21F.704: Spanish IV
Continued study of the language, literature, and culture of Spanish-speaking countries to improve oral and written communication. Materials include contemporary Spanish and Latin American films, literary texts (short stories, poetry and a novel), online video interviews with a variety of Spanish-speakers and other Web resources. Meets with 21F.774 when offered concurrently. Limited to 18 per section. Credit cannot also be received for 21F.774. Students who are enrolled in 21F.076J Globalization should register for 21F.774. Prereq: 21F.703, 21F.773, or permission of instructor. Coreq for 21F.774: 21F.076J. Prereqs: 21F.703, 21F.773, or permission of instructor
Units: 4-0-8(U) HASS-H |
Fall 2014
Section No. | Instructor | Days | Time | Room |
1 |