Office Hours
Close study of a theme, a grouping of authors, or a historical period not covered in depth in other subjects. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor. Taught in Spanish. Limited to 18.
Prereq: One intermediate subject in Spanish
Topic for Fall 2014:
Media, Culture, and Technology in 20th/21st Century Hispanic Literature and Film
Prereqs: One intermediate subject in Spanish, or permission of instructor
Topic for Fall 2014:
Media, Culture, and Technology in 20th/21st Century Hispanic Literature and Film
This course explores how new technologies of mass communication and culture (photography, film, offset lithography, radio, television, and the internet) have shaped political and cultural imaginaries at key historical moments in the Hispanic world. We will examine texts, audiovisual material, and artwork from both Latin America and Spain. We will consider, among other things, how chronicle writers of turn-of-the-century Latin America registered processes of industrialization and modernization, how the Mexican Revolution and the Spanish Civil War were represented in photography and film, how graphic design and novel film techniques engaged with the Cuban Revolution, and finally, how contemporary literature, film, and other cultural practices have addressed the impact of digital technology and media in a globalized world. Primary texts, film screenings, and in-class discussions in Spanish.
Student writing and discussion exclusively in Spanish
Enrollment limited to 18 due to pedagogical reasons. Priority given to pre-registered Spanish majors, minors, and concentrators.
Units: 4-0-8(U)