Derek Atkins --- <warlord@MIT.EDU>

This is the Home Page of Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU>. I, as you know, am Derek. It has been many years since I've reorganized this page (Feb '97) so much of the information here is out of date. However I finally updated my picture (June '04).

If you're looking for more recent information about me you can try my Personal Page which I try to keep a bit more updated. On my personal page you'll find some biographical information, including things I've done, papers I've written, my resume, etc.

The rest of this page just contains a bunch of neat links that I know of or I've found. Feel free to look around.

2001-01-03: Looking for my Threaded, Multiplexing RPC Code? Download rpcthrd-0.0.1.tar.gz from here.
