TXF Export of tax data

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The tax report allows you to export all tax related Income and Expenses to a TXF (Tax eXchange Format) file in addition to the html format that all reports allow. The TXF file can be imported into tax filing programs such as TaxCut or TurboTax.

NOTE: For this to work, the user has to segregate taxable and not taxable income to different accounts, as well as deductible and non deductible expenses. The user also must Set the TXF category of each tax related account. The "Tax Information" dialog on the "Accounts" menu is used for this. It is best to set this up before actually exporting, otherwise, you will just get an empty file. There is a taxreport.xac file in the examples directory, which shows one way this can be set up.

IMPORTANT: Most TXF codes should only appear on a single account! The exceptions are codes for which the "Payer Name Source" is not grayed, each of which can appear many times. Of course, each duplicate should have a unique payer name. These are typically interest accounts or stocks or mutual funds that pay dividends.

Known anomalies and limitations.