Foreign Languages and Literatures at MIT

21F.347: Social and Literary Trends in Contemporary Short French Fiction

Office Hours


Examines short stories and short novels published in France during the past 20 years, with emphasis on texts related to the dominant social and cultural trends. Themes include the legacy of France's colonial experience, the re-examination of its wartime past, memory and the Holocaust, the specter of AIDS, changing gender relationships, new families, the quest for personal identity, and immigration narratives. Covers a wide variety of authors, including Christine Angot, Nina Bouraoui, Herve Guibert, and Patrick Modiano. Taught in French. Prereq - One intermediate subject in French or permission of instructor

Prereqs:  One intermediate subject in French or permission of instructor

Enrollment limited to 18 for pedagogical purposes. Priority will be given to pre-registered students, including pre-registered undergraduates who were cut from the same class the previous semester due to the enrollment cap. In case of over enrollment, preference given to declared French majors, minors and concentrators, followed by juniors, seniors, sophomores, and freshmen (in that order), who attend the first day of class.

Units: 3-0-9(U)



Fall 2013

Section No. Instructor Days Time Room
1 B. Perreau W 7-10pm 14N-225


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