
GMountOperation — Authentication methods for mountable locations


#include <gio/gio.h>

enum                GAskPasswordFlags;
enum                GPasswordSave;
enum                GMountOperationResult;
GMountOperation*    g_mount_operation_new               (void);
const char*         g_mount_operation_get_username      (GMountOperation *op);
void                g_mount_operation_set_username      (GMountOperation *op,
                                                         const char *username);
const char*         g_mount_operation_get_password      (GMountOperation *op);
void                g_mount_operation_set_password      (GMountOperation *op,
                                                         const char *password);
gboolean            g_mount_operation_get_anonymous     (GMountOperation *op);
void                g_mount_operation_set_anonymous     (GMountOperation *op,
                                                         gboolean anonymous);
const char*         g_mount_operation_get_domain        (GMountOperation *op);
void                g_mount_operation_set_domain        (GMountOperation *op,
                                                         const char *domain);
GPasswordSave       g_mount_operation_get_password_save (GMountOperation *op);
void                g_mount_operation_set_password_save (GMountOperation *op,
                                                         GPasswordSave save);
int                 g_mount_operation_get_choice        (GMountOperation *op);
void                g_mount_operation_set_choice        (GMountOperation *op,
                                                         int choice);
void                g_mount_operation_reply             (GMountOperation *op,
                                                         GMountOperationResult result);

Object Hierarchy



  "anonymous"                gboolean              : Read / Write
  "choice"                   gint                  : Read / Write
  "domain"                   gchararray            : Read / Write
  "password"                 gchararray            : Read / Write
  "password-save"            GPasswordSave         : Read / Write
  "username"                 gchararray            : Read / Write


  "ask-password"                                   : Run Last
  "ask-question"                                   : Run Last
  "reply"                                          : Run Last


GMountOperation provides a mechanism for authenticating mountable operations, such as loop mounting files, hard drive partitions or server locations.

Mounting operations are handed a GMountOperation that then can use if they require any privileges or authentication for their volumes to be mounted (e.g. a hard disk partition or an encrypted filesystem), or if they are implementing a remote server protocol which requires user credentials such as FTP or WebDAV.

Users should instantiate a subclass of this that implements all the various callbacks to show the required dialogs.


enum GAskPasswordFlags

typedef enum {
  G_ASK_PASSWORD_NEED_DOMAIN         = 1<<2,
} GAskPasswordFlags;

GAskPasswordFlags are used to request specific information from the user, or to notify the user of their choices in an authentication situation.


operation requires a password.


operation requires a username.


operation requires a domain.


operation supports saving settings.


operation supports anonymous users.

enum GPasswordSave

typedef enum {
} GPasswordSave;

GPasswordSave is used to indicate the lifespan of a saved password.


never save a password.


save a password for the session.


save a password permanently.


typedef struct _GMountOperation GMountOperation;

Class for providing authentication methods for mounting operations, such as mounting a file locally, or authenticating with a server.

enum GMountOperationResult

typedef enum {
} GMountOperationResult;

GMountOperationResult is returned as a result when a request for information is send by the mounting operation.


The request was fulfilled and the user specified data is now availible


The user requested the mount operation to be aborted


The request was unhandled (i.e. not implemented)

g_mount_operation_new ()

GMountOperation*    g_mount_operation_new               (void);

Creates a new mount operation.

Returns :

a GMountOperation.

g_mount_operation_get_username ()

const char*         g_mount_operation_get_username      (GMountOperation *op);

Get the user name from the mount operation.

op :

a GMountOperation.

Returns :

a string containing the user name.

g_mount_operation_set_username ()

void                g_mount_operation_set_username      (GMountOperation *op,
                                                         const char *username);

Sets the user name within op to username.

op :

a GMountOperation.

username :

input username.

g_mount_operation_get_password ()

const char*         g_mount_operation_get_password      (GMountOperation *op);

Gets a password from the mount operation.

op :

a GMountOperation.

Returns :

a string containing the password within op.

g_mount_operation_set_password ()

void                g_mount_operation_set_password      (GMountOperation *op,
                                                         const char *password);

Sets the mount operation's password to password.

op :

a GMountOperation.

password :

password to set.

g_mount_operation_get_anonymous ()

gboolean            g_mount_operation_get_anonymous     (GMountOperation *op);

Check to see whether the mount operation is being used for an anonymous user.

op :

a GMountOperation.

Returns :

TRUE if mount operation is anonymous.

g_mount_operation_set_anonymous ()

void                g_mount_operation_set_anonymous     (GMountOperation *op,
                                                         gboolean anonymous);

Sets the mount operation to use an anonymous user if anonymous is TRUE.

op :

a GMountOperation.

anonymous :

boolean value.

g_mount_operation_get_domain ()

const char*         g_mount_operation_get_domain        (GMountOperation *op);

Gets the domain of the mount operation.

op :

a GMountOperation.

Returns :

a string set to the domain.

g_mount_operation_set_domain ()

void                g_mount_operation_set_domain        (GMountOperation *op,
                                                         const char *domain);

Sets the mount operation's domain.

op :

a GMountOperation.

domain :

the domain to set.

g_mount_operation_get_password_save ()

GPasswordSave       g_mount_operation_get_password_save (GMountOperation *op);

Gets the state of saving passwords for the mount operation.

op :

a GMountOperation.

Returns :

a GPasswordSave flag.

g_mount_operation_set_password_save ()

void                g_mount_operation_set_password_save (GMountOperation *op,
                                                         GPasswordSave save);

Sets the state of saving passwords for the mount operation.

op :

a GMountOperation.

save :

a set of GPasswordSave flags.

g_mount_operation_get_choice ()

int                 g_mount_operation_get_choice        (GMountOperation *op);

Gets a choice from the mount operation.

op :

a GMountOperation.

Returns :

an integer containing an index of the user's choice from the choice's list, or 0.

g_mount_operation_set_choice ()

void                g_mount_operation_set_choice        (GMountOperation *op,
                                                         int choice);

Sets a default choice for the mount operation.

op :

a GMountOperation.

choice :

an integer.

g_mount_operation_reply ()

void                g_mount_operation_reply             (GMountOperation *op,
                                                         GMountOperationResult result);

Emits the "reply" signal.

Property Details

The "anonymous" property

  "anonymous"                gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether to use an anonymous user when authenticating.

Default value: FALSE

The "choice" property

  "choice"                   gint                  : Read / Write

The index of the user's choice when a question is asked during the mount operation. See the "ask-question" signal.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "domain" property

  "domain"                   gchararray            : Read / Write

The domain to use for the mount operation.

Default value: NULL

The "password" property

  "password"                 gchararray            : Read / Write

The password that is used for authentication when carrying out the mount operation.

Default value: NULL

The "password-save" property

  "password-save"            GPasswordSave         : Read / Write

Determines if and how the password information should be saved.


The "username" property

  "username"                 gchararray            : Read / Write

The user name that is used for authentication when carrying out the mount operation.

Default value: NULL

Signal Details

The "ask-password" signal

void                user_function                      (GMountOperation  *op,
                                                        gchar            *message,
                                                        gchar            *default_user,
                                                        gchar            *default_domain,
                                                        GAskPasswordFlags flags,
                                                        gpointer          user_data)           : Run Last

Emitted when a mount operation asks the user for a password.

op :

a GMountOperation requesting a password.

message :

string containing a message to display to the user.

default_user :

string containing the default user name.

default_domain :

string containing the default domain.

flags :

a set of GAskPasswordFlags.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "ask-question" signal

void                user_function                      (GMountOperation *op,
                                                        gchar           *message,
                                                        GStrv           *choices,
                                                        gpointer         user_data)      : Run Last

Emitted when asking the user a question and gives a list of choices for the user to choose from.

op :

a GMountOperation asking a question.

message :

string containing a message to display to the user.

choices :

an array of strings for each possible choice.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "reply" signal

void                user_function                      (GMountOperation      *op,
                                                        GMountOperationResult abort,
                                                        gpointer              user_data)      : Run Last

Emitted when the user has replied to the mount operation.

op :

a GMountOperation.

abort :

a boolean indicating TRUE if the operation was aborted.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.