I find myself in need of your expert assistance, I recall you requesting that if anything I were to do would impact on Chaos, you wished me to consult you prior to taking action.
I currently find myself in such a position. it is further complicated by the fact that it will be difficult to discuss this matter with you. I am afraid, that in order to discuss this matter with me you would have to inconvenience yourself. After talking to me you would be unreachable for a few days following the conversation. There is no other way to arrange such conversation. I fully understand if this is unacceptable to you. If you cannot come yourself, would you please send a trusted and knowledgeable person to enable me to fully understand the repercussions of my actions? As with you, that person would have to be unreachable for a few days. This is a matter that I believe you will have a direct interest in.
I do not believe that you would come to any harm during the time you would be away. But I am not in a position to guarantee it. So please use this information carefully when you make your decision.
No matter what you decide, I should be in touch with you in a few days time.