Foreign Languages and Literatures at MIT

21F.346: Topics in Modern French Literature and Culture

Office Hours


Close study of history and criticism of French literature, focusing on a specific group of writers, a movement, a theme, a critical or theoretical issue, or an analytic approach. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor. Taught in French. Prereq: One intermediate subject in French. Topic for Fall 2014: Global Paris. This course delves into Paris’s role as a global capital since 1789. It explores the city’s political, urban, cultural, and artistic history as the “Capital of the Nineteenth Century” and the shift in its global status since 1900. We will study the context of Paris as a global reference point and magnet for immigration alongside its representation in novels, films, the press, architecture, and popular culture – produced in France and around the world.

Prereqs:  One intermediate subject in French

Topic for Fall 2014: Global Paris

This course delves into Paris’s role as a global capital since 1789. It explores the city’s political, urban, cultural, and artistic history as the “Capital of the Nineteenth Century” and the shift in its global status since 1900. We will study the context of Paris as a global reference point and magnet for immigration alongside its representation in novels, films, the press, architecture, and popular culture – produced in France and around the world.

Class to be conducted entirely in French.

Enrollment limited to 18 for pedagogical purposes. Priority will be given to pre-registered students, including pre-registered undergraduates who were cut from the same class the previous semester due to the enrollment cap. In case of over enrollment, preference given to declared French majors, minors and concentrators, followed by juniors, seniors, sophomores, and freshmen (in that order), who attend the first day of class.

Units: 3-0-9(U)



Fall 2014

Section No. Instructor Days Time Room
1 C. Clark M 7-10pm 14N-313



Spring 2014

Section No. Instructor Days Time Room
1 B. Perreau WR 2:30-4 14N-217



Fall 2013

Section No. Instructor Days Time Room
1 C. Clark MW 11-12:30 14E-310


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Last Updated: 4/24/2014