ProgressBar QML Type

A component that shows the progress of an event More...

Import Statement: import UIComponents 1.0



Detailed Description

A ProgressBar shows the linear progress of an event as its value. The range is specified using the minimum and the maximum values.

The ProgressBar component is part of the UI Components module.

This documentation is part of the UIComponents example.

Property Documentation

color : color

The color of the ProgressBar's gradient. Must bind to a color type.

See also secondColor.

maximum : int

The maximum value of the ProgressBar range. The value must not be more than this value.

minimum : int

The minimum value of the ProgressBar range. The value must not be less than this value.

secondColor : color

The second color of the ProgressBar's gradient. Must bind to a color type.

See also color.

value : int

The value of the progress.