21F.505: Japanese V
Systematic development of reading, writing, and oral communication skills. Introduction to advanced grammar that deepens the understanding of Japanese culture and society through reading and discussion. Lab work required. Limited to 16 per section. Students who are enrolled in 21F.076 Globalization should register for 21F.575. Prereq: 21F.504; or placement test and permission of instructor. Coreq for 21F.575: 21F.076. Prereqs: 21F.504; or placement test and permission of instructor
Units: 4-0-8(U) HASS-H |
Fall 2014
Section No. | Instructor | Days | Time | Room |
1 | M. Ikeda-Lamm | MW F |
10-11:30 10-11 |
14N-313 14N-313 |
2 | M. Ikeda-Lamm | MW F |
1-2:30 1-2 |
16-654 16-654 |
Fall 2013
Section No. | Instructor | Days | Time | Room |
1 | M. Ikeda-Lamm | MW TR |
11-12 11-12 |
14N-217 1-134 |
2 | M. Ikeda-Lamm | MTWR | 2-3 | 14N-225 |