FreeWRL/FreeX3D  3.0.0
vid_stream Struct Reference

Data Fields

unsigned int h_size
unsigned int v_size
unsigned int mb_height
unsigned int mb_width
unsigned char aspect_ratio
unsigned char picture_rate
unsigned int bit_rate
unsigned int vbv_buffer_size
int const_param_flag
unsigned char intra_quant_matrix [8][8]
unsigned char non_intra_quant_matrix [8][8]
char * ext_data
char * user_data
GoP group
Pict picture
Slice slice
Macroblock mblock
Block block
int state
int bit_offset
unsigned int * buffer
int buf_length
unsigned int * buf_start
int max_buf_length
int film_has_ended
int sys_layer
unsigned int num_left
unsigned int leftover_bytes
int EOF_flag
FILE * input
long seekValue
int swap
int Parse_done
int gAudioStreamID
int gVideoStreamID
int gReservedStreamID
int right_for
int down_for
int right_half_for
int down_half_for
unsigned int curBits
int matched_depth
char * filename
int ditherType
char * ditherFlags
int totNumFrames
double realTimeStart
PictImagering [RING_BUF_SIZE]
int ppm_width
int ppm_height
int ppm_modulus

Detailed Description

Definition at line 191 of file mpeg_berkley.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: