FreeWRL/FreeX3D  3.0.0
X3D_CollisionCollection Struct Reference

Data Fields

int _nodeType
int _renderFlags
int _hit
int _change
int _ichange
struct Vector_parentVector
double _dist
float _extent [6]
struct X3D_PolyRep_intern
int referenceCount
int _defaultContainer
void * _gc
struct X3D_Node_executionContext
struct Multi_String appliedParameters
float bounce
struct Multi_Node collidables
int enabled
struct SFVec2f frictionCoefficients
struct X3D_Nodemetadata
float minBounceSpeed
struct SFVec2f slipFactors
float softnessConstantForceMix
float softnessErrorCorrection
struct SFVec2f surfaceSpeed
void * _class
void * _csensor
int _appliedParametersMask

Detailed Description

Definition at line 3366 of file Structs.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: