Foreign Languages and Literatures at MIT

21F.306: French: Communication Intensive I

Office Hours

Intensive tutorial in writing and speaking for majors. Provides students with enhanced linguistic and cultural fluency for academic or real-world purposes. 21F.307 builds on writing and speaking skills acquired in 21F.306. Conducted entirely in French. Preference to French majors.

Prereqs:  Permission of the instructor; Coreq: 21F.308, 21F.310, 21F.311, 21F.312, 21F.315, 21F.320, 21F.321, 21F.322, 21F.325J, 21F.341, 21F.346, or 21F.347.

Units: 3-0-0(U)



Spring 2014

Section No. Instructor Days Time Room
1 Staff



Fall 2013

Section No. Instructor Days Time Room
1 Staff


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Last Updated: 4/24/2014