21F.110: Chinese IV (Streamlined)
Intermediate level subject in streamlined sequence; continuation of 21F.109. Designed for students who have conversational skills (typically gained from growing up in a Chinese speaking environment) without a corresponding level of literacy. Consolidates conversation skills, improves reading confidence and broadens composition style. Placement interview on or before Reg. Day required of students who have had prior exposure to Chinese elsewhere. Limited to 16 per section. No listeners. Prereq: 21F.109, 21F.183, or permission of instructor Prereqs: 21F.109, 21F.183, or permission of instructor |
Units: 3-0-9(U) HASS-H |
Spring 2014
Section No. | Instructor | Days | Time | Room |
1 | J. Zhang | MWF | 12-1 | 14N-313 |
2 | J. Zhang | MWF | 2-3 | 4-249 |