Natural Shapeshift Forms

Shapeshifters have the following natural forms. The first three are available and consciously accessible to those with basic shapeshift ability. (Any Lord of Chaos with minimal training.)

    Human Form: This is what you're born with. It has no special abilities, but you are more resistant to Pattern in this form.

    Demon Form: Also called your chaos form. You typically adopt this in adolescence. It is 1 pt armored & 1 point extra hard, and is favored for formal or semi-formal occasions in chaos. (Pick what this looks like, it can have things like extra limbs, feathers, scales, etc. Though it will want to be basically humanoid, or you'll have trouble getting around comfortably.)

    Fighting Form: A modification of your demon form, specially suited for fighting. It is -2 ranks in psyche, +2 strength, and +1 warfare and has 4pts of ``qualities'' from the artifact/creature list. (You also choose what this look like & how the points go.)

    Avatar Form: Some sort of elemental form, designed for survival in an exotic but harsh environment. Accessible only with advanced training and difficult to maintain outside the appropriate environment.

    Primal Form: Not generally readily accessible. You revert to this form in times of severe stress, and aren't really truly conscious while in it. It's very, very good at what it does, though, which is to survive at all costs.

You can have a couple of other ``practiced forms'' that you can get to fairly easily, if you've practiced them for several years. The higher your endurance, the more practiced forms you can sustain. (Say, one for every 5 points your endurance is above chaos level.) You'll still tend to revert to your one of your natural forms in times of stress.
