Many of these papers are available on-line through the Input Shaping home page.
Journal Articles
1994, Singhose, W., Seering, W. and Singer, N., Residual Vibration Reduction Using Vector Diagrams to Generate Shaped Inputs, J. of Mechanical Design, Vol. 116(June), pp. 654-659.
1996, Singhose, W., Bohlke, K. and Seering, W., Fuel-Efficient Pulse Command Profiles for Flexible Spacecraft, J. of Guidance, Control, and Dyn., Vol. 19(4), pp. 954-960.
1996, Singhose, W., Derezinski, S. and Singer, N., Extra-Insensitive Input Shapers for Controlling Flexible Spacecraft, J. of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 19(2), pp. 385-91.
1996, Singhose, W. and Singer, N., Effects of Input Shaping on Two-Dimensional Trajectory Following, IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 12(6), pp. 881-887.
1996, Singhose, W., Singer, N. and Seering, W., Improving Repeatability of Coordinate Measuring Machines with Shaped Command Signals, Precision Engineering, Vol. 18(April), pp. 138-146.
1997, Pao, L. Y. and Singhose, W. E., Verifying Robust Time-Optimal Commands for Multi-Mode Flexible Spacecraft, J. of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 20(4).
1997, Singhose, W., Banerjee, A. and Seering, W., Slewing Flexible Spacecraft with Deflection-Limiting Input Shaping, J. of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 20(2), pp. 291-298.
1997, Singhose, W. and Pao, L., A Comparison of Input Shaping and Time-Optimal Flexible-Body Control, Control Eng. Practice, Vol. 5(4), pp. 459-467.
1997, Singhose, W., Singer, N. and Seering, W., Time-Optimal Negative Input Shapers, J. of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 119(June), pp. 198-205.
1997, Singhose, W. E., Pao, L. Y. and Seering, W. P., Slewing Multi-Mode Flexible Spacecraft Using Zero Derivative Robustness Constraints, J. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 20(1), pp. 204-206.
1997, Singhose, W. E., Porter, L. J., Tuttle, T. D. and Singer, N. C., Vibration Reduction Using Multi-Hump Input Shapers, J. of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 119(June), pp. 320-326.
Pao, L. Y. and Singhose, W. E., Robust Minimum Time Control of Flexible Structures, Submitted to Automatica.
Singer, N. C., Singhose, W. E. and Seering, W. P., Comparison of Filtering Methods for Reducing Residual Vibration, Submitted to the European Journal of Control.
Singhose, W., Singh, T. and Seering, W., On-Off Control with Specified Fuel Usage, Submitted to the J. Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control.
Singhose, W. E., Banerjee, A. K. and Seering, W. P., Characteristics of Deflection-Limiting On-Off Command Profiles, Submitted to the J. of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics.
Singhose, W. E., Crain, E. A. and Seering, W. P., Convolved and Simultaneous Two-Mode Input Shapers, Accepted to Control Theory and Applications.
Conference Papers
1990, Singhose, W. E., Seering, W. P. and Singer, N. C., Shaping Inputs to Reduce Vibration: A Vector Diagram Approach, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Cincinnati, OH, Vol. 2, pp. 922-927.
1991, Singhose, W. and Seering, W., Generating Vibration-Reducing Inputs with Vector Diagrams, IFToMM Eighth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 1, pp. 315-318.
1994, Banerjee, A. K. and Singhose, W. E., Slewing and Vibration Control of a Nonlinearly Elastic Shuttle Antenna, AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialists Conf., Scottsdale, AZ.
1994, Singhose, W., Derezinski, S. and Singer, N., Extra-Insensitive Shapers for Controlling Flexible Spacecraft, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conf., Scottsdale, AZ.
1994, Singhose, W., Derezinski, S. and Singer, N., Input Shapers for Improving the Throughput of Torque-Limited Systems, IEEE Conf. on Control Applications, Glasgow, Scotland.
1994, Singhose, W. and Singer, N., Initial Investigations into the Effects of Input Shaping on Trajectory Following, American Control Conference, Baltimore, MD, Vol. 3, pp. 2526-32.
1994, Singhose, W., Singer, N. and Seering, W., Design and Implementation of Time-Optimal Negative Input Shapers, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, DSC 55-1, Chicago, IL, pp. 151-7.
1994, Singhose, W. E. and Singer, N. C., Improving Coordinate Measuring Machine Repeatability with Input Shaping, NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conf., Cambridge, MA, pp. 467-8.
1995, Banerjee, A. K. and Singhose, W. E., Minimum Time Fuel Efficient Maneuver of Flexible Spacecraft with Vibration Amplitude Constraint, AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conf., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Vol. AAS 95-318.
1995, Pao, L. Y. and Singhose, W. E., A Comparison of Constant and Variable Amplitude Command Shaping Techniques for Vibration Reduction, IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Albany, NY, pp. 875-81.
1995, Pao, L. Y. and Singhose, W. E., On the Equivalence of Minimum Time Input Shaping with Traditional Time-Optimal Control, IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Albany, NY, pp. 1120-5.
1995, Singhose, W., Bohlke, K. and Seering, W., Fuel-Efficient Shaped Command Profiles for Flexible Spacecraft, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conf., Baltimore, MD.
1995, Singhose, W. and Chuang, T., Reducing Deviations From Trajectory Components With Input Shaping, American Control Conference, Seattle, WA, Vol. 1, pp. 929-33.
1995, Singhose, W., Porter, L. and Singer, N., Vibration Reduction Using Multi-Hump Extra-Insensitive Input Shapers, American Control Conference, Seattle, WA, Vol. 5, pp. 3830-34.
1995, Singhose, W., Seering, W. and Singer, N., The Effect of Input Shaping on Coordinate Measuring Machine Repeatability, IFToMM Ninth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Milan, Italy, Vol. 4, pp. 2930-2934.
1995, Singhose, W., Singer, N. and Seering, W., Comparison of Command Shaping Methods For Reducing Residual Vibration, Third European Control Conf., Rome, Italy, Vol. 2, pp. 1126-1131.
1996, Crain, E. A., Singhose, W. E. and Seering, W. P., Derivation and Properties of Convolved and Simultaneous Two-Mode Input Shapers, IFAC World Congress, San Francisco, CA.
1996, Crain, E. A., Singhose, W. E. and Seering, W. P., Evaluation of Input Shaping on Configuration Dependent Systems, Japan-USA Symp. of Flexible Automation, Boston, MA.
1996, Pao, L. and Singhose, W., Unity Magnitude Input Shapers and Their Relation to Time-Optimal Control, IFAC World Congress, San Francisco, CA.
1996, Singer, N., Pao, L., Singhose, W. and Seering, W., An Efficient Algorithm for the Generation of Multi-Mode Input Shaping Sequences, IEEE Int. Conf. on Control Applications, Dearborn, MI.
1996, Singhose, W. and Pao, L., Comparison of Input Shaping Techniques for Speed-Critical Multi-Mode Flexible Systems, IEEE Conf. on Control Applications, Dearborn, MI.
1996, Singhose, W. E., Pao, L. Y. and Seering, W. P., Time-Optimal Rest-to-Rest Slewing of Multi-Mode Flexible Spacecraft Using ZVD Robustness Constraints, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conf., San Diego, CA.
1996, Singhose, W. E., Seering, W. P. and Banerjee, A., An Evaluation of Fuel-Efficient On-Off Input Shaping with Deflection Limiting, AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conf., San Diego, CA.
1996, Singhose, W. E., Seering, W. P. and Banerjee, A. K., Limiting Deflection During the Slewing of Flexible Spacecraft Using Deflection Sampling, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conf., San Diego, CA.
1996, Singhose, W. E., Seering, W. P. and Singer, N. C., Input Shaping for Vibration Reduction with Specified Insensitivity to Modeling Errors, Japan-USA Sym. on Flexible Automation, Boston, MA.
1997, Banerjee, A. K. and Singhose, W. E., Command Shaping in Tracking Control of a Two-Link Flexible Manipulator, AIAA Astrodynamics Conf., Sun Valley, ID.
1997, Feder, H. J. S., Singhose, W. E. and Seering, W. P., Input Shaping for Collision Avoidance with Robotic Manipulation of Suspended Payloads, 11th Symposium on Structural Dynamics and Control, Blacksburg, VA.
1997, Singer, N., Singhose, W. and Kriikku, E., An Input Shaping Controller Enabling Cranes to Move Without Sway, ANS 7th Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems, Augusta, GA.
1997, Singhose, W. and Seering, W., Analytic Methods for Slewing Undamped Flexible Structures with On-Off Actuators, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conf., New Orleans, LA.
1997, Singhose, W., Seering, W. and Singh, T., On-Off Control of Flexible Spacecraft with Specified Fuel Usage, American Control Conf., Albuquerque, NM.
1997, Singhose, W., Villanueva, I. and Seering, W., Use of Neural Networks for Generation of On-Off Commnads for Flexible Systems, 12th IEEE Int. Symp. on Int. Control, Istanbul, Turkey.
1997, Singhose, W. E., Mills, B. W. and Seering, W. P., Closed-Form Methods for On-Off Control of Multi-Mode Flexible Structures, IEEE Conf. of Decision and Control, San Diego, CA.
1997, Singhose, W. E., Porter, L. J. and Seering, W. P., Input Shaped Control of a Planar Gantry Crane with Hoisting, American Control Conf., Albuquerque, NM.