Rumors abound. Some say...

...Minobee was behind it, now that Uriel's usefulness to Tybalt was clearly past.

...Hendrake, always loyal to the crown, had found a way to put down the Usurper at last.

...Bariman or Nyborg or both had merely been using Uriel to effect some private, inscrutible goal.

...Sawall and Helgram had finally had enough of Uriel's excess and finally put a stop to it.

...Chanicutt and Ardas took advantage of Uriel's follies to strike a blow back at their old enemy.

...The Amberites struck a deal with some in Chaos (Dara, Staffan, the Ardasi, the Chanicutts, Jasra,...) and brought him down.

We may never know.
