
The xml encryption specification

The xml encryption recomendation was produced by the W3C's XML Encryption Working Group. The most important aspects of the recomendations are the XML Encryption Requirements, the XML Encryption Syntax and Processing and Decryption Transform for XML Signature. The purpose of the XML Encryption Working Group was to develop a process for encrypting/decrypting digital content (including XML documents and portions thereof) and an XML syntax used to represent the (1) encrypted content and (2) information that enables an intended recipient to decrypt it.

Java, JCE and JCA

This implementation of the xml encryption library was written in Java. It makes use of the Java Cryptographic Extention. It would be highly adviable to familiarise yourself with cryptographic concepts and its implementation in Java.

Recomended reading

Cryptography: The ancient art of secret messages an article outlining the JCA framework.
Cryptography examples at the Java Developers Almanac.
Java Cryptography by Jonathan Knudsen.