21F.402/452: German II
Expansion of basic communication skills and further development of linguistic competency. Review and completion of basic grammar, building of vocabulary, and practice in writing short essays. Reading of short literary texts. Exposure to history and culture of German-speaking countries through audio, video, and Web materials. For graduate credit see 21F.452. Meets with 21F.472 when offered concurrently. Limited to 18 per section. Students who are enrolled in 21F.076J Globalization should register for 21F.472. Prereq: 21F.401, 21F.471, or permission of instructor. Coreq for 21F.472: 21F.076J. Prereqs: 21F.401, 21F.471, or permission of instructor
Units: 4-0-8(U); 5-0-4(G) HASS-H |
Fall 2014
Section No. | Instructor | Days | Time | Room |
1 | D. Jaeger | MTRF | 1-2 | 16-644 |
2 | J. DeMair | MTRF | 4-5 | 16-644 |
Spring 2014
Section No. | Instructor | Days | Time | Room |
1 | J. DeMair | MTRF | 9-10 | 16-654 |
2 | J. DeMair | MTRF | 4-5 | 16-644 |
IAP 2014
Section No. | Instructor | Days | Time | Room |
1 | D. Jaeger | MTWRF | 10:30-1:30 | 14N-225 |
Fall 2013
Section No. | Instructor | Days | Time | Room |
1 | D. Jaeger | MTRF | 1-2 | 16-644 |