Foreign Languages and Literatures at MIT

21F.036J: Advertising and Media: Comparative Perspectives

Office Hours


Compares modern and contemporary advertising culture in China, the US, and other emerging markets. First half focuses on branding in the old media environment; second half introduces the changing practice of advertising in the new media environment. Topics include branding and positioning, media planning, social media campaigns, cause marketing 2.0, social TV, and mobility marketing. Required lab work includes interactive sessions in branding a team product for the US (or a European country) and China markets. Taught in English. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. Credit cannot also be received for 21F.190.

Units: 3-0-9(U)


Same As  CMS.356J


Spring 2014

Section No. Instructor Days Time Room
1 J. Wang TR 1-2:30 14N-217


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