Foreign Languages and Literatures at MIT

21F.700: Refresher Spanish

Office Hours

Reviews vocabulary and grammar structures covered in introductory Spanish through classroom activities, readings, and writing. Develops fluency in speaking through communicative classroom activities and oral presentations, as well as audio and video podcasts. Readings include online newspapers and short literary selections. Writing expression practiced through a daily online journal/blog and short compositions. Intended for students who have taken two or more years of Spanish in high school, but who lack the communicative skills, grammar foundation and confidence required for an intermediate level of Spanish. Enrollment limited by lottery. Credit cannot also be received for 21F.702, 21F.752, 21F.772, 21F.782, 21F.783

Prereqs:  Permission of instructor

IAP Sections: Limited enrollment to 23 for pedagogical reasons. In case of over-enrollment, preference will be given in the following order: declared Spanish Concentrators, sophomores, juniors, freshmen, seniors and graduate students. No listeners. This subject is always overenrolled.

Units: 4-0-8(U)



IAP 2014

Section No. Instructor Days Time Room