21F.703: Spanish III
Aims at consolidation and expansion of skills in listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Uses short stories and other readings, films, music, and Web projects (including a multimedia exchange with students in Spain) to study issues of historical and current interest in Hispanic culture. Meets with 21F.773 when offered concurrently. Limited to 18 per section. Students who are enrolled in 21F.076J Globalization should register for 21F.773. Prereq: 21F.702, 21F.772, or permission of instructor. Coreq for 21F.773: 21F.076J. Credit cannot also be received for 21F.773. Prereqs: 21F.702, 21F.772, or permission of instructor
Units: 4-0-8(U) HASS-H |
Fall 2014
Section No. | Instructor | Days | Time | Room |
1 | R. Rey Agudo | MTWR | 10-11 | 14E-310 |
2 |