Decent News, February 2002

Some of the more decent news in the world: hopeful, courageous, funny, or just cool. A few are not pleasant, but are stories I think need to be heard. The following are all LINKS to external sites. Some links (e.g., many stop working after a few days; some do not. URLs are added when appropriate (not necessarily daily).

  • Annual treatment may prevent osteoporosis at, 2/27/02
  • Life is sweet in maple time at, 2/27/02.
  • Bono's Mission, article at
  • School draws out lonely kids by fostering friendships, 2/22/02 (Also might want to see The Ophelia Project.)
  • Moms help girls navigate adolescence an old Christian Science Monitor article at, from 8/15/01
  • Chill Out: Mild hypothermia aids heart attack recovery Science News, week of 2/23/02
  • The Milky Way's Middle: Getting a Clear View Science News, week of 2/23/02
  • Indian civilisation '9,000 years old' interesting underwater archaeological discoveries at, from 1/16/02 and Lost city 'could rewrite history' (same site) 1/19/02 and Gulf of Cambay has a city older than Sumer News Express article at from 1/16/02
  • Discovery News ... too many interesting stories to list in full.
  • Operation on Fetus's Heart Valve Called a 'Science Fiction' Success New York Times article on; 2/25/02
  • Field hands are getting pensions they didn't know they had AP at, 2/27/02
  • Asian women unite on the web BBC News at ... old article from 10/31/01, but still valid. Also at the same site: Wired mothers do it for themselves 11/07/01
  • Good Morning Afghanistan radio show goes on air Reuters at 2/25/02
  • Abandoned baby saved by Arabs, Jews and Christians AP at Boston Globe, 2/25/02
  • 'Human dimension' separates tenants and street Boston Globe, 2/25/02 ...
  • Tutu links poverty, terror Boston Globe, 2/25/02
  • Jordanian army hospital offers long-absent medical care to Afghan civilians AP at, 2/25/02
  • A family fights autism, at home and everywhere AP at, 2/23/02
  • Dog saves neighbors from fire AP at 2/19/02
  • Dolls getting more racially diverse, but not without some discomfort AP at 2/19/02
  • American snowboarder Klug wins bronze on ride of his life AP at, 2/15/02
  • Buyer offers sacred meteorite chip to Oregon Indians, at 2/14/02
  • New landmark of bronze medallions to honor Americans who helped others AP at, 2/12/02
  • Father nature: Conservationist Edward O. Wilson is renowned for his study of ants. In his new book, he takes on the bigger concerns of environmental change and extinction. Boston Globe, 2/12/02
  • Montana city rallies around lesbian couple whose home was suspected arson target AP at, 2/12/02
  • FARM SCENE: Pennsylvania working to get local farm products in school cafeterias AP at, 2/12/02
  • Inspired by ex-Raider, paralyzed man walks again in Reno AP story at, 2/3/02
  • Current Decent News
  • Decent News for January 2002
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  • Decent News for November 2001
  • Decent News for October 2001
  • Decent News for September 2001
  • Decent News for August 2001
    Some spiritual up-links