Foreign Languages and Literatures at MIT

21F.046: Modern Chinese Fiction and Cinema

Office Hours


Covers major works of Chinese fiction and film, from mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Focusing on the modern period, examines how Chinese intellectuals, writers, and filmmakers have used artistic works to critically explore major issues in modern Chinese culture and society. Literature read in translation. Taught in English. Enrollment limited. Credit cannot also be received for 21F.192.

Enrollment limited to 18 students. Priority will be given to pre-registered students, including pre-registered undergraduates who were cut from the same class the previous semester due to the enrollment cap. Please note that you have to attend the first day of class to maintain your preference level. In case of over enrollment, preference will be given in the following order: Chinese minors, seniors, juniors, sophomores, and freshmen.

Units: 3-0-9(U)



Fall 2014

Section No. Instructor Days Time Room
1 J. Wang T 7-10pm 16-628



Fall 2013

Section No. Instructor Days Time Room
1 J. Wang T 7-10pm 14N-313


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Last Updated: 4/24/2014