang, Shuguang
Principal Res. Sci., Biology, MIT
Zhu, Jing
Physicist, H-Div., Livermore NL,
Plenary Talks:
Predicting Properties of Materials: Alchemy with Computers
Marvin Cohen
Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA
Abstract: I'll discuss older pseudopotential calculations on
silicon and
super hard materials and newer calculations on nanotubes.
From Micrsoscopic to Semi Macroscopic Polymer Simulations
Kurt Kremer, W. Tschoef, M. Murat, O. Hahn
Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany
Abstract: The talk will cover some recent attempts to map
polymer models onto mesoscopic models. For the example of three
polycarbonates this is tested. Then the step back towards the
conformations is performed. In addition the next scale up step to a
macroscopic description is tested for the coarse grained models. First
results on phase separation simulations on this level are presented.
Some Issues in Industrially Relevant Materials
Modelling J. Harris
Inc., 9685 Scranton Rd., San Diego, CA 92121
Abstract: In the absence of knowledge of the fundamental
interactions on the appropriate scales of length and time, the
modeling of multiscale materials properties remains an inexact
science. Progress requires two kinds of approaches. The first
approach, from the academic end, seeks to build up knowledge of the
elementary processes sequentially. The second approach, of more direct
relevance to industry, seeks to use whatever tools are available,
however imperfect, that allow some kinds of incremental improvements
to be made. Successful strategies in multiscale modelling will involve
a balance between the two kinds of approaches, and will offer
practical value in the short term as well as the promise of long term
Systems Design of Hierarchically Structured Materials:
Advanced Steels
G. B. Olson
Department of materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern
Abstract: A systems approach integrates
processing/structure/property/performance relations in the conceptual
design of multilevel-structured materials. Using the example high
performance alloy steels, numerical implementation of materials
principles provides a hierarchy of computational models defining
design parameters which are integrated via computational
thermodynamics in
the comprehensive design of materials as interactive systems.
design class projects address application of the methods in metals,
ceramics, and polymers for special applications.
Multiscale Chemicomechanical Integration and Instabilities
in Alloy Design
Owen Richmond
Alcoa Technical Center, Alcoa Center, PA 15069-0001
Abstract: Materials design is one aspect of holistic material
design. It concerns the linking of atomic-scale behavior (effects of
chemical composition) to coupon-scale behavior (continuum constitutive
equations). It concerns the question: what alloy composition and
history can best produce desired performance attributes at
minimum cost at production scales.
Many of the constitutive equations which have been developed and used
the past 10-15 years consist primarily of sets of algebraic and
ordinary differential equations for particular alloys with time as
independent variable and various dependent variables representing
aspects of microstructure, both physical and chemical. These
equations are combined with the classical conservation laws to
spaciotemporal behavior of material products and processes.
In the past few years we have begun to try to link coupon-scale
behavior to
atomic-scale behavior through multiscale models, and to represent
and spaciotemporal complexity of behavior (particularly plastic flow
instabilities) by refinements of the constitutive models and attention
instabilities resulting from nonlinearities. Examples will be
described of
the effects of plastic nonnormality and dynamic strain aging on
flow instabilities.
Modelling Configurational Kinetics in Driven Alloys: Dose,
Dose Rate and
Integrated Dose Effects
G. Martin
CEA-Saclay, DECM, Section de Recherches de Metallurgie Physique,
Gif-sur-Yvette CEDEX, France
Abstract:There is some confusion between the meaning of the
word "dose"
in pharmacology ("do not exceed the prescribed dose!") and in
("dose" =3D fluence or integrated flux). We show that what physicians
"the effect of dose" is what we recognize as "cascade size
effects". We
give example of the latter for driven alloys, as observed in computer-
well as material-experiments, for alloys both under irradiation and
ball milling.
Modeling of Dendritic Grain Structures by Means of Cellular
Charles-Andre Gandin
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Laboratoire de Metallurgie
Physique, Lausanne, Switzerland
Abstract:The efficiency of aircraft jet engines and land-based
is closely related to the operating temperature that can be sustained
the materials used in such applications. In the hottest stages of
devices, Directionally Solidified (DS) and Single Crystal (SX)
investment cast parts are preferentially used. The major defect
during the solidification processing of these parts is related to the
formation of stray crystals at various locations of the castings.
In order to predict and optimize the grain structures formed in
cast parts, a new three-dimensional (3D) Cellular Automaton -Finite
(CAFE) model has been developed. Such a model not only takes into
the crystallographic orientation of the grains, but also the growth
kinetics of the dendrites and the heterogeneous nucleation of grains
at the
inner surface of the mold or within the bulk of the liquid. All these
microscopic phenomena calculated at the scale of the fine grid of the
are coupled with heat flow computations based upon the coarser mesh of
As will be shown, this 3D CAFE model is able to predict, for given
geometries and casting conditions, the formation of stray crystals,
transitions from columnar to equiaxed grain morphologies, the grain
competition and the evolution of the grain texture in the columnar
Starting with the basic concepts, this presentation will also show
some of
the latest developments: two dimensional (2D) modeling of grain
and its effect on the final macrostructures.
Elastodynamics of Cracking through Heterogeneous Solids: Crack Front
Waves and Growth of Fluctuations John W. Morrissey and James R. Rice
Division of Engineering and
Applied Science and Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Abstract: We
present simulations of 3D dynamic fracture which suggest that a
persistent elastic wave is generated in response to a localized
perturbation of a propagating crack front, e.g., by a local
heterogeneity of critical fracture energy (Morrissey and Rice, EOS,
Trans. AGU, 1996; also, submitted to J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 1997).
The wave propagates along the moving crack front and spreads, relative
to its origin point on the fractured surface, at a speed slightly
below the Rayleigh speed. The simulations were done using the
spectral elastodynamic methodology of Geubelle and Rice
(J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 1995). They model failure by a
displacement-weakening cohesive model, which corresponds in the
singular crack limit to crack growth at a critical fracture energy.
Confirmation that crack front waves with properties like in our
simulation do exist has been provided by Ramanathan and Fisher
(submitted to Phys. Rev. Let., 1997). Through a derivation based on
the linearized perturbation analysis of dynamic singular tensile crack
growth by Willis and Movchan (J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 1995), those
authors found by numerical evaluation that a transfer function thereby
introduced has a simple pole at a certain w/k ratio, corresponding to
a non-dispersive wave.
Further, we show that as a consequence of these persistent waves,
when a crack grows through a region of small random fluctuations in
fracture energy, the variances of both the local propagation velocity
and the deformed slope of the crack front increase, according to
linearized perturbation theory, in direct proportion to distance of
growth into the randomly heterogeneous region. That rate of
disordering is more rapid than the growth of the variances with the
logarithm of distance established by Perrin and Rice (ibid, 1994) for
a model elastodynamic fracture theory based on a scalar wave equation.
That scalar case, which shows slowly decaying (as t**-1/2) rather than
persistent crack front waves, is analyzed here too. Simulations of
cracking through heterogeneous toughness show that the wave effects
can cause the effects of heterogeneities to cascade along wave paths
so that, e.g., strong fluctuations of crack velocity, and possibly
instantaneous arrest of propagation, are induced at heterogeneities
which would normally be too weak to strongly affect the crack motion.
It has been found experimentally that smooth tensile fracture
surfaces in glass (Wallner, Z. Physik, 1939) and tungsten (Hull and
Beardmore, Int. J. Fracture Mech., 1965) can exhibit long-lived pulse
markings, now called Wallner lines, produced by disturbances at the
intersection of the main crack front and the specimen surface, or at
internal heterogeneities. The crack front waves discussed, at least
if some generalization of them exists that includes small out-of-plane
perturbations of the crack front, may provide an explanation of such
Instability Dynamics in Rapid Fracture: Studying Materials
Failure Using
Millions of Atoms
Farid Abraham
IBM, Research Division, Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA 95120
Continuum fracture theory typically assumes that cracks are
smooth and predicts that they accelerate to a limiting velocity equal
the Rayleigh speed, or surface sound speed, of the material. In
experiment tells us that, in a common fracture sequence, an initially
smooth and mirror-like fracture surface begins to appear misty and
evolves into a rough, hackled region with a limiting velocity of about
six-tenths the Rayleigh speed. Recent experiments have clearly shown
violent crack velocity oscillations occur beyond a speed of about
the Rayleigh speed and are correlated with the roughness of the crack
surface. All of these features are unexplained using conventional
continuum theory.
With the advent of scaleable parallel computers, computational
are being extended for providing immediate insights into the nature of
fracture dynamics. We have studied the rapid brittle fracture of
using molecular dynamics for 10-millions of atoms and finite-element
continuum mechanics. We have been able to follow the crack
over sufficient time and distance intervals so that a comparison with
experiments is feasible. Most important, we can "see" what is
happening on
the atomic scale.
A detailed comparison between laboratory and computer experiments
demonstrates that many of the recent laboratory findings occur in our
simulation experiments, one of the most intriguing being a dynamic
instability of the crack tip and its associated properties.
processes have been identified, and an explanation for the limiting is
discovered. The origin of the instability dynamics at the atomic
level is
best seen in a video of the fracture simulations. In a 100-million
simulation, we have discovered a dynamic brittle-to-brittle transition
the rapid cleavage of fcc solids, immediately leading to the
initiation of
plastic failure, crack arrest and the spontaneous proliferation of
dislocations. We will discuss how this problem scales to the future
teraflop regime in scientific computing.
Multimedia versions of our 2D and 3D atomistic simulation studies of
fracture are available via the World Wide Web:
2D fracture: http://www/
3D fracture:
Mesoscopic Simulations of Dislocations and Plasticity
Ladislas Kubin
LEM, CNRS-ONERA, Leclerc, Chatillon, France
Abstract: The connection between atomistic and continuum
approaches of plasticity can be achieved by means of numerical
modeling at
the scale of the microstructure. Such mesoscopic simulations are
and various examples of application are shown.
Simulation of Interfaces between Coexisting Phases in
K. Binder, M. M|ller, F. Schmid,
A. Werner
Institut fur Physik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz,
Staudingerweg 7,
D - 55099 Mainz, Germany
Abstract: Simulation of coexisting phases (e.g. liquid
coexisting with
saturated vapor, or A-rich phase coexisting with B-rich phase in a
AB polymer mixture, etc.) is of interest as a tool both for the study
bulk phase properties and of interfacial properties (interfacial
interfacial tension, etc.). Likewise, analogous experimental
techniques are
useful in thin film geometries.
This talk reviews recent work on interfaces in polymer blends,
adsorbed block copolymers as surfactants. It is emphasized that the
interfacial profile and width depends sensitively on both the lateral
and perpendicular (D) linear dimension of the simulation box. It is
that simulations help to understand analogous fluctuation broadening
interfacial widths in experiment. Evidence is presented that analogous
phenomena occur also for antiphase domain walls in solid ordered
Interfacially Controlled Atomic Structure and
High-temperature Behavior of
Polycrystalline Microstructures by Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Dieter Wolf
Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
Abstract: Molecular-dynamics simulations of the synthesis,
characterization and high-temperature plastic deformation of
fully dense, three-dimensional polycrystalline microstructures with a
nanometer grain size will be reviewed, with particular emphasis on
The role of the atomic structures and dynamical properties of the
boundaries and grain junctions in these microstructures in their
high-temperature behavior will be elucidated. An attempt will be made
formulate a conceptual framework for understanding microstructural
evolution and mechanical deformation of polycrystalline
microstructures at
high temperatures. The basis for such a framework comes from a
with the dynamical properties of geometrically well-defined,
microstructurally unconstrained grain boundaries in bicrystal
Such a framework will enable mesoscale-type simulations of
grain-boundary-controlled properties of polycrystalline
based on an atomic-level understanding of bicrystalline boundaries and
insights gained on the effects of the microstructural constraints.
Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Metallic Nano-contacts
Adrian Sutton
Department of Materials, Oxford University
Abstract: Metallic contacts at the nanometre scale have been
experimentally by a variety of techniques ranging from using STM tips
make contacts, to the mechanically controllable break junction
developed at Leiden. In a typical experiment, one makes a metallic
and stretches it to fracture while measuring the electronic
It is found that the conductance decreases in jumps, and that in the
stages, where the contact is just one or two atoms across, the
is quantized in units of 2e**2/h. The origin of the jumps has been
subject of considerable dispute, and computer simulations have shed a
deal of light on this matter.
I will describe the work Tchavdar Todorov and I have done at Oxford to
model the mechanical evolution of these contacts during fracture, and
simultaneous calculations of the conductance. We explain the origin
of the
vast majority of the jumps in the conductance in terms of mechanical
instabilities within the contact. I will also describe the very close
interactions between experiment and simulation that has led to the
consensus that mechanical instabilities are indeed the principal cause
the jumps.
Finally, if time permits, I will describe our recent thinking about
electromigration. This is where one asks what effect the current flow
on the mechanical evolution of the contact, rather than the effect the
mechanical evolution of the contact has on the current flowing through
Ferroelectric Instabilities in Perovskites
David Vanderbilt
Department of Physics & Astronomy, Rutgers University
Abstract: I will discuss aspects of our recent work on the
theory of
ferroelectric instabilities in cubic perovskites, focusing on
BaTiO3. I
will show that the correct sequence of phase transitions can be
from an approach in which Monte Carlo simulations are applied to an
effective Hamiltonian that is extracted from ab initio calculations.
approach can then be used to study such higher-order problems as the
structure and energetics of ferroelectric domain boundaries, the
of surfaces on ferroelectric order, and the finite-temperature bulk
peizoelectric response.
Microstructure and Mechanical Performance of Polymeric
Toughening Semi-Crystalline Polymers
Mary C. Boyce
Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
Abstract: It is widely recognized by polymeric material
producers that the
key to polymer penetration into new and wider product markets is not
development of a novel monomer, but is, instead, the optimization of
numerous existing polymers on the market today. The major advantage
thermoplastics offer are cost, weight, manufacturability and
The limitations primarily lie in the mechanical properties;
low stiffness and low toughness. Recent research in the polymer
has demonstrated the ability to provide remarkable increases in the
toughness of semi-crystalline polymers through blending of rubber
particles; however, this is at the large expense of reducing the
to the point of all but ruling out the competitive use of the polymer
practical applications.
In this presentation, a new interdisciplinary research program at MIT
microstructure and mechanical performance of polymeric materials is
discussed. A current focus of the program is the problem of
semi-crystalline polymers. The commercial market for semi-crystalline
polymers has been expanding; but these materials exhibit both notch
temperature embrittlement. Recently, we have demonstrated the ability
tailor polymer microstructure in order to produce a super-tough
semi-crystalline polymer which also exhibits an enhanced stiffness.
Furthermore, this toughness is maintained at low temperatures. The
microstructure tailoring was accomplished by exploiting our
understanding of the underlying deformation mechanisms and the
material length scales which govern mechanical performance. Both
experimental and modelling efforts of this program will be presented.
experimental effort focuses on probing the mechanical properties
(stiffness, strength, toughness) and the microstructure. The
effort focuses on simulating the deformation of the heterogeneous
system by incorporation of continuum material models which account for
material behavior at the crystallographic level. The experiments and
simulations show the importance of the role of the local material
microstructure in producing macroscopic toughening in these
material system.
Coupled Mechanical-Nonmechanical Interactions in Integrated
S. Suresh
Deparatment of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT
Abstract:This presentation will deal with experimental,
analytical and computational
studies of the mechanical and non-mechanical coupling in integrated
of major technological significance. The applications to be
include: microelectronic devices, flat-panel displays and
"smart" materials for sensors and actuators. Firstly, the thermal and
mechanical coupling will be examined to derive guidelines for
and geometry in the fabrication of 300-mm diameter Si wafers. The
effects of thermal-mechanical-body force coupling will then be
for the stress and deformation analysis of flat-panel displays. The
presentation will conclude with a discussion of the
coupling where the particular issue of normal contact between a
piezoelectric material and a conducting or insulating body. A new
involving indentation will be proposed for the estimation of
mechanical or
dielectric constants for the piezoelectric material. Strategies for
controlling cracking propensity under contact by recourse to purely
mechanical means will also be addressed.
Microphotonic Materials and Structures
John Joannopoulos
Department of Physics, MIT
Abstract: An introduction and survey of the field of photonic
crystals is
presented. These materials provide capabilities along a new dimension
the control and manipulation of light. the results of theoretical
calculations which predict exciting novel applications of photonic
are discussed.
Simulations of Silicon Device Processng Using Atomistic Models
G. H. Gilmer
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ 07974
Abstract: The fabrication of complex silicon devices requires accurate
models to predict the result of the many processing steps involved in
current manufacturing methods. The sizes of features such as vias, gates,
and interconnect lines on silicon devices are being reduced to a point
where atomistic
effects will soon become important. Fluctuations in the number of dopant
atoms, variations in film thickness, and other effects will need to be
controlled to a high level in order to have reproducible device properties.
For this reason, atomistic models of device processing are being
developed. We will discuss the hierarchy of simulation methods which can
be used to improve the accuracy of the predictions; with emphasis
on Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics models of implantation
and doping. We discuss the damage produced by the implanted ions, and the
enhanced diffusion caused by this damage during subsequent processing
steps. Finally, the use of Monte Carlo models to treat the deposition of
interconnect metal will be mentioned.
Multiscale Simulations of Thin Film Growth - Linking
Quantum Chemistry,
Monte Carlo and Finite Element Predictions of Semiconductor Growth
Klavs F. Jensen, Harsono Simka, Raj
Venkataramani, Istvan Lengyel, Seth
Departments of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and
Engineering, MIT
Abstract: Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of thin films is an
reactive processing step in the fabrication of thin film composites
electronic and optical applications. The process involves reactive
flow combined with surface processes including adsorption, diffusion,
nucleation, and growth. The complex coupling of transport phenomena
gas-phase and surface chemical kinetics on different length scales
that more than one type of modeling approach is needed to understand
entire CVD process. Macroscopic predictions (growth rate, film
and film composition), "mesoscopic" predictions (surface morphology),
microscopic predictions (adatom diffusion and reaction) are all
to realize particular thin film performance characteristics. A
is presented for linking different length scale models for the
Two- and three-dimensional finite element (FEM) simulations are used
solve the governing macroscopic conservation equations describing
flow, heat and mass transfer with chemical kinetics in CVD reactor
enclosures so as to predict the type and concentration of growth and
impurity precursors arriving at the growth front. Three-dimensional
Carlo (MC) simulations of growth front evolution provide additional
understanding of surface morphology evolution and impurity
mechanisms. Ab initio molecular orbital and density functional theory
quantum chemistry computations, combined with transition state
calculations, are used to determine thermochemical and kinetic data
reaction pathways needed in the different levels of physical models.
of the length scale-specific simulations is validated through
with experimental results. The "linked" models are shown to provide
insight into macroscopic and microscopic experimental observations
cannot be accurately represented by a single length scale simulation
The design of cathode oxides for rechargeable Li batteries
using the
first-principles pseudo potential method
G. Ceder, M.K. Aydinol, A. Van der Ven
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts
Institute of
Abstract: In principle, the properties of a material of a
given composition
and structure can be determined solely from the basic laws of physics.
Such "first-principles" calculations are the dream of any materials
developer, as they allow one to obtain information on materials
synthesizing them. In our research on rechargeable lithium batteries,
have used computational modeling to direct the search for
materials, leading to the first realization of a "quantum engineered"
high-performance material.
By combining the first-principles pseudopotential method with basic
thermodynamics we establish a clear relation between the structure,
chemistry and intercalation voltage for Li in metal oxides. Contrary
conventional wisdom, which dictates that cathode oxides should contain
transition metal to charge-compensate for variation in Li+ ion
concentration, first-principles computations suggest that even better
properties can be achieved with p-block metals. These results have led
to a
set of design criteria for new, higher energy density materials.
Experiments on these novel materials will also be shown.
Predicting effects of alloying on ductility of MoSi2
from first
U. V. Waghmare and
E. Kaxiras*,
V. Bulatov**, M. S. Duesbery***
*Department of Physics, Harvard University, **Department of
Engineering, MIT, ***Fairfax Materials Research, Inc.
Abstract: We investigate the possibility of enhancing the
ductility of
MoSi2 by sustitutional alloying, through the changes that this
to the relevant surface and unstable stacking fault energies. We
these energies using the ab-initio
pseudopotential total energy method based on a conjugate gradient
algorithm. Effects of V, Nb, Tc substitution for Mo, and Mg, Al, Ge, P
substitution for Si are investigated.
Incorporating these results in a fracture mechanics model for
nucleation and the Griffith criterion for brittle failure, we predict
effects of substitutional alloying on
ductility of MoSi2 for all the substitutional elements considered.
Thermoelastic modeling of complex ceramics: A
non-empirical DFT approach
A. V. G. Chizmeshya, G. H. Wolf, W. T. Petuskey
Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, Arizona State
University, Tempe, AZ 85287
Abstract: Among the most difficult properties to extract
reliably from
simulations of complex ceramics is the elastic/stiffness tensor, and
particular, its pressure and temperature dependence. Large unit cells
containing rare-earth and transition metal atoms often vitiate the
application of ab initio methods to this problem, while simplified
based on empirical interaction potententials usually reproduce one
property at the expense of betraying another. We describe an
efficient but
quantitative simulation approach to the calculation of thermoelastic
properties that has been used extensively within our group as a
to experimental investigations. The variational principle is used to
determine the minimum Gibbs free energy of a crystal composed of
compressible Kohn-Sham atoms/ions. Many-body effects emerge naturally
a coupling between the ionic and electronic degrees of freedom, and
salient properties, including a thermodynamically consistent finite-T
phonon spectrum can be readily obtained. Elastic properties are
from a long wavelength analysis of the finite temperature and pressure
quasi-harmonic phonon spectrum. We demonstrate the methods'
performance by
calculating a wide range of thermal and mechanical properties of some
technologically important ionic compounds including oxide perovskites,
corundum, aluminum nitride and the layered perovskites
First-principles study of a nanoscale friction using local
orbitals in
adaptive real-space coordinates
Greg S. Smith, Normand A. Modine, Umesh
Waghmare, Efthimios Kaxiras
Department of Physics, Harvard University
Abstract: We introduce a computational method for the
efficient treatment of
systems with complex structure and highly inhomogeneous electronic
distributions, in the context density functional theory. The method
a local orbital basis represented on an adaptive real-space grid. We
this approach to study the properties of an atomically flat interface
between a nanoscale MoO3 crystal and a MoS2
a system found
experimentally to exhibit a large friction anisotropy [1].
This is an ideal example for the study the effects of microscopic
on macroscopic phenomena such as friction. Based on our calculations,
obtain estimates of the critical force which must be applied through
atomic force microscope in order to move the MoO_3 crystal, for
shapes of the crystal and different relative orientations with respect
the substrate.
[1] P.E. Sheehan and C.M. Lieber, Science 272, 1158 (1996).
Test of Herring's scaling laws at the nanoscale
P. Zeng, P. C. Clapp, J. A. Rifkin
Center for Materials Simulation, Institute of Materials Science,
of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-3136
Abstract: Molecular Dynamics techniques with Embedded Atom
potentials has been used to study sintering in arrays of pure Cu
nanofibers. The sintering studies on multi-particle arrays several
degrees below the melting point of pure Cu show unexpectedly large
contributions from plastic deformation processes, mechanical
amorphization and highly driven surface and grain boundary diffusion
effects. These results strongly indicate that the standard sintering
theories developed for micron scale powders do not apply at the
A detailed test of Herring's scaling law has also been performed and
it is
found to fail over the entire range of sintering sizes at the
Reasons for this failure will be offered. Computer movies will be
displayed to illustrate the dynamics of the competing sintering processes.
Can micron-scale sintering and grain growth theories be
applied at the
P. C. Clapp, P. Zeng, S. Zajac
J. A. Rifkin
Center for Materials Simulation, Institute of Materials Science,
of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-3136
Abstract: We are using Molecular Dynamics techniques with
Embedded Atom
Method potentials to study sintering, surface diffusion and grain
mobility in nanoparticle arrays. Preliminary results of the sintering
studies on multi-particle arrays several hundred degrees below the
point of pure Cu and Au show unexpectedly large contributions from
deformation processes, mechanical rotations and highly driven surface
grain boundary diffusion effects. These results strongly indicate
that the
standard sintering theory developed for micron scale powders
(e. g. Ashby
sintering diagrams) will have to be heavily revised, if not abandoned,
before accurate predictions of nanoscale sintering kinetics will be
possible. Computer movies will be displayed to illustrate the dynamics
the competing sintering processes.
Nanoporous semiconductors
A. Demkov*, and O.
*Predictive Engineering Laboratory, Motorola, Inc., Mesa, AZ
**Department of Physics, Arizona State University
Abstract: We investigate theoretically a new class of nanoporous
semiconductor phases. First we describe novel phases of Si which we call
silisils. Silisils may be thought of as zeolites without oxygen; their
structures are derived by reducing the (4;2)-connected nets of zeolites to
simple 4-connected nets. Two of these structures have bandgaps almost
twice that of the diamond phase. These materials have unusual electronic
properties, and we will discuss the latest experimental results. By
reducing the (4;2)-connected nets of AlPO molecular sieves, a novel class
of binary semiconductors such as GaAS is introduced. We use an ab-initio
local-orbital quantum molecular-dynamics method to investigate these GaAs
materials and their properties. The most important result is that the total
energies of the nanoporous Si and GaAs structures are in the range of
0.1-0.2 eV/atom above the corresponding ground state structure (diamond or
zinc-blende). These energy differences are significantly less than any of
those for the high pressure phases.
Initial stages of oxidation of silicon (001) surfaces: A
case study in
managing multiple scales within the DFT
N. A. Modine, G. Zumbach, G. Smith,
Efthimios Kaxiras
Department of Physics, Harvard University
Abstract: The oxidation of Si surfaces is a problem of
central importance
to electronic device applications. First-principles calculations for
oxidation of Si surfaces are challenging due to the presence of 3
scales: short wavelengths are required to represent accurately the 2p
orbitals of O, moderate length scales are associated with the Si
atoms, and
a comparatively low resolution is needed for efficient simulation
of the interlayer vacuum region. Our recently developed Adaptive
Coordinate Real-space Electronic Structure (ACRES) method [1] treats
range of length scales efficiently by using a regular mesh in
space, which is mapped by a change of coordinates to an adaptive mesh
real space. Use of parallel computing makes this approach
efficient from a computational point of view.
Using the ACRES method, we study several mechanisms of incorporating a
sub-monolayer coverage of oxygen into the characteristic (2X1) dimer
reconstruction of the Si(001) surface. Based on our results, we
propose a
physically motivated two step pathway for the initial incorporation of
oxygen atom into the dimerized surface,
and we explain what formerly appeared to be puzzling Ultraviolet
Photoelectron Spectroscopy measurements which indicated that each
oxygen atom saturates two dangling surface bonds.
We also discuss how the Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO)
approximation can be integrated easily into the ACRES framework, and
note that the freedom in boundary conditions allowed by a real-space
make ACRES an ideal starting point for linking the DFT to effective
for the treatment of longer length scales.
[1] N.A. Modine, G. Zumbach and E. Kaxiras, Phys. Rev. B 55, 10289 (1997).
Modeling quantum effects in the Raman spectra of carbon nanotubes
R. Saito*, T. Takeya*, T. Kimura*,
G. Dresselhaus** M. S. Dresselhaus**
*University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan, **MIT
Abstract: Using non-resonant bond polarization theory, the
Raman intensity
of a single-wall carbon nanotube is calculated as a function of the
polarization of light and the chirality of the carbon nanotube. The
constant tensor for calculating phonon dispersion relations in the
nanotubes is scaled from those for two-dimensional graphite. The
Raman spectra do not depend much on the chirality while their
clearly depend on the diameter. The polarization and sample
dependence of the Raman intensity shows that the symmetry of Raman
can be obtained by varying the direction of the nanotube axis with
polarization vectors of light.
Models for low dimensional thermoelectricity
M. S. Dresselhaus (MIT), T. Koga
(Harvard University), X. Sun (MIT), S. B.
Cronin, (MIT), K.L. Wang, UCLA, G. Chen, UCLA
Abstract: Enhanced ZT has been predicted theoretically for
low dimensional
electronic systems under appropriate experimental conditions. Enhanced
has been observed experimentally within 2D quantum wells of PbTe, and
agreement between theory and experiment has been obtained. The
of low dimensional systems for thermoelectric applications are
and prospects for further enhancement of ZT are discussed.
Intrinsic Crossover Mechanism for Thermal Conduction in Rare-Gas
Hideo Kaburaki and Sidney
Abstract The thermal conductivity of solid Argon crystals has been
calculated by the equilibrium Green-Kubo method. We derived the
temperature dependence of thermal conductivity in the high temperature
region by the molecular dynamics method and compared the results with
experiment. We have found that the heat-flux correlation function
consists of two stages and the long-time stafe disappears as the
temperature approaches the melting point.
Tight-binding simulation of the amorphous-crystal
interface in silicon
Noam Bernstein, Efthimios Kaxiras
Michael Aziz
Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard
Abstract: We study the structural features of the interface
crystalline and amorphous Si in the (001) plane using a non-orthogonal
tight-binding model. This tight-binding Hamiltonian was optimized for
types of structures and local bonding distortions expected in
crystalline and amorphous structures as well as the transition states
between metastable configurations [1]. An analysis of the energetics
the resulting interface models indicates the presence of a number of
near the interface that can be moved with little energetic cost.
Structural features include defects such as dimerized atom pairs in
<110> chains in the predominantly crystalline regions, as well as
chains in the predominantly amorphous regions that lose their
over the distance of a few atoms. Pathways for processes leading to
repair of the defects and extension of the crystal are calculated, and
found to have energy barriers in the range 1.2 -- 2.2 eV.
[1] N. Bernstein and E. Kaxiras, MRS Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 408,
p. 55,
edited by E. Kaxiras, J. Joannopoulos, P. Vashishta and R.K. Kalia
(Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1996).
Tight-binding simulation of the amorphous-crystal interface in silicon
N. Bernstein, E. Kaxiras, M. Aziz
Division of Engineering
and Applied Science,
Harvard Univ.
Environment-dependent interatomic potential for bulk silicon
Martin Z. Bazant and Efthimios Kaxiras*,
Joao Justo, Vasily Bulatov,
Sidney Yip**
*Harvard University, **MIT
Abstract: Empirical interatomic potentials are essential for
prediction of material properties because they extrapolate the results
ab initio electronic structure calculations to the larger systems
for atomistic simulations of crystalline defects and disordered
Many advances in computation have been made, but the theoretical
of this linking of scales is unsatisfactory for covalently bonded
(such as Si, Ge and C). Although more than thirty fitted potentials
been proposed in the prototypical case of Si, realistic simulations of
plastic deformation, diffusion, crystallization, melting and other
important bulk phenomena are still problematic. In order to guide the
fitting process, we use analytic techniques to extract features of
potentials directly from ab initio energy calculations. Elastic
relations test models of sp2 and sp3 hybrid covalent bonding, and
of cohesive energy curves sheds light on the covalent to metallic
transition and the nature of angular forces. These results are
captured by
a functional form with only a few fitting parameters which
we call the Environment-Dependent Interatomic Potential (EDIP). The
parameters were fitted to a large data base of ab initio results for
structures and point and planar defects. The fitting of EDIP for Si
already led to unprecedented transferability for bulk defects and
phases, and extensions to other elements and alloys may be possible.
Transformation toughening of ceramic composites by
weakening of interphases
W. M. Kriven, S. J. Lee, C. M. Huang,
D. Zhu, Y. Xu, S. M. Mirek
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of
Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL 61801
Abstract: A new concept for debonding of interphases between
fibers and
matrix or between laminates in oxide ceramic composites is
introduced. It
is based on a thermal or shear stress induced phase transformation
which is
accompanied by a volume contraction or significant shape change,
leading to
microcracks. Thermally induced transformation above the critical
particle size was demonstrated in enstatite (MgO*SiO2) due to an
orthorhombic protoenstatite (PE) to monoclinic clinoenstatite (CE)
transformation which is accompanied by a 5.5% volume contraction
cooling at 865 =B0C, forming intragranular microcracks. Thermal or
stress induced transformation was also observed in (Ca, Al)-doped
cristobalite (SiO2) where the cubic (b) to tetragonal (a)
occurs on cooling at 265 =B0C, with a ~3.2 % volume contraction.
of mullite/cordierite separated by cristobalite interphases were
to optimize thermal expansion mismatch. Crack propagation was
within the transformed interphases and graceful failure was observed
4-point flexure testing.
On the role of length-scale in the prediction of failure
of composite
structures: Assessment and Needs
S. Mark Spearing, Paul A. Lagace
Hugh L. N. McManus
Technology Laboratory for Advanced Composites, Department of
and Astronautics, MIT
Abstract: The role of modeling in the design of structural
components against failure is discussed. Composite materials fail due
damage processes operating at several length-scales. The interactions
between these processes, and between the scales at which they act,
the principal challenges to applying mechanism-based models at
scales beyond the ply level. A methodology is proposed to increase
theefficiency of the design process, analogous to the "building block"
approach, which provides a framework for integrating mechanism-based
with the current experimentally-based design process. The available
are reviewed, and their key elements identified. General concepts are
illustrated via a discussion of the particular issues pertaining to
components. Key steps needed to allow the evolution of the design
to the envisioned process are identified.
Multiscale Atomistic Continuum Modelling of Crack
Propagation in 2-D Metallic Plates
H. Rafii-Tabar. Lu, Hua &
M. Cross
Abstract: A novel multiscale modelling of brittle fracture in an Ag plate with
macroscopic dimensions is proposed in which the crack propagation is
identified with the stochastic movement of the crack tip atom through
material. The model couples the atomistic dynamics of the crack
growth at
the nanoscopic scale with the continuum-based theories of fracture
mechanics. The linkage is established via Ito stochastic calculus.
atomistic aspect of the modelling is based on molecular dynamics
method using a many-body interatomic potential. The continuum-based
computations employ the finite-element. Well-known crack
at the nano-scale, such as the mirror-to-mist-to-hackle transitions,
obtained as well as the stochastic trajectory of the crack propagation
the macroscopic scale.
Study of the Plasticity of Silicon at a mesoscopic
scale by
numberical 3D simulation
Antoine Moulin
Abstract: Featuring an exhaustive study of the
Frank-Read source emission and a study of the yield pint
Application of the fast multipole method to
Abstract:I will explain how the fast
multipole method can be applied to large-scale three-dimensional
micromechanics problems that involve a large number of interacting
defects like second-phase particles or dislocations.
A Mesoscopic Approach to Dislocation Mobili
Mechanical Response in
bcc Single Crystals
Meijie, L P. Kubin and C
Abstract: This work will present a method that links single dislocation
properties (activation energy and mobility) to the macroscopic
mechanical response in b cc single crystals. It will show that
realistic dislocation behavior as well as stress vs. s train curves
can be obtained, and address the credibility of extracting single
dislocation pro perties from low temperature mechanical testings.
Why L12 intermetallics are brittle and how to make it
Abstract: The origin of the intrinsic and
extrinsic brittleness of L12 intermetallics are discussed and the
alloying principles to improve the ductility are suggested.
The size and shape of self-assembled micelles
P.H. Nelson, T.A. Hatton, G.C. Rutledge
Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT
Abstract: Equilibrium size and shape distributions of
micelles are investigated using a course grained Monte Carlo
technique. The micellar size distributions are shown to include a
peak of spherical micelles, in combination with an exponential tail of
cylindrical micelles.
Time and strain dependence of the mechanical behavior of elastomers
J. S. Bergstrom, M. C. Boyce
Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
Abstract: The mechanical behavior of elastomeric materials is
known to be
rate dependent and to exhibit hysteresis upon cyclic loading.
these features of the rubbery constitutive response are
and important to its function, few models attempt to quantify these
of response perhaps due to the complex nature of the behavior and its
apparent inconsistency with regard to current reasonably successful
models of rubber elasticity.
By performing a careful experimental investigation, it has been
possible to
probe the material response to different strain histories and to find
influence of different microstructural parameters such as
concentration of
filler particles and number density of crosslinking sites. From the
experimental data a constitutive model based on reptational
motion of chain molecules has been developed. In the model, the
macroscopic mechanical behavior is determined by the dynamic
between two networks acting in parallel: a perfect network giving the
equilibrium response and an elastically `inactive' network that
with the perfect network during fast macroscopic deformations but,
given sufficient time, relaxes towards a lower energy state.
By comparing the predictions from proposed model both with the
and with molecular dynamics simulations we conclude that the
model predicts the rate-dependence and relaxation behavior well.
Molecular dynamics simulation of boundary lubricated interfaces
S. Yim, N. Saka, N. Sonwalkar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
Abstract: A molecular dynamics simulation study of friction
in boundary
lubrication was conducted in order to investigate the atomic-scale
of the lubricant molecules during the sliding motion. The simulated
consisted of two silicon (001) semi-infinite substrates lubricated by
thin, three layer film of dodecane. Silicon was modeled using the
Stillinger-Weber potential, and the dodecane with the Consistent Force
Field potential function; a novel scheme was used to generate the
silicon-dodecane interaction
potentials. The simulations show that the dodecane molecules strongly
prefer to adsorb into ledges on the silicon surface. The orientation
the adsorbed molecules depends heavily on the concentration of the
lubricant at the Si surface, showing a tendency to stand up at high
lubricant concentrations. In sliding, the dodecane layers adsorbed on
silicon surfaces behave as a solid, whereas the middle layer exhibits
liquid-like characteristics. The friction coefficient of this
well-lubricated case was calculated to be 0.07, well within the range
boundary lubricated systems.
Materials Processing Center (MPC) and Industry Collegium:
industry and government link to materials research at MIT
L. C. Kimerling, G. B. Kenney, C. Reif
Materials Processing Center, MIT
Abstract: The Materials Processing Center (MPC) is a focal
point for the
150+ member, multi-disciplinary materials community around MIT, and a
bridge to domestic and international industry. MPC's purpose is to
an environment where students and professionals from industry,
and academia can collaborate to identify and address pivotal issues in
materials processing and manufacturing. Sectors of research include
biomaterials, transportation, structural materials, energy, primary
materials, and electronics. A proactive forum for the exchange of
knowledge exists through the MPC Industry Collegium. The Collegium
as a direct link between on-going materials research and industry
providing a one-on-one conduit between industry personnel and MIT
staff and students. Industry partners receive special publications
andaccess to focused workshops and symposia, and have the opportunity
create and promote cooperative or sponsored research programs with
knowledgeable experts and students who are committed to working with
industry. Collegium members may also send Visiting Scientists to
participate in cooperative research at MIT.
Lattice Monte Carlo simulations as link between ab-initio
and macroscopic behavior of dopants and defects in silicon
Marius M. Bunea* and Scott T. Dunham**
*Physics Department and Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering**, Boston University
Abstract: We use recent ab-initio dopant/vacancy binding
(Pankratov et al., Nelson et al., Ramamoorthy and Pantelides) to
hopping rates of vacancies for use in lattice Monte Carlo (LMC)
of diffusion and aggregation in silicon. The lattice Monte Carlo
simulations consider the biased nature of hop frequencies in the
neighborhood of dopants, with interactions up to ninth nearest
distances included. We use these LMC simulations to investigate the
expected macroscopic diffusion behavior, as well as the process by
dopant/defect aggregation occurs. Specific phenomena investigated
dopant fluxes in the presence of a vacancy gradient, collective
leading to greatly enhanced diffusivity at high doping levels, and the
dependence of effective diffusivity due to the formation of
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