Relaxing by the Pool

The air is moist with the smell of clean water, rich earth, and lush vegetation. You sit down beside the pool and, despite yourself, you feel yourself relax, feeling the strain of term papers and exams draining away. It's hard to believe all that stuff about crazy creators of a dangerous CyberMUD....

What's the harm of this place, anyway? It's just a fleeting vision of a paradise in Hell....

The music of the water is lulling you to sleep. You forget about term papers, about exams, about this insane MUD. What is studying? What is MUDding? Who cares? Why not just stay here forever?

Strange questions. But somehow the thought is comforting. Stay here forever.

With a gasp, you stand up... you'd been about to lose your mind.

As you do so, you notice a bit of vegetation shaking slightly nearby ... odd, when there is no wind.

You step toward it cautiously. Luckily, you know "Karate," "Aikido," "Karaoke," and at least 10 other Japanese words.

Chicken out and logout.

Go back west.

Investigate the rustling.

Exit back to my homepage.