
GMemoryOutputStream — Streaming output operations on memory chunks


#include <gio/gio.h>

gpointer            (*GReallocFunc)                     (gpointer data,
                                                         gsize size);
GOutputStream*      g_memory_output_stream_new          (gpointer data,
                                                         gsize len,
                                                         GReallocFunc realloc_fn,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy);
gpointer            g_memory_output_stream_get_data     (GMemoryOutputStream *ostream);
gsize               g_memory_output_stream_get_size     (GMemoryOutputStream *ostream);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GMemoryOutputStream implements GSeekable.


GMemoryOutputStream is a class for using arbitrary memory chunks as output for GIO streaming output operations.


GReallocFunc ()

gpointer            (*GReallocFunc)                     (gpointer data,
                                                         gsize size);

Changes the size of the memory block pointed to by data to size bytes.

The function should have the same semantics as realloc().

data :

memory block to reallocate

size :

size to reallocate data to

Returns :

a pointer to the reallocated memory


typedef struct _GMemoryOutputStream GMemoryOutputStream;

Implements GOutputStream for arbitrary memory chunks.

g_memory_output_stream_new ()

GOutputStream*      g_memory_output_stream_new          (gpointer data,
                                                         gsize len,
                                                         GReallocFunc realloc_fn,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy);

Creates a new GMemoryOutputStream.

If data is non-NULL, the stream will use that for its internal storage. If realloc_fn is non-NULL, it will be used for resizing the internal storage when necessary. To construct a fixed-size output stream, pass NULL as realloc_fn.

/* a stream that can grow */
stream = g_memory_output_stream_new (NULL, 0, realloc, free);

/* a fixed-size stream */
data = malloc (200);
stream2 = g_memory_output_stream_new (data, 200, NULL, free);

data :

pointer to a chunk of memory to use, or NULL

len :

the size of data

realloc_fn :

a function with realloc() semantics to be called when data needs to be grown, or NULL

destroy :

a function to be called on data when the stream is finalized, or NULL

Returns :

A newly created GMemoryOutputStream object.

g_memory_output_stream_get_data ()

gpointer            g_memory_output_stream_get_data     (GMemoryOutputStream *ostream);

Gets any loaded data from the ostream.

Note that the returned pointer may become invalid on the next write or truncate operation on the stream.

ostream :

a GMemoryOutputStream

Returns :

pointer to the stream's data

g_memory_output_stream_get_size ()

gsize               g_memory_output_stream_get_size     (GMemoryOutputStream *ostream);

Gets the size of the currently allocated data area (availible from g_memory_output_stream_get_data()). If the stream isn't growable (no realloc was passed to g_memory_output_stream_new()) then this is the max size of the stream and further writes will return G_IO_ERROR_NO_SPACE.

Note that for growable streams the returned size may become invalid on the next write or truncate operation on the stream.

Note, this does not return the number of bytes written to the stream. In glib 2.18 this is availible with g_memory_output_stream_get_data_size(), but for 2.16 you have to use g_seekable_seek() to G_SEEK_END and call g_seekable_tell() to achive this.

ostream :

a GMemoryOutputStream

Returns :

the number of bytes allocated for the data buffer

See Also
