Majors, Minors, and Concentrations Projects Programs |
Many undergraduates and graduates from both the United States and other countries pursue the study of German languages and culture while at MIT. Students can elect to attain a concentration, a minor or a major in German Studies. MIT encourages students in all fields to consider their studies in an international context. In a campus-wide initiative to internationalize the curriculum, the German Studies Program together with the MIT International Studies and Technology Initiative (MISTI) has established the MIT-Germany Program. This course of study leads to the opportunity for an internship with a company or reasearch institution in Germany during the summer and after graduation. Read about student experiences in the MIT-Germany program. Students with no background in German can engage in study of the language and culture in a four-semester course series, German I-IV. Each of these subjects is given in both fall and spring semesters in order to provide students with sufficient flexibility in course scheduling. In addition, beginning and intermediate language courses are offered in a 3-week intensive format during the Independent Activities Period (IAP) in the month of January. Students with intermediate and advanced-level proficiency in German can choose from a broad range of subjects to further develop fluency, accuracy and expression and to gain experience with methods of academic inquiry in the humanities. Subjects at this level focus on a period or specific genre of literature, and the combined areas of culture and politics. Students with no German language skills interested in German novels, German cinema, and cultural history can select from a number of subjects offered in English. (see also Studies in International Literatures and Cultures in the Foreign Languages and Literatures program). |